920 research outputs found

    Can QQ-Learning with Graph Networks Learn a Generalizable Branching Heuristic for a SAT Solver?

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    We present Graph-QQ-SAT, a branching heuristic for a Boolean SAT solver trained with value-based reinforcement learning (RL) using Graph Neural Networks for function approximation. Solvers using Graph-QQ-SAT are complete SAT solvers that either provide a satisfying assignment or proof of unsatisfiability, which is required for many SAT applications. The branching heuristics commonly used in SAT solvers make poor decisions during their warm-up period, whereas Graph-QQ-SAT is trained to examine the structure of the particular problem instance to make better decisions early in the search. Training Graph-QQ-SAT is data efficient and does not require elaborate dataset preparation or feature engineering. We train Graph-QQ-SAT using RL interfacing with MiniSat solver and show that Graph-QQ-SAT can reduce the number of iterations required to solve SAT problems by 2-3X. Furthermore, it generalizes to unsatisfiable SAT instances, as well as to problems with 5X more variables than it was trained on. We show that for larger problems, reductions in the number of iterations lead to wall clock time reductions, the ultimate goal when designing heuristics. We also show positive zero-shot transfer behavior when testing Graph-QQ-SAT on a task family different from that used for training. While more work is needed to apply Graph-QQ-SAT to reduce wall clock time in modern SAT solving settings, it is a compelling proof-of-concept showing that RL equipped with Graph Neural Networks can learn a generalizable branching heuristic for SAT search.Comment: Camera-ready for NeurIPS 202

    Machine Learning for SAT: Restricted Heuristics and New Graph Representations

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    Boolean satisfiability (SAT) is a fundamental NP-complete problem with many applications, including automated planning and scheduling. To solve large instances, SAT solvers have to rely on heuristics, e.g., choosing a branching variable in DPLL and CDCL solvers. Such heuristics can be improved with machine learning (ML) models; they can reduce the number of steps but usually hinder the running time because useful models are relatively large and slow. We suggest the strategy of making a few initial steps with a trained ML model and then releasing control to classical heuristics; this simplifies cold start for SAT solving and can decrease both the number of steps and overall runtime, but requires a separate decision of when to release control to the solver. Moreover, we introduce a modification of Graph-Q-SAT tailored to SAT problems converted from other domains, e.g., open shop scheduling problems. We validate the feasibility of our approach with random and industrial SAT problems

    DIFUSCO: Graph-based Diffusion Solvers for Combinatorial Optimization

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    Neural network-based Combinatorial Optimization (CO) methods have shown promising results in solving various NP-complete (NPC) problems without relying on hand-crafted domain knowledge. This paper broadens the current scope of neural solvers for NPC problems by introducing a new graph-based diffusion framework, namely DIFUSCO. Our framework casts NPC problems as discrete {0, 1}-vector optimization problems and leverages graph-based denoising diffusion models to generate high-quality solutions. We investigate two types of diffusion models with Gaussian and Bernoulli noise, respectively, and devise an effective inference schedule to enhance the solution quality. We evaluate our methods on two well-studied NPC combinatorial optimization problems: Traveling Salesman Problem (TSP) and Maximal Independent Set (MIS). Experimental results show that DIFUSCO strongly outperforms the previous state-of-the-art neural solvers, improving the performance gap between ground-truth and neural solvers from 1.76% to 0.46% on TSP-500, from 2.46% to 1.17% on TSP-1000, and from 3.19% to 2.58% on TSP10000. For the MIS problem, DIFUSCO outperforms the previous state-of-the-art neural solver on the challenging SATLIB benchmark. Our code is available at "https://github.com/Edward-Sun/DIFUSCO"

    A General Large Neighborhood Search Framework for Solving Integer Programs

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    This paper studies how to design abstractions of large-scale combinatorial optimization problems that can leverage existing state-of-the-art solvers in general purpose ways, and that are amenable to data-driven design. The goal is to arrive at new approaches that can reliably outperform existing solvers in wall-clock time. We focus on solving integer programs, and ground our approach in the large neighborhood search (LNS) paradigm, which iteratively chooses a subset of variables to optimize while leaving the remainder fixed. The appeal of LNS is that it can easily use any existing solver as a subroutine, and thus can inherit the benefits of carefully engineered heuristic approaches and their software implementations. We also show that one can learn a good neighborhood selector from training data. Through an extensive empirical validation, we demonstrate that our LNS framework can significantly outperform, in wall-clock time, compared to state-of-the-art commercial solvers such as Gurobi

    Monte Carlo Forest Search: UNSAT Solver Synthesis via Reinforcement learning

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    We introduce Monte Carlo Forest Search (MCFS), an offline algorithm for automatically synthesizing strong tree-search solvers for proving \emph{unsatisfiability} on given distributions, leveraging ideas from the Monte Carlo Tree Search (MCTS) algorithm that led to breakthroughs in AlphaGo. The crucial difference between proving unsatisfiability and existing applications of MCTS, is that policies produce trees rather than paths. Rather than finding a good path (solution) within a tree, the search problem becomes searching for a small proof tree within a forest of candidate proof trees. We introduce two key ideas to adapt to this setting. First, we estimate tree size with paths, via the unbiased approximation from Knuth (1975). Second, we query a strong solver at a user-defined depth rather than learning a policy across the whole tree, in order to focus our policy search on early decisions, which offer the greatest potential for reducing tree size. We then present MCFS-SAT, an implementation of MCFS for learning branching policies for solving the Boolean satisfiability (SAT) problem that required many modifications from AlphaGo. We matched or improved performance over a strong baseline on two well-known SAT distributions (\texttt{sgen}, \texttt{random}). Notably, we improved running time by 9\% on \texttt{sgen} over the \texttt{kcnfs} solver and even further over the strongest UNSAT solver from the 2021 SAT competition

    Exact Combinatorial Optimization with Graph Convolutional Neural Networks

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    Combinatorial optimization problems are typically tackled by the branch-and-bound paradigm. We propose a new graph convolutional neural network model for learning branch-and-bound variable selection policies, which leverages the natural variable-constraint bipartite graph representation of mixed-integer linear programs. We train our model via imitation learning from the strong branching expert rule, and demonstrate on a series of hard problems that our approach produces policies that improve upon state-of-the-art machine-learning methods for branching and generalize to instances significantly larger than seen during training. Moreover, we improve for the first time over expert-designed branching rules implemented in a state-of-the-art solver on large problems. Code for reproducing all the experiments can be found at https://github.com/ds4dm/learn2branch.Comment: Accepted paper at the NeurIPS 2019 conferenc
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