4 research outputs found

    Practical issues and limitations of brain attenuation correction on a simultaneous PET-MR scanner

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    BACKGROUND: Despite the advent of clinical PET-MR imaging for routine use in 2011 and the development of several methods to address the problem of attenuation correction, some challenges remain. We have identified and investigated several issues that might affect the reliability and accuracy of current attenuation correction methods when these are implemented for clinical and research studies of the brain. These are (1) the accuracy of converting CT Hounsfield units, obtained from an independently acquired CT scan, to 511 keV linear attenuation coefficients; (2) the effect of padding used in the MR head coil; (3) the presence of close-packed hair; (4) the effect of headphones. For each of these, we have examined the effect on reconstructed PET images and evaluated practical mitigating measures. RESULTS: Our major findings were (1) for both Siemens and GE PET-MR systems, CT data from either a Siemens or a GE PET-CT scanner may be used, provided the conversion to 511 keV μ-map is performed by the PET-MR vendor’s own method, as implemented on their PET-CT scanner; (2) the effect of the head coil pads is minimal; (3) the effect of dense hair in the field of view is marked (> 10% error in reconstructed PET images); and (4) using headphones and not including them in the attenuation map causes significant errors in reconstructed PET images, but the risk of scanning without them may be acceptable following sound level measurements. CONCLUSIONS: It is important that the limitations of attenuation correction in PET-MR are considered when designing research and clinical PET-MR protocols in order to enable accurate quantification of brain PET scans. Whilst the effect of pads is not significant, dense hair, the use of headphones and the use of an independently acquired CT-scan can all lead to non-negligible effects on PET quantification. Although seemingly trivial, these effects add complications to setting up protocols for clinical and research PET-MR studies that do not occur with PET-CT. In the absence of more sophisticated PET-MR brain attenuation correction, the effect of all of the issues above can be minimised if the pragmatic approaches presented in this work are followed

    Evaluation of three methods for delineation and attenuation estimation of the sinus region in MR-based attenuation correction for brain PET-MR imaging

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    Background Attenuation correction is crucial in quantitative positron emission tomography-magnetic resonance (PET-MRI) imaging. We evaluated three methods to improve the segmentation and modelling of the attenuation coefficients in the nasal sinus region. Two methods (cuboid and template method) included a MRI-CT conversion model for assigning the attenuation coefficients in the nasal sinus region, whereas one used fixed attenuation coefficient assignment (bulk method). Methods The study population consisted of data of 10 subjects which had undergone PET-CT and PET-MRI. PET images were reconstructed with and without time-of-flight (TOF) using CT-based attenuation correction (CTAC) as reference. Comparison was done visually, using DICE coefficients, correlation, analyzing attenuation coefficients, and quantitative analysis of PET and bias atlas images. Results The median DICE coefficients were 0.824, 0.853, 0.849 for the bulk, cuboid and template method, respectively. The median attenuation coefficients were 0.0841 cm-1, 0.0876 cm-1, 0.0861 cm-1 and 0.0852 cm-1, for CTAC, bulk, cuboid and template method, respectively. The cuboid and template methods showed error of less than 2.5% in attenuation coefficients. An increased correlation to CTAC was shown with the cuboid and template methods. In the regional analysis, improvement in at least 49% and 80% of VOI was seen with non-TOF and TOF imaging. All methods showed errors less than 2.5% in non-TOF and less than 2% in TOF reconstructions. Conclusions We evaluated two proof-of-concept methods for improving quantitative accuracy in PET/MRI imaging and showed that bias can be further reduced by inclusion of TOF. Largest improvements were seen in the regions of olfactory bulb, Heschl's gyri, lingual gyrus and cerebellar vermis. However, the overall effect of inclusion of the sinus region as separate class in MRAC to PET quantification in the brain was considered modest.</p