2 research outputs found

    Adaptive Data Security System And Method

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    A system and method for data communication with adaptive security in which a send host transmits a data stream to a receive host in packets which contain an authentication data block with an authentication header and a signature block. The authentication header advantageously contains various fields including a verification type, a security algorithm, a minimum security level, a target security level, and an actual security level. The receive host adaptively performs verification of the data packets using varying security levels based in part on the availability of security operations per second (SOPS) in the receive host. Where a data stream in the receive host is delayed by a security processing bottleneck, the receive host may alter the verification type, security algorithm, or the actual security level to speed up the processing of the data stream by reducing the amount of security processing performed. The receive host further allocates the SOPS among the data streams received based on a priority assigned to each data stream.Georgia Tech Research Corporatio

    Improving Protocol Performance by Dynamic Control of Communication Resources

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    A problem frequently faced by complex distributed applications is the appropriate balance of their communication vs. computational activities. For example, in real-time applications, communications must interact with computations so that they jointly adhere to program-specific timing or QoS requirements.This research concerns the construction of communication protocols able to cope with the varying processing and QoS requirements imposed on them by application programs. We define and prototype a communication infrastructure, called COMMadapt, enabling protocols to adapt their processing and resource usage to current program requirements and available processing and network resources. The key feature of COMMadapt is the ability of dynamic (self-)configuration. Since COMMadapt assumes multi-threaded protocol implementation, we investigate how various program-level latency and throughput requirements can be supported by alternative assignments of protocol tasks to underlying processing resources. Such experimental insights are used to develop heuristics for connection- establishment time assignments and for on-line reconfiguration triggered by a connection's divergence from its initial specifications