1 research outputs found

    Improving text-dependent speaker recognition performance

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    In this paper we investigated the role of the frame length on the computation of MFCC acoustic parameters in a text-dependent speaker recognition system. Since the vocal characteristics of subjects may vary along the time, the related information conveyed by the MFCCs usually cause a significant degradation on recognition performance. In our ex- periment we tested the use of different frame lengths for the features extraction in the training and the recognition phases for a set of speakers whose speech productions spanned over 3 months. Results show that a suitable choice of the frame lengths combination for training and testing phases can improve the recognition performance reducing the false rejection rate. An expert system driven to look for the best combination of frame lengths in order to obtain the maximum performance level of the HHM engine may help in decreasing the amount of false rejections. © 2009 Springer-Verlag Berlin Heidelberg