1 research outputs found

    Improving Parallel-Disk Buffer Management using Randomized Writeback

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    We address the problems of I/O scheduling and buffer management for general reference strings in a parallel I/O system. Using the standard parallel disk model with D disks and a shared I/O buffer of size M, we study the performance of on-line algorithms that use bounded global M-block lookahead. We introduce the concept of write-back whereby blocks are dynamically relocated between disks during the course of the computation. Write-back allows the layout to be altered to suit different access patterns in different parts of the reference string. We show that any bounded-lookahead on-line algorithm that uses purely deterministic policies must have a competitive ratio of (D). We show how to improve the performance by using randomization, and present a novel algorithm, RAND-WB, using a randomized write-back scheme. RAND-WB has a competitive ratio of ( p D), which is the best achievable by any on-line algorithm with only global M-block lookahead. If the initial layout of data on the disks is uniformly random, RAND-WB has a competitive ratio of (log D). 1