14,698 research outputs found

    Understanding Convolution for Semantic Segmentation

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    Recent advances in deep learning, especially deep convolutional neural networks (CNNs), have led to significant improvement over previous semantic segmentation systems. Here we show how to improve pixel-wise semantic segmentation by manipulating convolution-related operations that are of both theoretical and practical value. First, we design dense upsampling convolution (DUC) to generate pixel-level prediction, which is able to capture and decode more detailed information that is generally missing in bilinear upsampling. Second, we propose a hybrid dilated convolution (HDC) framework in the encoding phase. This framework 1) effectively enlarges the receptive fields (RF) of the network to aggregate global information; 2) alleviates what we call the "gridding issue" caused by the standard dilated convolution operation. We evaluate our approaches thoroughly on the Cityscapes dataset, and achieve a state-of-art result of 80.1% mIOU in the test set at the time of submission. We also have achieved state-of-the-art overall on the KITTI road estimation benchmark and the PASCAL VOC2012 segmentation task. Our source code can be found at https://github.com/TuSimple/TuSimple-DUC .Comment: WACV 2018. Updated acknowledgements. Source code: https://github.com/TuSimple/TuSimple-DU

    Exploring Context with Deep Structured models for Semantic Segmentation

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    State-of-the-art semantic image segmentation methods are mostly based on training deep convolutional neural networks (CNNs). In this work, we proffer to improve semantic segmentation with the use of contextual information. In particular, we explore `patch-patch' context and `patch-background' context in deep CNNs. We formulate deep structured models by combining CNNs and Conditional Random Fields (CRFs) for learning the patch-patch context between image regions. Specifically, we formulate CNN-based pairwise potential functions to capture semantic correlations between neighboring patches. Efficient piecewise training of the proposed deep structured model is then applied in order to avoid repeated expensive CRF inference during the course of back propagation. For capturing the patch-background context, we show that a network design with traditional multi-scale image inputs and sliding pyramid pooling is very effective for improving performance. We perform comprehensive evaluation of the proposed method. We achieve new state-of-the-art performance on a number of challenging semantic segmentation datasets including NYUDv2NYUDv2, PASCALPASCAL-VOC2012VOC2012, CityscapesCityscapes, PASCALPASCAL-ContextContext, SUNSUN-RGBDRGBD, SIFTSIFT-flowflow, and KITTIKITTI datasets. Particularly, we report an intersection-over-union score of 77.877.8 on the PASCALPASCAL-VOC2012VOC2012 dataset.Comment: 16 pages. Accepted to IEEE T. Pattern Analysis & Machine Intelligence, 2017. Extended version of arXiv:1504.0101

    Distance Guided Channel Weighting for Semantic Segmentation

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    Recent works have achieved great success in improving the performance of multiple computer vision tasks by capturing features with a high channel number utilizing deep neural networks. However, many channels of extracted features are not discriminative and contain a lot of redundant information. In this paper, we address above issue by introducing the Distance Guided Channel Weighting (DGCW) Module. The DGCW module is constructed in a pixel-wise context extraction manner, which enhances the discriminativeness of features by weighting different channels of each pixel's feature vector when modeling its relationship with other pixels. It can make full use of the high-discriminative information while ignore the low-discriminative information containing in feature maps, as well as capture the long-range dependencies. Furthermore, by incorporating the DGCW module with a baseline segmentation network, we propose the Distance Guided Channel Weighting Network (DGCWNet). We conduct extensive experiments to demonstrate the effectiveness of DGCWNet. In particular, it achieves 81.6% mIoU on Cityscapes with only fine annotated data for training, and also gains satisfactory performance on another two semantic segmentation datasets, i.e. Pascal Context and ADE20K. Code will be available soon at https://github.com/LanyunZhu/DGCWNet
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