11 research outputs found

    REMAP: Multi-layer entropy-guided pooling of dense CNN features for image retrieval

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    This paper addresses the problem of very large-scale image retrieval, focusing on improving its accuracy and robustness. We target enhanced robustness of search to factors such as variations in illumination, object appearance and scale, partial occlusions, and cluttered backgrounds - particularly important when search is performed across very large datasets with significant variability. We propose a novel CNN-based global descriptor, called REMAP, which learns and aggregates a hierarchy of deep features from multiple CNN layers, and is trained end-to-end with a triplet loss. REMAP explicitly learns discriminative features which are mutually-supportive and complementary at various semantic levels of visual abstraction. These dense local features are max-pooled spatially at each layer, within multi-scale overlapping regions, before aggregation into a single image-level descriptor. To identify the semantically useful regions and layers for retrieval, we propose to measure the information gain of each region and layer using KL-divergence. Our system effectively learns during training how useful various regions and layers are and weights them accordingly. We show that such relative entropy-guided aggregation outperforms classical CNN-based aggregation controlled by SGD. The entire framework is trained in an end-to-end fashion, outperforming the latest state-of-the-art results. On image retrieval datasets Holidays, Oxford and MPEG, the REMAP descriptor achieves mAP of 95.5%, 91.5%, and 80.1% respectively, outperforming any results published to date. REMAP also formed the core of the winning submission to the Google Landmark Retrieval Challenge on Kaggle.Comment: Submitted to IEEE Trans. Image Processing on 24 May 2018, published 22 May 201

    Dynamic match kernel with deep convolutional features for image retrieval

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    For image retrieval methods based on bag of visual words, much attention has been paid to enhancing the discriminative powers of the local features. Although retrieved images are usually similar to a query in minutiae, they may be significantly different from a semantic perspective, which can be effectively distinguished by convolutional neural networks (CNN). Such images should not be considered as relevant pairs. To tackle this problem, we propose to construct a dynamic match kernel by adaptively calculating the matching thresholds between query and candidate images based on the pairwise distance among deep CNN features. In contrast to the typical static match kernel which is independent to the global appearance of retrieved images, the dynamic one leverages the semantical similarity as a constraint for determining the matches. Accordingly, we propose a semantic-constrained retrieval framework by incorporating the dynamic match kernel, which focuses on matched patches between relevant images and filters out the ones for irrelevant pairs. Furthermore, we demonstrate that the proposed kernel complements recent methods, such as hamming embedding, multiple assignment, local descriptors aggregation, and graph-based re-ranking, while it outperforms the static one under various settings on off-the-shelf evaluation metrics. We also propose to evaluate the matched patches both quantitatively and qualitatively. Extensive experiments on five benchmark data sets and large-scale distractors validate the merits of the proposed method against the state-of-the-art methods for image retrieval

    Improving large-scale image retrieval through robust aggregation of local descriptors

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    Visual search and image retrieval underpin numerous applications, however the task is still challenging predominantly due to the variability of object appearance and ever increasing size of the databases, often exceeding billions of images. Prior art methods rely on aggregation of local scale-invariant descriptors, such as SIFT, via mechanisms including Bag of Visual Words (BoW), Vector of Locally Aggregated Descriptors (VLAD) and Fisher Vectors (FV). However, their performance is still short of what is required. This paper presents a novel method for deriving a compact and distinctive representation of image content called Robust Visual Descriptor with Whitening (RVD-W). It significantly advances the state of the art and delivers world-class performance. In our approach local descriptors are rank-assigned to multiple clusters. Residual vectors are then computed in each cluster, normalized using a direction-preserving normalization function and aggregated based on the neighborhood rank. Importantly, the residual vectors are de-correlated and whitened in each cluster before aggregation, leading to a balanced energy distribution in each dimension and significantly improved performance. We also propose a new post-PCA normalization approach which improves separability between the matching and non-matching global descriptors. This new normalization benefits not only our RVD-W descriptor but also improves existing approaches based on FV and VLAD aggregation. Furthermore, we show that the aggregation framework developed using hand-crafted SIFT features also performs exceptionally well with Convolutional Neural Network (CNN) based features. The RVD-W pipeline outperforms state-of-the-art global descriptors on both the Holidays and Oxford datasets. On the large scale datasets, Holidays1M and Oxford1M, SIFT-based RVD-W representation obtains a mAP of 45.1% and 35.1%, while CNN-based RVD-W achieve a mAP of 63.5% and 44.8%, all yielding superior performance to the state-of-the-art

    Improving large-scale image retrieval through robust aggregation of local descriptors

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    Visual search and image retrieval underpin numerous applications, however the task is still challenging predominantly due to the variability of object appearance and ever increasing size of the databases, often exceeding billions of images. Prior art methods rely on aggregation of local scale-invariant descriptors, such as SIFT, via mechanisms including Bag of Visual Words (BoW), Vector of Locally Aggregated Descriptors (VLAD) and Fisher Vectors (FV). However, their performance is still short of what is required. This paper presents a novel method for deriving a compact and distinctive representation of image content called Robust Visual Descriptor with Whitening (RVD-W). It significantly advances the state of the art and delivers world-class performance. In our approach local descriptors are rank-assigned to multiple clusters. Residual vectors are then computed in each cluster, normalized using a direction-preserving normalization function and aggregated based on the neighborhood rank. Importantly, the residual vectors are de-correlated and whitened in each cluster before aggregation, leading to a balanced energy distribution in each dimension and significantly improved performance. We also propose a new post-PCA normalization approach which improves separability between the matching and non-matching global descriptors. This new normalization benefits not only our RVD-W descriptor but also improves existing approaches based on FV and VLAD aggregation. Furthermore, we show that the aggregation framework developed using hand-crafted SIFT features also performs exceptionally well with Convolutional Neural Network (CNN) based features. The RVD-W pipeline outperforms state-of-the-art global descriptors on both the Holidays and Oxford datasets. On the large scale datasets, Holidays1M and Oxford1M, SIFT-based RVD-W representation obtains a mAP of 45.1% and 35.1%, while CNN-based RVD-W achieve a mAP of 63.5% and 44.8%, all yielding superior performance to the state-of-the-art