72,973 research outputs found

    Group Invariant Deep Representations for Image Instance Retrieval

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    Most image instance retrieval pipelines are based on comparison of vectors known as global image descriptors between a query image and the database images. Due to their success in large scale image classification, representations extracted from Convolutional Neural Networks (CNN) are quickly gaining ground on Fisher Vectors (FVs) as state-of-the-art global descriptors for image instance retrieval. While CNN-based descriptors are generally remarked for good retrieval performance at lower bitrates, they nevertheless present a number of drawbacks including the lack of robustness to common object transformations such as rotations compared with their interest point based FV counterparts. In this paper, we propose a method for computing invariant global descriptors from CNNs. Our method implements a recently proposed mathematical theory for invariance in a sensory cortex modeled as a feedforward neural network. The resulting global descriptors can be made invariant to multiple arbitrary transformation groups while retaining good discriminativeness. Based on a thorough empirical evaluation using several publicly available datasets, we show that our method is able to significantly and consistently improve retrieval results every time a new type of invariance is incorporated. We also show that our method which has few parameters is not prone to overfitting: improvements generalize well across datasets with different properties with regard to invariances. Finally, we show that our descriptors are able to compare favourably to other state-of-the-art compact descriptors in similar bitranges, exceeding the highest retrieval results reported in the literature on some datasets. A dedicated dimensionality reduction step --quantization or hashing-- may be able to further improve the competitiveness of the descriptors

    A Compact and Discriminative Feature Based on Auditory Summary Statistics for Acoustic Scene Classification

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    One of the biggest challenges of acoustic scene classification (ASC) is to find proper features to better represent and characterize environmental sounds. Environmental sounds generally involve more sound sources while exhibiting less structure in temporal spectral representations. However, the background of an acoustic scene exhibits temporal homogeneity in acoustic properties, suggesting it could be characterized by distribution statistics rather than temporal details. In this work, we investigated using auditory summary statistics as the feature for ASC tasks. The inspiration comes from a recent neuroscience study, which shows the human auditory system tends to perceive sound textures through time-averaged statistics. Based on these statistics, we further proposed to use linear discriminant analysis to eliminate redundancies among these statistics while keeping the discriminative information, providing an extreme com-pact representation for acoustic scenes. Experimental results show the outstanding performance of the proposed feature over the conventional handcrafted features.Comment: Accepted as a conference paper of Interspeech 201

    A Hierarchical Recurrent Encoder-Decoder For Generative Context-Aware Query Suggestion

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    Users may strive to formulate an adequate textual query for their information need. Search engines assist the users by presenting query suggestions. To preserve the original search intent, suggestions should be context-aware and account for the previous queries issued by the user. Achieving context awareness is challenging due to data sparsity. We present a probabilistic suggestion model that is able to account for sequences of previous queries of arbitrary lengths. Our novel hierarchical recurrent encoder-decoder architecture allows the model to be sensitive to the order of queries in the context while avoiding data sparsity. Additionally, our model can suggest for rare, or long-tail, queries. The produced suggestions are synthetic and are sampled one word at a time, using computationally cheap decoding techniques. This is in contrast to current synthetic suggestion models relying upon machine learning pipelines and hand-engineered feature sets. Results show that it outperforms existing context-aware approaches in a next query prediction setting. In addition to query suggestion, our model is general enough to be used in a variety of other applications.Comment: To appear in Conference of Information Knowledge and Management (CIKM) 201

    DEPFET detectors for direct detection of MeV Dark Matter particles

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    The existence of dark matter is undisputed, while the nature of it is still unknown. Explaining dark matter with the existence of a new unobserved particle is among the most promising possible solutions. Recently dark matter candidates in the MeV mass region received more and more interest. In comparison to the mass region between a few GeV to several TeV, this region is experimentally largely unexplored. We discuss the application of a RNDR DEPFET semiconductor detector for direct searches for dark matter in the MeV mass region. We present the working principle of the RNDR DEPFET devices and review the performance obtained by previously performed prototype measurements. The future potential of the technology as dark matter detector is discussed and the sensitivity for MeV dark matter detection with RNDR DEPFET sensors is presented. Under the assumption of three background events in the region of interest and an exposure of one kg⋅\cdoty a sensitivity of σˉeˉ=10−41\bar{\sigma}_{\bar{e}} = 10^{-41} cm2^{2} for dark matter particles with a mass of 10 MeV can be reached.Comment: submitted to EPJ

    Gravitational waves: search results, data analysis and parameter estimation

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    The Amaldi 10 Parallel Session C2 on gravitational wave (GW) search results, data analysis and parameter estimation included three lively sessions of lectures by 13 presenters, and 34 posters. The talks and posters covered a huge range of material, including results and analysis techniques for ground-based GW detectors, targeting anticipated signals from different astrophysical sources: compact binary inspiral, merger and ringdown; GW bursts from intermediate mass binary black hole mergers, cosmic string cusps, core-collapse supernovae, and other unmodeled sources; continuous waves from spinning neutron stars; and a stochastic GW background. There was considerable emphasis on Bayesian techniques for estimating the parameters of coalescing compact binary systems from the gravitational waveforms extracted from the data from the advanced detector network. This included methods to distinguish deviations of the signals from what is expected in the context of General Relativity

    An Asymmetric B Factory at 10^(36) Luminosity

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    The physics opportunities at an asymmetric B Factory operating at the unprecedented luminosity of 10^(36) cm^(–2) s^(–1) are unique and attractive. The accelerator appears to be practical and the challenges of performing a sensitive experiment in this environment can be met
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