2,474 research outputs found

    Probabilistic Modeling Paradigms for Audio Source Separation

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    This is the author's final version of the article, first published as E. Vincent, M. G. Jafari, S. A. Abdallah, M. D. Plumbley, M. E. Davies. Probabilistic Modeling Paradigms for Audio Source Separation. In W. Wang (Ed), Machine Audition: Principles, Algorithms and Systems. Chapter 7, pp. 162-185. IGI Global, 2011. ISBN 978-1-61520-919-4. DOI: 10.4018/978-1-61520-919-4.ch007file: VincentJafariAbdallahPD11-probabilistic.pdf:v\VincentJafariAbdallahPD11-probabilistic.pdf:PDF owner: markp timestamp: 2011.02.04file: VincentJafariAbdallahPD11-probabilistic.pdf:v\VincentJafariAbdallahPD11-probabilistic.pdf:PDF owner: markp timestamp: 2011.02.04Most sound scenes result from the superposition of several sources, which can be separately perceived and analyzed by human listeners. Source separation aims to provide machine listeners with similar skills by extracting the sounds of individual sources from a given scene. Existing separation systems operate either by emulating the human auditory system or by inferring the parameters of probabilistic sound models. In this chapter, the authors focus on the latter approach and provide a joint overview of established and recent models, including independent component analysis, local time-frequency models and spectral template-based models. They show that most models are instances of one of the following two general paradigms: linear modeling or variance modeling. They compare the merits of either paradigm and report objective performance figures. They also,conclude by discussing promising combinations of probabilistic priors and inference algorithms that could form the basis of future state-of-the-art systems

    The DiTME Project: interdisciplinary research in music technology

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    This paper profiles the emergence of a significant body of research in audio engineering within the Faculties of Engineering and Applied Arts at Dublin Institute of Technology. Over a period of five years the group has had significant success in completing a Strand 3 research project entitled Digital Tools for Music Education (DiTME)

    Learning sparse dictionaries for music and speech classification

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    The field of music and speech classification is quite mature with researchers having settled on the approximate best discriminative representation. In this regard, Zubair et al. showed the use of sparse coefficients alongwith SVM to classify audio signals as music or speech to get a near-perfect classification. In the proposed method, we go one step further, instead of using the sparse coefficients with another classifier they are directly used in a dictionary which is learned using on-line dictionary learning for music-speech classification. This approach removes the redundancy of using a separate classifier but also produces complete discrimination of music and speech on the GTZAN music/speech dataset. Moreover, instead of the high-dimensional feature vector space which inherently leads to high computation time and complicated decision boundary calculation on the part of SVM, the restricted dictionary size with limited computation serves the same purpose

    Learning sparse dictionaries for music and speech classification

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    The field of music and speech classification is quite\ud mature with researchers having settled on the approximate best\ud discriminative representation. In this regard, Zubair et al. showed\ud the use of sparse coefficients alongwith SVM to classify audio\ud signals as music or speech to get a near-perfect classification. In\ud the proposed method, we go one step further, instead of using\ud the sparse coefficients with another classifier they are directly\ud used in a dictionary which is learned using on-line dictionary\ud learning for music-speech classification. This approach removes\ud the redundancy of using a separate classifier but also produces\ud complete discrimination of music and speech on the GTZAN\ud music/speech dataset. Moreover, instead of the high-dimensional\ud feature vector space which inherently leads to high computation\ud time and complicated decision boundary calculation on the part\ud of SVM, the restricted dictionary size with limited computation\ud serves the same purpose

    Real-time Sound Source Separation For Music Applications

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    Sound source separation refers to the task of extracting individual sound sources from some number of mixtures of those sound sources. In this thesis, a novel sound source separation algorithm for musical applications is presented. It leverages the fact that the vast majority of commercially recorded music since the 1950s has been mixed down for two channel reproduction, more commonly known as stereo. The algorithm presented in Chapter 3 in this thesis requires no prior knowledge or learning and performs the task of separation based purely on azimuth discrimination within the stereo field. The algorithm exploits the use of the pan pot as a means to achieve image localisation within stereophonic recordings. As such, only an interaural intensity difference exists between left and right channels for a single source. We use gain scaling and phase cancellation techniques to expose frequency dependent nulls across the azimuth domain, from which source separation and resynthesis is carried out. The algorithm is demonstrated to be state of the art in the field of sound source separation but also to be a useful pre-process to other tasks such as music segmentation and surround sound upmixing

    Generalization of auditory expertise in audio engineers and instrumental musicians

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    From auditory perception to general cognition, the ability to play a musical instrument has been associated with skills both related and unrelated to music. However, it is unclear if these effects are bound to the specific characteristics of musical instrument training, as little attention has been paid to other populations such as audio engineers and designers whose auditory expertise may match or surpass that of musicians in specific auditory tasks or more naturalistic acoustic scenarios. We explored this possibility by comparing students of audio engineering (n = 20) to matched conservatory-trained instrumentalists (n = 24) and to naive controls (n = 20) on measures of auditory discrimination, auditory scene analysis, and speech in noise perception. We found that audio engineers and performing musicians had generally lower psychophysical thresholds than controls, with pitch perception showing the largest effect size. Compared to controls, audio engineers could better memorise and recall auditory scenes composed of non-musical sounds, whereas instrumental musicians performed best in a sustained selective attention task with two competing streams of tones. Finally, in a diotic speech-in-babble task, musicians showed lower signal-to-noise-ratio thresholds than both controls and engineers; however, a follow-up online study did not replicate this musician advantage. We also observed differences in personality that might account for group-based self-selection biases. Overall, we showed that investigating a wider range of forms of auditory expertise can help us corroborate (or challenge) the specificity of the advantages previously associated with musical instrument training

    Singing information processing: techniques and applications

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    Por otro lado, se presenta un método para el cambio realista de intensidad de voz cantada. Esta transformación se basa en un modelo paramétrico de la envolvente espectral, y mejora sustancialmente la percepción de realismo al compararlo con software comerciales como Melodyne o Vocaloid. El inconveniente del enfoque propuesto es que requiere intervención manual, pero los resultados conseguidos arrojan importantes conclusiones hacia la modificación automática de intensidad con resultados realistas. Por último, se propone un método para la corrección de disonancias en acordes aislados. Se basa en un análisis de múltiples F0, y un desplazamiento de la frecuencia de su componente sinusoidal. La evaluación la ha realizado un grupo de músicos entrenados, y muestra un claro incremento de la consonancia percibida después de la transformación propuesta.La voz cantada es una componente esencial de la música en todas las culturas del mundo, ya que se trata de una forma increíblemente natural de expresión musical. En consecuencia, el procesado automático de voz cantada tiene un gran impacto desde la perspectiva de la industria, la cultura y la ciencia. En este contexto, esta Tesis contribuye con un conjunto variado de técnicas y aplicaciones relacionadas con el procesado de voz cantada, así como con un repaso del estado del arte asociado en cada caso. En primer lugar, se han comparado varios de los mejores estimadores de tono conocidos para el caso de uso de recuperación por tarareo. Los resultados demuestran que \cite{Boersma1993} (con un ajuste no obvio de parámetros) y \cite{Mauch2014}, tienen un muy buen comportamiento en dicho caso de uso dada la suavidad de los contornos de tono extraídos. Además, se propone un novedoso sistema de transcripción de voz cantada basada en un proceso de histéresis definido en tiempo y frecuencia, así como una herramienta para evaluación de voz cantada en Matlab. El interés del método propuesto es que consigue tasas de error cercanas al estado del arte con un método muy sencillo. La herramienta de evaluación propuesta, por otro lado, es un recurso útil para definir mejor el problema, y para evaluar mejor las soluciones propuestas por futuros investigadores. En esta Tesis también se presenta un método para evaluación automática de la interpretación vocal. Usa alineamiento temporal dinámico para alinear la interpretación del usuario con una referencia, proporcionando de esta forma una puntuación de precisión de afinación y de ritmo. La evaluación del sistema muestra una alta correlación entre las puntuaciones dadas por el sistema, y las puntuaciones anotadas por un grupo de músicos expertos