2 research outputs found

    Neural Zero-Inflated Quality Estimation Model For Automatic Speech Recognition System

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    The performances of automatic speech recognition (ASR) systems are usually evaluated by the metric word error rate (WER) when the manually transcribed data are provided, which are, however, expensively available in the real scenario. In addition, the empirical distribution of WER for most ASR systems usually tends to put a significant mass near zero, making it difficult to simulate with a single continuous distribution. In order to address the two issues of ASR quality estimation (QE), we propose a novel neural zero-inflated model to predict the WER of the ASR result without transcripts. We design a neural zero-inflated beta regression on top of a bidirectional transformer language model conditional on speech features (speech-BERT). We adopt the pre-training strategy of token level mask language modeling for speech-BERT as well, and further fine-tune with our zero-inflated layer for the mixture of discrete and continuous outputs. The experimental results show that our approach achieves better performance on WER prediction in the metrics of Pearson and MAE, compared with most existed quality estimation algorithms for ASR or machine translation.Comment: InterSpeech 202

    Word Error Rate Estimation Without ASR Output: e-WER2

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    Measuring the performance of automatic speech recognition (ASR) systems requires manually transcribed data in order to compute the word error rate (WER), which is often time-consuming and expensive. In this paper, we continue our effort in estimating WER using acoustic, lexical and phonotactic features. Our novel approach to estimate the WER uses a multistream end-to-end architecture. We report results for systems using internal speech decoder features (glass-box), systems without speech decoder features (black-box), and for systems without having access to the ASR system (no-box). The no-box system learns joint acoustic-lexical representation from phoneme recognition results along with MFCC acoustic features to estimate WER. Considering WER per sentence, our no-box system achieves 0.56 Pearson correlation with the reference evaluation and 0.24 root mean square error (RMSE) across 1,400 sentences. The estimated overall WER by e-WER2 is 30.9% for a three hours test set, while the WER computed using the reference transcriptions was 28.5%