3,591 research outputs found

    Efficient Unified Arithmetic for Hardware Cryptography

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    The basic arithmetic operations (i.e. addition, multiplication, and inversion) in finite fields, GF(q), where q = pk and p is a prime integer, have several applications in cryptography, such as RSA algorithm, Diffie-Hellman key exchange algorithm [1], the US federal Digital Signature Standard [2], elliptic curve cryptography [3, 4], and also recently identity based cryptography [5, 6]. Most popular finite fields that are heavily used in cryptographic applications due to elliptic curve based schemes are prime fields GF(p) and binary extension fields GF(2n). Recently, identity based cryptography based on pairing operations defined over elliptic curve points has stimulated a significant level of interest in the arithmetic of ternary extension fields, GF(3^n)

    Efficient unified Montgomery inversion with multibit shifting

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    Computation of multiplicative inverses in finite fields GF(p) and GF(2/sup n/) is the most time-consuming operation in elliptic curve cryptography, especially when affine co-ordinates are used. Since the existing algorithms based on the extended Euclidean algorithm do not permit a fast software implementation, projective co-ordinates, which eliminate almost all of the inversion operations from the curve arithmetic, are preferred. In the paper, the authors demonstrate that affine co-ordinate implementation provides a comparable speed to that of projective co-ordinates with careful hardware realisation of existing algorithms for calculating inverses in both fields without utilising special moduli or irreducible polynomials. They present two inversion algorithms for binary extension and prime fields, which are slightly modified versions of the Montgomery inversion algorithm. The similarity of the two algorithms allows the design of a single unified hardware architecture that performs the computation of inversion in both fields. They also propose a hardware structure where the field elements are represented using a multi-word format. This feature allows a scalable architecture able to operate in a broad range of precision, which has certain advantages in cryptographic applications. In addition, they include statistical comparison of four inversion algorithms in order to help choose the best one amongst them for implementation onto hardware

    Efficient long division via Montgomery multiply

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    We present a novel right-to-left long division algorithm based on the Montgomery modular multiply, consisting of separate highly efficient loops with simply carry structure for computing first the remainder (x mod q) and then the quotient floor(x/q). These loops are ideally suited for the case where x occupies many more machine words than the divide modulus q, and are strictly linear time in the "bitsize ratio" lg(x)/lg(q). For the paradigmatic performance test of multiword dividend and single 64-bit-word divisor, exploitation of the inherent data-parallelism of the algorithm effectively mitigates the long latency of hardware integer MUL operations, as a result of which we are able to achieve respective costs for remainder-only and full-DIV (remainder and quotient) of 6 and 12.5 cycles per dividend word on the Intel Core 2 implementation of the x86_64 architecture, in single-threaded execution mode. We further describe a simple "bit-doubling modular inversion" scheme, which allows the entire iterative computation of the mod-inverse required by the Montgomery multiply at arbitrarily large precision to be performed with cost less than that of a single Newtonian iteration performed at the full precision of the final result. We also show how the Montgomery-multiply-based powering can be efficiently used in Mersenne and Fermat-number trial factorization via direct computation of a modular inverse power of 2, without any need for explicit radix-mod scalings.Comment: 23 pages; 8 tables v2: Tweak formatting, pagecount -= 2. v3: Fix incorrect powers of R in formulae [7] and [11] v4: Add Eldridge & Walter ref. v5: Clarify relation between Algos A/A',D and Hensel-div; clarify true-quotient mechanics; Add Haswell timings, refs to Agner Fog timings pdf and GMP asm-timings ref-page. v6: Remove stray +bw in MULL line of Algo D listing; add note re byte-LUT for qinv_

    An algorithmic and architectural study on Montgomery exponentiation in RNS

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    The modular exponentiation on large numbers is computationally intensive. An effective way for performing this operation consists in using Montgomery exponentiation in the Residue Number System (RNS). This paper presents an algorithmic and architectural study of such exponentiation approach. From the algorithmic point of view, new and state-of-the-art opportunities that come from the reorganization of operations and precomputations are considered. From the architectural perspective, the design opportunities offered by well-known computer arithmetic techniques are studied, with the aim of developing an efficient arithmetic cell architecture. Furthermore, since the use of efficient RNS bases with a low Hamming weight are being considered with ever more interest, four additional cell architectures specifically tailored to these bases are developed and the tradeoff between benefits and drawbacks is carefully explored. An overall comparison among all the considered algorithmic approaches and cell architectures is presented, with the aim of providing the reader with an extensive overview of the Montgomery exponentiation opportunities in RNS

    Enhancing an Embedded Processor Core with a Cryptographic Unit for Performance and Security

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    We present a set of low-cost architectural enhancements to accelerate the execution of certain arithmetic operations common in cryptographic applications on an extensible embedded processor core. The proposed enhancements are generic in the sense that they can be beneficially applied in almost any RISC processor. We implemented the enhancements in form of a cryptographic unit (CU) that offers the programmer an extended instruction set. The CU features a 128-bit wide register file and datapath, which enables it to process 128-bit words and perform 128-bit loads/stores. We analyze the speed-up factors for some arithmetic operations and public-key cryptographic algorithms obtained through these enhancements. In addition, we evaluate the hardware overhead (i.e. silicon area) of integrating the CU into an embedded RISC processor. Our experimental results show that the proposed architectural enhancements allow for a significant performance gain for both RSA and ECC at the expense of an acceptable increase in silicon area. We also demonstrate that the proposed enhancements facilitate the protection of cryptographic algorithms against certain types of side-channel attacks and present an AES implementation hardened against cache-based attacks as a case study

    Homomorphic Data Isolation for Hardware Trojan Protection

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    The interest in homomorphic encryption/decryption is increasing due to its excellent security properties and operating facilities. It allows operating on data without revealing its content. In this work, we suggest using homomorphism for Hardware Trojan protection. We implement two partial homomorphic designs based on ElGamal encryption/decryption scheme. The first design is a multiplicative homomorphic, whereas the second one is an additive homomorphic. We implement the proposed designs on a low-cost Xilinx Spartan-6 FPGA. Area utilization, delay, and power consumption are reported for both designs. Furthermore, we introduce a dual-circuit design that combines the two earlier designs using resource sharing in order to have minimum area cost. Experimental results show that our dual-circuit design saves 35% of the logic resources compared to a regular design without resource sharing. The saving in power consumption is 20%, whereas the number of cycles needed remains almost the sam