48 research outputs found

    Remote software upload techniques in future vehicles and their performance analysis

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    Updating software in vehicle Electronic Control Units (ECUs) will become a mandatory requirement for a variety of reasons, for examples, to update/fix functionality of an existing system, add new functionality, remove software bugs and to cope up with ITS infrastructure. Software modules of advanced vehicles can be updated using Remote Software Upload (RSU) technique. The RSU employs infrastructure-based wireless communication technique where the software supplier sends the software to the targeted vehicle via a roadside Base Station (BS). However, security is critically important in RSU to avoid any disasters due to malfunctions of the vehicle or to protect the proprietary algorithms from hackers, competitors or people with malicious intent. In this thesis, a mechanism of secure software upload in advanced vehicles is presented which employs mutual authentication of the software provider and the vehicle using a pre-shared authentication key before sending the software. The software packets are sent encrypted with a secret key along with the Message Digest (MD). In order to increase the security level, it is proposed the vehicle to receive more than one copy of the software along with the MD in each copy. The vehicle will install the new software only when it receives more than one identical copies of the software. In order to validate the proposition, analytical expressions of average number of packet transmissions for successful software update is determined. Different cases are investigated depending on the vehicle\u27s buffer size and verification methods. The analytical and simulation results show that it is sufficient to send two copies of the software to the vehicle to thwart any security attack while uploading the software. The above mentioned unicast method for RSU is suitable when software needs to be uploaded to a single vehicle. Since multicasting is the most efficient method of group communication, updating software in an ECU of a large number of vehicles could benefit from it. However, like the unicast RSU, the security requirements of multicast communication, i.e., authenticity, confidentiality and integrity of the software transmitted and access control of the group members is challenging. In this thesis, an infrastructure-based mobile multicasting for RSU in vehicle ECUs is proposed where an ECU receives the software from a remote software distribution center using the road side BSs as gateways. The Vehicular Software Distribution Network (VSDN) is divided into small regions administered by a Regional Group Manager (RGM). Two multicast Group Key Management (GKM) techniques are proposed based on the degree of trust on the BSs named Fully-trusted (FT) and Semi-trusted (ST) systems. Analytical models are developed to find the multicast session establishment latency and handover latency for these two protocols. The average latency to perform mutual authentication of the software vendor and a vehicle, and to send the multicast session key by the software provider during multicast session initialization, and the handoff latency during multicast session is calculated. Analytical and simulation results show that the link establishment latency per vehicle of our proposed schemes is in the range of few seconds and the ST system requires few ms higher time than the FT system. The handoff latency is also in the range of few seconds and in some cases ST system requires less handoff time than the FT system. Thus, it is possible to build an efficient GKM protocol without putting too much trust on the BSs

    Solutions to the GSM Security Weaknesses

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    Recently, the mobile industry has experienced an extreme increment in number of its users. The GSM network with the greatest worldwide number of users succumbs to several security vulnerabilities. Although some of its security problems are addressed in its upper generations, there are still many operators using 2G systems. This paper briefly presents the most important security flaws of the GSM network and its transport channels. It also provides some practical solutions to improve the security of currently available 2G systems.Comment: 6 Pages, 2 Figure

    On the Feasibility of Fine-Grained TLS Security Configurations in Web Browsers Based on the Requested Domain Name

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    Most modern web browsers today sacrifice optimal TLS security for backward compatibility. They apply coarse-grained TLS configurations that support (by default) legacy versions of the protocol that have known design weaknesses, and weak ciphersuites that provide fewer security guarantees (e.g. non Forward Secrecy), and silently fall back to them if the server selects to. This introduces various risks including downgrade attacks such as the POODLE attack [15] that exploits the browsers silent fallback mechanism to downgrade the protocol version in order to exploit the legacy version flaws. To achieve a better balance between security and backward compatibility, we propose a mechanism for fine-grained TLS configurations in web browsers based on the sensitivity of the domain name in the HTTPS request using a whitelisting technique. That is, the browser enforces optimal TLS configurations for connections going to sensitive domains while enforcing default configurations for the rest of the connections. We demonstrate the feasibility of our proposal by implementing a proof-of-concept as a Firefox browser extension. We envision this mechanism as a built-in security feature in web browsers, e.g. a button similar to the \quotes{Bookmark} button in Firefox browsers and as a standardised HTTP header, to augment browsers security

    Xarxa mesh privada virtual

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    Aquest projecte ens apropa als conceptes com les xarxes privades virtuals, els serveis de seguretat (xifrar el tràfic, validar la integritat, autentificar els extrems, evitar el repudi i evitar la repetició) i les aplicacions distribuïdes (peer to peer). Avui en dia, la funció de permetre la unió de diferents ordenadors o xarxes locals en una nova xarxa virtual, pot ser aprofitada per poder abstraure’s de les barreres imposades per IPv4 com la limitació d’adreçament públic. El fet d’afegir la component de privacitat permet forçar un entorn segur, de confiança i independent del que puguin aportar les aplicacions. El conjunt de la creació de xarxes virtuals amb la component de privacitat permet la creació de xarxes privades virtuals també anomenades VPNs. L’objectiu d’aquest projecte és dissenyar i implementar una aplicació capaç de crear xarxes privades virtuals que no depenguin de cap servidor central, sense que això comprometi la privacitat ni l’autenticació dels integrants de la xarxa. L’aplicació ha de ser capaç de superar els Routers NAT (que tradueixen les adreces IP permetent compartir una adreça pública entre diferents ordenadors) per tal d’establir connexions bidireccionals directament amb els veïns de la xarxa virtual, proporcionant així una baixa latència. En fer els tests inicials es va trobar un problema relacionat amb la implementació de la llibreria OpenSSL del protocol segur utilitzat. Aquest error es presenta malgrat que aparentment l’aplicació fa un bon ús d’aquesta llibreria. Aquest problema ha consumit molt temps de dedicació del projecte sense poder ser solucionat. Com a resultats dels tests de l’aplicació creada en comparació amb les de les altres aplicacions existents: aquesta realitza una inicialització breu, te una latència baixa juntament amb una desviació estàndard molt baixa i permet taxes de transferència altes en TCP i baixes en UDP. Aquest document comença amb una introducció a les xarxes privades virtuals i al projecte.Seguidament, en el primer capítol s’exposa la descripció i la comparativa de les tecnologies de xarxes privades virtuals existents. En el segon s’explica el funcionament, el disseny i l’arquitectura de l’aplicació creada. En el tercer es presenten els resultats de les proves realitzades amb l’aplicació creada. I finalment hi ha les conclusions, la bibliografia i el glossari

    Electronic security - risk mitigation in financial transactions : public policy issues

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    This paper builds on a previous series of papers (see Claessens, Glaessner, and Klingebiel, 2001, 2002) that identified electronic security as a key component to the delivery of electronic finance benefits. This paper and its technical annexes (available separately at http://www1.worldbank.org/finance/) identify and discuss seven key pillars necessary to fostering a secure electronic environment. Hence, it is intended for those formulating broad policies in the area of electronic security and those working with financial services providers (for example, executives and management). The detailed annexes of this paper are especially relevant for chief information and security officers responsible for establishing layered security. First, this paper provides definitions of electronic finance and electronic security and explains why these issues deserve attention. Next, it presents a picture of the burgeoning global electronic security industry. Then it develops a risk-management framework for understanding the risks and tradeoffs inherent in the electronic security infrastructure. It also provides examples of tradeoffs that may arise with respect to technological innovation, privacy, quality of service, and security in designing an electronic security policy framework. Finally, it outlines issues in seven interrelated areas that often need attention in building an adequate electronic security infrastructure. These are: 1) The legal framework and enforcement. 2) Electronic security of payment systems. 3) Supervision and prevention challenges. 4) The role of private insurance as an essential monitoring mechanism. 5) Certification, standards, and the role of the public and private sectors. 6) Improving the accuracy of information on electronic security incidents and creating better arrangements for sharing this information. 7) Improving overall education on these issues as a key to enhancing prevention.Knowledge Economy,Labor Policies,International Terrorism&Counterterrorism,Payment Systems&Infrastructure,Banks&Banking Reform,Education for the Knowledge Economy,Knowledge Economy,Banks&Banking Reform,International Terrorism&Counterterrorism,Governance Indicators