670 research outputs found

    Optimal ILP-Based Approach for Gate Location Assignment and Scheduling in Quantum Circuits

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    Physical design and synthesis are two key processes of quantum circuit design methodology. The physical design process itself decomposes into scheduling, mapping, routing, and placement. In this paper, a mathematical model is proposed for mapping, routing, and scheduling in ion-trap technology in order to minimize latency of the circuit. The proposed model which is a mixed integer linear programming (MILP) model gives the optimal locations for gates and the best sequence of operations in terms of latency. Experimental results show that our scheme outperforms the other schemes for the attempted benchmarks

    Synthesis and Optimization of Reversible Circuits - A Survey

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    Reversible logic circuits have been historically motivated by theoretical research in low-power electronics as well as practical improvement of bit-manipulation transforms in cryptography and computer graphics. Recently, reversible circuits have attracted interest as components of quantum algorithms, as well as in photonic and nano-computing technologies where some switching devices offer no signal gain. Research in generating reversible logic distinguishes between circuit synthesis, post-synthesis optimization, and technology mapping. In this survey, we review algorithmic paradigms --- search-based, cycle-based, transformation-based, and BDD-based --- as well as specific algorithms for reversible synthesis, both exact and heuristic. We conclude the survey by outlining key open challenges in synthesis of reversible and quantum logic, as well as most common misconceptions.Comment: 34 pages, 15 figures, 2 table

    2D Qubit Placement of Quantum Circuits using LONGPATH

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    In order to achieve speedup over conventional classical computing for finding solution of computationally hard problems, quantum computing was introduced. Quantum algorithms can be simulated in a pseudo quantum environment, but implementation involves realization of quantum circuits through physical synthesis of quantum gates. This requires decomposition of complex quantum gates into a cascade of simple one qubit and two qubit gates. The methodological framework for physical synthesis imposes a constraint regarding placement of operands (qubits) and operators. If physical qubits can be placed on a grid, where each node of the grid represents a qubit then quantum gates can only be operated on adjacent qubits, otherwise SWAP gates must be inserted to convert non-Linear Nearest Neighbor architecture to Linear Nearest Neighbor architecture. Insertion of SWAP gates should be made optimal to reduce cumulative cost of physical implementation. A schedule layout generation is required for placement and routing apriori to actual implementation. In this paper, two algorithms are proposed to optimize the number of SWAP gates in any arbitrary quantum circuit. The first algorithm is intended to start with generation of an interaction graph followed by finding the longest path starting from the node with maximum degree. The second algorithm optimizes the number of SWAP gates between any pair of non-neighbouring qubits. Our proposed approach has a significant reduction in number of SWAP gates in 1D and 2D NTC architecture.Comment: Advanced Computing and Systems for Security, SpringerLink, Volume 1

    Towards the First Practical Applications of Quantum Computers

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    Noisy intermediate-scale quantum (NISQ) computers are coming online. The lack of error-correction in these devices prevents them from realizing the full potential of fault-tolerant quantum computation, a technology that is known to have significant practical applications, but which is years, if not decades, away. A major open question is whether NISQ devices will have practical applications. In this thesis, we explore and implement proposals for using NISQ devices to achieve practical applications. In particular, we develop and execute variational quantum algorithms for solving problems in combinatorial optimization and quantum chemistry. We also execute a prototype of a protocol for generating certified random numbers. We perform our experiments on a superconducting qubit processor developed at Google. While we do not perform any quantum computations that are beyond the capabilities of classical computers, we address many implementation challenges that must be overcome to succeed in such an endeavor, including optimization, efficient compilation, and error mitigation. In addressing these challenges, we push the limits of what can currently be done with NISQ technology, going beyond previous quantum computing demonstrations in terms of the scale of our experiments and the types of problems we tackle. While our experiments demonstrate progress in the utilization of quantum computers, the limits that we reached underscore the fundamental challenges in scaling up towards the classically intractable regime. Nevertheless, our results are a promising indication that NISQ devices may indeed deliver practical applications.PHDComputer Science & EngineeringUniversity of Michigan, Horace H. Rackham School of Graduate Studieshttp://deepblue.lib.umich.edu/bitstream/2027.42/163016/1/kevjsung_1.pd

    Towards Scalable Circuit Partitioning for Multi-Core Quantum Architectures with Deep Reinforcement Learning

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    La computación cuántica tiene un inmenso potencial para resolver problemas clásicamente intratables aprovechando las propiedades únicas de los cúbits. Sin embargo, la escalabilidad de las arquitecturas cuánticas sigue siendo un desafío significativo. Para abordar este problema, se proponen arquitecturas cuánticas de múltiples núcleos. No obstante, la realización de dichas arquitecturas plantea múltiples desafíos en hardware, algoritmos y la interfaz entre ellos. En particular, uno de estos desafíos es cómo particionar de manera óptima los algoritmos para que se ajusten dentro de los múltiples núcleos. Esta tesis presenta un enfoque novedoso para la partición escalable de circuitos en arquitecturas cuánticas de múltiples núcleos utilizando Aprendizaje Profundo Reforzado. El objetivo es superar a los algoritmos metaheurísticos existentes, como el algoritmo de particionamiento de FGP-rOEE, en términos de precisión y escalabilidad. Esta investigación contribuye al avance tanto de la computación cuántica como de las técnicas de particionamiento de gráficos, ofreciendo nuevos conocimientos sobre la optimización de los sistemas cuánticos. Al abordar los desafíos asociados con la escalabilidad de las computadoras cuánticas, abrimos el camino para su implementación práctica en la resolución de problemas computacionalmente desafiantes.Quantum computing holds immense potential for solving classically intractable problems by leveraging the unique properties of qubits. However, the scalability of quantum architectures remains a significant challenge. To address this issue, multi-core quantum architectures are proposed. Yet, the realization of such multi-core architectures poses multiple challenges in hardware, algorithms, and the interface between them. In particular, one of these challenges is how to optimally partition the algorithms to fit within the cores of a multi-core quantum computer. This thesis presents a novel approach for scalable circuit partitioning on multi-core quantum architectures using Deep Reinforcement Learning. The objective is to surpass existing meta-heuristic algorithms, such as FGP-rOEE's partitioning algorithm, in terms of accuracy and scalability. This research contributes to the advancement of both quantum computing and graph partitioning techniques, offering new insights into the optimization of quantum systems. By addressing the challenges associated with scaling quantum computers, we pave the way for their practical implementation in solving computationally challenging problems

    Building a Bosonic Microwave Qubit

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    Superconducting circuits is a promising platform for quantum computing. Quantum information is usually stored in discrete two-level qubits e.g. in transmon qubits. These qubits are interconnected and placed in grids to form logical qubits, and many logical qubits together form a quantum computer. In this thesis, we consider encoding quantum information in a resonator instead of the two-level qubit. Resonators can host bosonic modes that have, in principle, an infinite number of quantum levels in which we redundantly can encode a discrete qubit. This makes bosonic qubits hardware efficient, since we can perform error correction directly on a single hardware component, namely the resonator. However, we will still need to use an ancilla two-level qubit to universally control the bosonic qubit. This thesis can be interpreted as an instruction guide on creating a bosonic microwave qubit and it contains the following chapters.We first introduce the cryogenic setup and the state-of-the-art room-temperature hardware that generates the microwave pulses we need to perform all the experiments in this thesis. We discuss the latest generation of the room-temperature measurement- and control-system we used for both bosonic and discrete variable qubit systems.We then introduce the hardware components that are needed to form a bosonic qubit, namely a superconducting transmon qubit and a 3D superconducting cavity. We explore the fluctuations of their coherence properties, and we try to understand the sources of noise that limit those properties. Next, we create arbitrary bosonic states and gates by using interleaved sequences of displacements and optimized selective number-dependent arbitrary phase gates. We characterize a bosonic gate, the X-gate on the binomially encoded qubit, by coherent state process tomography. We then characterize the selective photon addition gate. We implement this gate by a comb of off-resonant drives that simultaneously excite the qubit and add a photon to the cavity depending on its state. Supplemented by an unconditional qubit reset, this gate is suitable for single photon error correction