2 research outputs found

    Improving Action Localization by Progressive Cross-stream Cooperation

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    Spatio-temporal action localization consists of three levels of tasks: spatial localization, action classification, and temporal segmentation. In this work, we propose a new Progressive Cross-stream Cooperation (PCSC) framework to use both region proposals and features from one stream (i.e. Flow/RGB) to help another stream (i.e. RGB/Flow) to iteratively improve action localization results and generate better bounding boxes in an iterative fashion. Specifically, we first generate a larger set of region proposals by combining the latest region proposals from both streams, from which we can readily obtain a larger set of labelled training samples to help learn better action detection models. Second, we also propose a new message passing approach to pass information from one stream to another stream in order to learn better representations, which also leads to better action detection models. As a result, our iterative framework progressively improves action localization results at the frame level. To improve action localization results at the video level, we additionally propose a new strategy to train class-specific actionness detectors for better temporal segmentation, which can be readily learnt by focusing on "confusing" samples from the same action class. Comprehensive experiments on two benchmark datasets UCF-101-24 and J-HMDB demonstrate the effectiveness of our newly proposed approaches for spatio-temporal action localization in realistic scenarios.Comment: CVPR201

    Spatio-Temporal Action Detection with Multi-Object Interaction

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    Spatio-temporal action detection in videos requires localizing the action both spatially and temporally in the form of an "action tube". Nowadays, most spatio-temporal action detection datasets (e.g. UCF101-24, AVA, DALY) are annotated with action tubes that contain a single person performing the action, thus the predominant action detection models simply employ a person detection and tracking pipeline for localization. However, when the action is defined as an interaction between multiple objects, such methods may fail since each bounding box in the action tube contains multiple objects instead of one person. In this paper, we study the spatio-temporal action detection problem with multi-object interaction. We introduce a new dataset that is annotated with action tubes containing multi-object interactions. Moreover, we propose an end-to-end spatio-temporal action detection model that performs both spatial and temporal regression simultaneously. Our spatial regression may enclose multiple objects participating in the action. During test time, we simply connect the regressed bounding boxes within the predicted temporal duration using a simple heuristic. We report the baseline results of our proposed model on this new dataset, and also show competitive results on the standard benchmark UCF101-24 using only RGB input