53 research outputs found

    Improving Text-to-SQL Evaluation Methodology

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    To be informative, an evaluation must measure how well systems generalize to realistic unseen data. We identify limitations of and propose improvements to current evaluations of text-to-SQL systems. First, we compare human-generated and automatically generated questions, characterizing properties of queries necessary for real-world applications. To facilitate evaluation on multiple datasets, we release standardized and improved versions of seven existing datasets and one new text-to-SQL dataset. Second, we show that the current division of data into training and test sets measures robustness to variations in the way questions are asked, but only partially tests how well systems generalize to new queries; therefore, we propose a complementary dataset split for evaluation of future work. Finally, we demonstrate how the common practice of anonymizing variables during evaluation removes an important challenge of the task. Our observations highlight key difficulties, and our methodology enables effective measurement of future development.Comment: To appear at ACL 201

    Representing Schema Structure with Graph Neural Networks for Text-to-SQL Parsing

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    Research on parsing language to SQL has largely ignored the structure of the database (DB) schema, either because the DB was very simple, or because it was observed at both training and test time. In Spider, a recently-released text-to-SQL dataset, new and complex DBs are given at test time, and so the structure of the DB schema can inform the predicted SQL query. In this paper, we present an encoder-decoder semantic parser, where the structure of the DB schema is encoded with a graph neural network, and this representation is later used at both encoding and decoding time. Evaluation shows that encoding the schema structure improves our parser accuracy from 33.8% to 39.4%, dramatically above the current state of the art, which is at 19.7%.Comment: Accepted as a short paper at ACL 201

    Good-Enough Compositional Data Augmentation

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    We propose a simple data augmentation protocol aimed at providing a compositional inductive bias in conditional and unconditional sequence models. Under this protocol, synthetic training examples are constructed by taking real training examples and replacing (possibly discontinuous) fragments with other fragments that appear in at least one similar environment. The protocol is model-agnostic and useful for a variety of tasks. Applied to neural sequence-to-sequence models, it reduces error rate by as much as 87% on diagnostic tasks from the SCAN dataset and 16% on a semantic parsing task. Applied to n-gram language models, it reduces perplexity by roughly 1% on small corpora in several languages

    IncSQL: Training Incremental Text-to-SQL Parsers with Non-Deterministic Oracles

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    We present a sequence-to-action parsing approach for the natural language to SQL task that incrementally fills the slots of a SQL query with feasible actions from a pre-defined inventory. To account for the fact that typically there are multiple correct SQL queries with the same or very similar semantics, we draw inspiration from syntactic parsing techniques and propose to train our sequence-to-action models with non-deterministic oracles. We evaluate our models on the WikiSQL dataset and achieve an execution accuracy of 83.7% on the test set, a 2.1% absolute improvement over the models trained with traditional static oracles assuming a single correct target SQL query. When further combined with the execution-guided decoding strategy, our model sets a new state-of-the-art performance at an execution accuracy of 87.1%

    Dependency-based Hybrid Trees for Semantic Parsing

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    We propose a novel dependency-based hybrid tree model for semantic parsing, which converts natural language utterance into machine interpretable meaning representations. Unlike previous state-of-the-art models, the semantic information is interpreted as the latent dependency between the natural language words in our joint representation. Such dependency information can capture the interactions between the semantics and natural language words. We integrate a neural component into our model and propose an efficient dynamic-programming algorithm to perform tractable inference. Through extensive experiments on the standard multilingual GeoQuery dataset with eight languages, we demonstrate that our proposed approach is able to achieve state-of-the-art performance across several languages. Analysis also justifies the effectiveness of using our new dependency-based representation.Comment: Accepted by EMNLP 201

    Semantic Evaluation for Text-to-SQL with Distilled Test Suites

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    We propose test suite accuracy to approximate semantic accuracy for Text-to-SQL models. Our method distills a small test suite of databases that achieves high code coverage for the gold query from a large number of randomly generated databases. At evaluation time, it computes the denotation accuracy of the predicted queries on the distilled test suite, hence calculating a tight upper-bound for semantic accuracy efficiently. We use our proposed method to evaluate 21 models submitted to the Spider leader board and manually verify that our method is always correct on 100 examples. In contrast, the current Spider metric leads to a 2.5% false negative rate on average and 8.1% in the worst case, indicating that test suite accuracy is needed. Our implementation, along with distilled test suites for eleven Text-to-SQL datasets, is publicly available.Comment: EMNLP 2020 Long Pape

    Towards Complex Text-to-SQL in Cross-Domain Database with Intermediate Representation

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    We present a neural approach called IRNet for complex and cross-domain Text-to-SQL. IRNet aims to address two challenges: 1) the mismatch between intents expressed in natural language (NL) and the implementation details in SQL; 2) the challenge in predicting columns caused by the large number of out-of-domain words. Instead of end-to-end synthesizing a SQL query, IRNet decomposes the synthesis process into three phases. In the first phase, IRNet performs a schema linking over a question and a database schema. Then, IRNet adopts a grammar-based neural model to synthesize a SemQL query which is an intermediate representation that we design to bridge NL and SQL. Finally, IRNet deterministically infers a SQL query from the synthesized SemQL query with domain knowledge. On the challenging Text-to-SQL benchmark Spider, IRNet achieves 46.7% accuracy, obtaining 19.5% absolute improvement over previous state-of-the-art approaches. At the time of writing, IRNet achieves the first position on the Spider leaderboard.Comment: To appear in ACL 201

    An Investigation Between Schema Linking and Text-to-SQL Performance

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    Text-to-SQL is a crucial task toward developing methods for understanding natural language by computers. Recent neural approaches deliver excellent performance; however, models that are difficult to interpret inhibit future developments. Hence, this study aims to provide a better approach toward the interpretation of neural models. We hypothesize that the internal behavior of models at hand becomes much easier to analyze if we identify the detailed performance of schema linking simultaneously as the additional information of the text-to-SQL performance. We provide the ground-truth annotation of schema linking information onto the Spider dataset. We demonstrate the usefulness of the annotated data and how to analyze the current state-of-the-art neural models

    Quda: Natural Language Queries for Visual Data Analytics

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    Visualization-oriented natural language interfaces (V-NLIs) have been explored and developed in recent years. One challenge faced by V-NLIs is in the formation of effective design decisions that usually requires a deep understanding of user queries. Learning-based approaches have shown potential in V-NLIs and reached state-of-the-art performance in various NLP tasks. However, because of the lack of sufficient training samples that cater to visual data analytics, cutting-edge techniques have rarely been employed to facilitate the development of V-NLIs. We present a new dataset, called Quda, to help V-NLIs understand free-form natural language. Our dataset contains 14;035 diverse user queries annotated with 10 low-level analytic tasks that assist in the deployment of state-of-the-art techniques for parsing complex human language. We achieve this goal by first gathering seed queries with data analysts who are target users of V-NLIs. Then we employ extensive crowd force for paraphrase generation and validation. We demonstrate the usefulness of Quda in building V-NLIs by creating a prototype that makes effective design decisions for free-form user queries. We also show that Quda can be beneficial for a wide range of applications in the visualization community by analyzing the design tasks described in academic publications.Comment: This work isn't sufficiently exhaustive. We need to do some new work on thi

    Learning to Synthesize Data for Semantic Parsing

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    Synthesizing data for semantic parsing has gained increasing attention recently. However, most methods require handcrafted (high-precision) rules in their generative process, hindering the exploration of diverse unseen data. In this work, we propose a generative model which features a (non-neural) PCFG that models the composition of programs (e.g., SQL), and a BART-based translation model that maps a program to an utterance. Due to the simplicity of PCFG and pre-trained BART, our generative model can be efficiently learned from existing data at hand. Moreover, explicitly modeling compositions using PCFG leads to a better exploration of unseen programs, thus generate more diverse data. We evaluate our method in both in-domain and out-of-domain settings of text-to-SQL parsing on the standard benchmarks of GeoQuery and Spider, respectively. Our empirical results show that the synthesized data generated from our model can substantially help a semantic parser achieve better compositional and domain generalization.Comment: NAACL 2021 short pape
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