623 research outputs found

    Optimizing Virtual Machine I/O Performance in Cloud Environments

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    Maintaining closeness between data sources and data consumers is crucial for workload I/O performance. In cloud environments, this kind of closeness can be violated by system administrative events and storage architecture barriers. VM migration events are frequent in cloud environments. VM migration changes VM runtime inter-connection or cache contexts, significantly degrading VM I/O performance. Virtualization is the backbone of cloud platforms. I/O virtualization adds additional hops to workload data access path, prolonging I/O latencies. I/O virtualization overheads cap the throughput of high-speed storage devices and imposes high CPU utilizations and energy consumptions to cloud infrastructures. To maintain the closeness between data sources and workloads during VM migration, we propose Clique, an affinity-aware migration scheduling policy, to minimize the aggregate wide area communication traffic during storage migration in virtual cluster contexts. In host-side caching contexts, we propose Successor to recognize warm pages and prefetch them into caches of destination hosts before migration completion. To bypass the I/O virtualization barriers, we propose VIP, an adaptive I/O prefetching framework, which utilizes a virtual I/O front-end buffer for prefetching so as to avoid the on-demand involvement of I/O virtualization stacks and accelerate the I/O response. Analysis on the traffic trace of a virtual cluster containing 68 VMs demonstrates that Clique can reduce inter-cloud traffic by up to 40%. Tests of MPI Reduce_scatter benchmark show that Clique can keep VM performance during migration up to 75% of the non-migration scenario, which is more than 3 times of the Random VM choosing policy. In host-side caching environments, Successor performs better than existing cache warm-up solutions and achieves zero VM-perceived cache warm-up time with low resource costs. At system level, we conducted comprehensive quantitative analysis on I/O virtualization overheads. Our trace replay based simulation demonstrates the effectiveness of VIP for data prefetching with ignorable additional cache resource costs

    dReDBox: A Disaggregated Architectural Perspective for Data Centers

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    Data centers are currently constructed with fixed blocks (blades); the hard boundaries of this approach lead to suboptimal utilization of resources and increased energy requirements. The dReDBox (disaggregated Recursive Datacenter in a Box) project addresses the problem of fixed resource proportionality in next-generation, low-power data centers by proposing a paradigm shift toward finer resource allocation granularity, where the unit is the function block rather than the mainboard tray. This introduces various challenges at the system design level, requiring elastic hardware architectures, efficient software support and management, and programmable interconnect. Memory and hardware accelerators can be dynamically assigned to processing units to boost application performance, while high-speed, low-latency electrical and optical interconnect is a prerequisite for realizing the concept of data center disaggregation. This chapter presents the dReDBox hardware architecture and discusses design aspects of the software infrastructure for resource allocation and management. Furthermore, initial simulation and evaluation results for accessing remote, disaggregated memory are presented, employing benchmarks from the Splash-3 and the CloudSuite benchmark suites.This work was supported in part by EU H2020 ICT project dRedBox, contract #687632.Peer ReviewedPostprint (author's final draft


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    Building data-intensive applications and emerging computing paradigm (e.g., Machine Learning (ML), Artificial Intelligence (AI), Internet of Things (IoT) in cloud computing environments is becoming a norm, given the many advantages in scalability, reliability, security and performance. However, under rapid changes in applications, system middleware and underlying storage device, service providers are facing new challenges to deliver performance and security isolation in the context of shared resources among multiple tenants. The gap between the decades-old storage abstraction and modern storage device keeps widening, calling for software/hardware co-designs to approach more effective performance and security protocols. This dissertation rethinks the storage subsystem from device-level to system-level and proposes new designs at different levels to tackle performance and security issues for cloud storage systems. In the first part, we present an event-based SSD (Solid State Drive) simulator that models modern protocols, firmware and storage backend in detail. The proposed simulator can capture the nuances of SSD internal states under various I/O workloads, which help researchers understand the impact of various SSD designs and workload characteristics on end-to-end performance. In the second part, we study the security challenges of shared in-storage computing infrastructures. Many cloud providers offer isolation at multiple levels to secure data and instance, however, security measures in emerging in-storage computing infrastructures are not studied. We first investigate the attacks that could be conducted by offloaded in-storage programs in a multi-tenancy cloud environment. To defend against these attacks, we build a lightweight Trusted Execution Environment, IceClave to enable security isolation between in-storage programs and internal flash management functions. We show that while enforcing security isolation in the SSD controller with minimal hardware cost, IceClave still keeps the performance benefit of in-storage computing by delivering up to 2.4x better performance than the conventional host-based trusted computing approach. In the third part, we investigate the performance interference problem caused by other tenants' I/O flows. We demonstrate that I/O resource sharing can often lead to performance degradation and instability. The block device abstraction fails to expose SSD parallelism and pass application requirements. To this end, we propose a software/hardware co-design to enforce performance isolation by bridging the semantic gap. Our design can significantly improve QoS (Quality of Service) by reducing throughput penalties and tail latency spikes. Lastly, we explore more effective I/O control to address contention in the storage software stack. We illustrate that the state-of-the-art resource control mechanism, Linux cgroups is insufficient for controlling I/O resources. Inappropriate cgroup configurations may even hurt the performance of co-located workloads under memory intensive scenarios. We add kernel support for limiting page cache usage per cgroup and achieving I/O proportionality

    RackBlox: A Software-Defined Rack-Scale Storage System with Network-Storage Co-Design

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    Software-defined networking (SDN) and software-defined flash (SDF) have been serving as the backbone of modern data centers. They are managed separately to handle I/O requests. At first glance, this is a reasonable design by following the rack-scale hierarchical design principles. However, it suffers from suboptimal end-to-end performance, due to the lack of coordination between SDN and SDF. In this paper, we co-design the SDN and SDF stack by redefining the functions of their control plane and data plane, and splitting up them within a new architecture named RackBlox. RackBlox decouples the storage management functions of flash-based solid-state drives (SSDs), and allow the SDN to track and manage the states of SSDs in a rack. Therefore, we can enable the state sharing between SDN and SDF, and facilitate global storage resource management. RackBlox has three major components: (1) coordinated I/O scheduling, in which it dynamically adjusts the I/O scheduling in the storage stack with the measured and predicted network latency, such that it can coordinate the effort of I/O scheduling across the network and storage stack for achieving predictable end-to-end performance; (2) coordinated garbage collection (GC), in which it will coordinate the GC activities across the SSDs in a rack to minimize their impact on incoming I/O requests; (3) rack-scale wear leveling, in which it enables global wear leveling among SSDs in a rack by periodically swapping data, for achieving improved device lifetime for the entire rack. We implement RackBlox using programmable SSDs and switch. Our experiments demonstrate that RackBlox can reduce the tail latency of I/O requests by up to 5.8x over state-of-the-art rack-scale storage systems.Comment: 14 pages. Published in published in ACM SIGOPS 29th Symposium on Operating Systems Principles (SOSP'23

    A storage architecture for data-intensive computing

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    The assimilation of computing into our daily lives is enabling the generation of data at unprecedented rates. In 2008, IDC estimated that the "digital universe" contained 486 exabytes of data [9]. The computing industry is being challenged to develop methods for the cost-effective processing of data at these large scales. The MapReduce programming model has emerged as a scalable way to perform data-intensive computations on commodity cluster computers. Hadoop is a popular open-source implementation of MapReduce. To manage storage resources across the cluster, Hadoop uses a distributed user-level filesystem. This filesystem --- HDFS --- is written in Java and designed for portability across heterogeneous hardware and software platforms. The efficiency of a Hadoop cluster depends heavily on the performance of this underlying storage system. This thesis is the first to analyze the interactions between Hadoop and storage. It describes how the user-level Hadoop filesystem, instead of efficiently capturing the full performance potential of the underlying cluster hardware, actually degrades application performance significantly. Architectural bottlenecks in the Hadoop implementation result in inefficient HDFS usage due to delays in scheduling new MapReduce tasks. Further, HDFS implicitly makes assumptions about how the underlying native platform manages storage resources, even though native filesystems and I/O schedulers vary widely in design and behavior. Methods to eliminate these bottlenecks in HDFS are proposed and evaluated both in terms of their application performance improvement and impact on the portability of the Hadoop framework. In addition to improving the performance and efficiency of the Hadoop storage system, this thesis also focuses on improving its flexibility. The goal is to allow Hadoop to coexist in cluster computers shared with a variety of other applications through the use of virtualization technology. The introduction of virtualization breaks the traditional Hadoop storage architecture, where persistent HDFS data is stored on local disks installed directly in the computation nodes. To overcome this challenge, a new flexible network-based storage architecture is proposed, along with changes to the HDFS framework. Network-based storage enables Hadoop to operate efficiently in a dynamic virtualized environment and furthers the spread of the MapReduce parallel programming model to new applications

    Twos Company, Threes A Cloud: Challenges To Implementing Service Models

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    Although three models are currently being used in cloud computing (Software as a Service, Platform as a Service, and infrastructure as a service, there remain many challenges before most business accept cloud computing as a reality. Virtualization in cloud computing has many advantages but carries a penalty because of state configurations, kernel drivers, and user interface environments. In addition, many non-standard architectures exist to power cloud models that are often incompatible. Another issue is adequately provisioning the resources required for a multi-tier cloud-based application in such a way that on-demand elasticity is present at vastly different scales yet is carried out efficiently. For networks that have large geographical footprints another problem arises from bottlenecks between elements supporting virtual machines and their control. While many solutions have been proposed to alleviate these problems, some of which are already commercial, much remains to be done to see whether these solutions will be practicable at scale up and address business concerns

    Heuristic Algorithms for Energy and Performance Dynamic Optimization in Cloud Computing

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    Cloud computing becomes increasingly popular for hosting all kinds of applications not only due to their ability to support dynamic provisioning of virtualized resources to handle workload fluctuations but also because of the usage based on pricing. This results in the adoption of data centers which store, process and present the data in a seamless, efficient and easy way. Furthermore, it also consumes an enormous amount of electrical energy, then leads to high using cost and carbon dioxide emission. Therefore, we need a Green computing solution that can not only minimize the using costs and reduce the environment impact but also improve the performance. Dynamic consolidation of Virtual Machines (VMs), using live migration of the VMs and switching idle servers to sleep mode or shutdown, optimizes the energy consumption. We propose an adaptive underloading detection method of hosts, VMs migration selecting method and heuristic algorithm for dynamic consolidation of VMs based on the analysis of the historical data. Through extensive simulation based on random data and real workload data, we show that our method and algorithm observably reduce energy consumption and allow the system to meet the Service Level Agreements (SLAs)

    Improving Data Management and Data Movement Efficiency in Hybrid Storage Systems

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    University of Minnesota Ph.D. dissertation.July 2017. Major: Computer Science. Advisor: David Du. 1 computer file (PDF); ix, 116 pages.In the big data era, large volumes of data being continuously generated drive the emergence of high performance large capacity storage systems. To reduce the total cost of ownership, storage systems are built in a more composite way with many different types of emerging storage technologies/devices including Storage Class Memory (SCM), Solid State Drives (SSD), Shingle Magnetic Recording (SMR), Hard Disk Drives (HDD), and even across off-premise cloud storage. To make better utilization of each type of storage, industries have provided multi-tier storage through dynamically placing hot data in the faster tiers and cold data in the slower tiers. Data movement happens between devices on one single device and as well as between devices connected via various networks. Toward improving data management and data movement efficiency in such hybrid storage systems, this work makes the following contributions: To bridge the giant semantic gap between applications and modern storage systems, passing a piece of tiny and useful information (I/O access hints) from upper layers to the block storage layer may greatly improve application performance or ease data management in heterogeneous storage systems. We present and develop a generic and flexible framework, called HintStor, to execute and evaluate various I/O access hints on heterogeneous storage systems with minor modifications to the kernel and applications. The design of HintStor contains a new application/user level interface, a file system plugin and a block storage data manager. With HintStor, storage systems composed of various storage devices can perform pre-devised data placement, space reallocation and data migration polices assisted by the added access hints. Each storage device/technology has its own unique price-performance tradeoffs and idiosyncrasies with respect to workload characteristics they prefer to support. To explore the internal access patterns and thus efficiently place data on storage systems with fully connected (i.e., data can move from one device to any other device instead of moving tier by tier) differential pools (each pool consists of storage devices of a particular type), we propose a chunk-level storage-aware workload analyzer framework, simplified as ChewAnalyzer. With ChewAnalzyer, the storage manager can adequately distribute and move the data chunks across different storage pools. To reduce the duplicate content transferred between local storage devices and devices in remote data centers, an inline Network Redundancy Elimination (NRE) process with Content-Defined Chunking (CDC) policy can obtain a higher Redundancy Elimination (RE) ratio but may suffer from a considerably higher computational requirement than fixed-size chunking. We build an inline NRE appliance which incorporates an improved FPGA based scheme to speed up CDC processing. To efficiently utilize the hardware resources, the whole NRE process is handled by a Virtualized NRE (VNRE) controller. The uniqueness of this VNRE that we developed lies in its ability to exploit the redundancy patterns of different TCP flows and customize the chunking process to achieve a higher RE ratio

    Building Computing-As-A-Service Mobile Cloud System

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    The last five years have witnessed the proliferation of smart mobile devices, the explosion of various mobile applications and the rapid adoption of cloud computing in business, governmental and educational IT deployment. There is also a growing trends of combining mobile computing and cloud computing as a new popular computing paradigm nowadays. This thesis envisions the future of mobile computing which is primarily affected by following three trends: First, servers in cloud equipped with high speed multi-core technology have been the main stream today. Meanwhile, ARM processor powered servers is growingly became popular recently and the virtualization on ARM systems is also gaining wide ranges of attentions recently. Second, high-speed internet has been pervasive and highly available. Mobile devices are able to connect to cloud anytime and anywhere. Third, cloud computing is reshaping the way of using computing resources. The classic pay/scale-as-you-go model allows hardware resources to be optimally allocated and well-managed. These three trends lend credence to a new mobile computing model with the combination of resource-rich cloud and less powerful mobile devices. In this model, mobile devices run the core virtualization hypervisor with virtualized phone instances, allowing for pervasive access to more powerful, highly-available virtual phone clones in the cloud. The centralized cloud, powered by rich computing and memory recourses, hosts virtual phone clones and repeatedly synchronize the data changes with virtual phone instances running on mobile devices. Users can flexibly isolate different computing environments. In this dissertation, we explored the opportunity of leveraging cloud resources for mobile computing for the purpose of energy saving, performance augmentation as well as secure computing enviroment isolation. We proposed a framework that allows mo- bile users to seamlessly leverage cloud to augment the computing capability of mobile devices and also makes it simpler for application developers to run their smartphone applications in the cloud without tedious application partitioning. This framework was built with virtualization on both server side and mobile devices. It has three building blocks including agile virtual machine deployment, efficient virtual resource management, and seamless mobile augmentation. We presented the design, imple- mentation and evaluation of these three components and demonstrated the feasibility of the proposed mobile cloud model
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