4 research outputs found

    Qualidade da informação estratégica organizacional utilizando a casa da qualidade

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    Dissertação (mestrado) - Universidade Federal de Santa Catarina, Centro Tecnológico, Programa de Pós-Graduação em Engenharia e Gestão do Conhecimento, Florianópolis, 2016Viver na Era do Conhecimento significa viver em busca de inovação, informações com qualidade e conhecimentos com alto valor agregado que possam levar as empresas e pessoas a ter destaque frente ao mundo hipercompetitivo. As informações são consideradas matéria-prima para criação de conhecimento, este, por sua vez, agrega valor, proporciona inovação e dá destaque às organizações. Informações estratégicas organizacionais são aquelas que a direcionam para o alcance de suas metas. Quando definidas as informações estratégicas, faz-se necessário certificar que tenham qualidade, permitindo que as decisões tragam benefícios para a organização. Assim, têm-se como objetivo deste estudo propor uma ferramenta para analisar a qualidade da informação estratégica organizacional utilizando a Casa da Qualidade. A Casa da Qualidade é o nome dado à Matriz do QFD (Quality Function Deployment), por seu formato de apresentação, ela torna visível a relação existente entre as necessidades dos clientes e os requisitos técnicos utilizados no desenvolvimento de produtos. Sua aplicação varia desde a agroindústria até o setor de serviços, passando pelo desenvolvimento de produtos e melhoramento de processos. Neste estudo, ela foi adaptada para avaliação da qualidade da informação estratégica organizacional. Como resultado, tem-se a proposta de uma ferramenta para avaliar a qualidade da informação estratégica organizacional com duas fases. A primeira fase é composta de duas matrizes, na primeira é possível fazer a análise de informações e suas fontes, e na segunda matriz faz-se a análise das informações estratégicas. Na segunda fase a análise acontece entre as dimensões da qualidade da informação e as práticas de orientação à informação. Proporcionando à organização uma análise criteriosa para melhorarias em seus processos e ferramentas que de fato transformem sua informação estratégica em vantagem competitiva. Abstract : Living in the Age of Knowledge means living in search of innovation. That is, quality information and high valued added knowledge that can lead companies and individuals to the spotlight in a highly competitive world. Information is considered to be raw material for creating knowledge, which in turn, adds value, propels innovation and puts organizations in the spotlight. Organizational strategic information is that which directs a company to reach its goals. When strategic information is defined, it becomes necessary to attest the information is of quality, which will allow decisions to bring benefits to the organization. Thus, the main objective of this study is to propose the use of a tool to analyze the quality of organizational strategic information while using the House of Quality. The House of Quality is the given name of Quality Function Deployment (QFD) Matrix. As a result of its presentation format, it makes the existing relation between client needs and technical requirements in product development. Its application varies from agribusiness to the services sector, working in areas such as product development and processes improvement. In this study the House of Quality was tailored for evaluating the quality of organizational strategic information. The result of this study brings the proposal of a tool used to evaluate organizational strategic information in two phases. The first phase is composed of two matrixes. In the first matrix, data and its sources are assessed; and in the second, an analysis of the strategic information is made. In the second phase the analysis takes place between the dimensions of information quality and information guidance practices. The result will offer the organization a meticulous analysis that will actually improve processes and tools, truly transforming strategic information into competitive advantage

    Enterprise Business Alignment Using Quality Function Deployment, Multivariate Data Analysis And Business Modeling Tools

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    This dissertation proposes two novel ideas to enhance the business strategy alignment to customer needs. The proposed business alignment clock is a new illustration to the relationships between customer requirements, business strategies, capabilities and processes. To line up the clock and reach the needed alignment for the enterprise, a proposed clock mechanism is introduced. The mechanism integrates the Enterprise Business Architecture (EBA) with the House of Quality (HoQ). The relationship matrix inside the body of the house is defined using multivariate data analysis techniques to accurately measure the strength of the relationships rather than defining them subjectively. A statistical tool, multivariate data analysis, can be used to overcome the ambiguity in quantifying the relationships in the house of quality matrix. The framework is proposed in the basic conceptual model context of the EBA showing different levels of the enterprise architecture; the goals, the capabilities and the value stream architecture components. In the proposed framework, the goals and the capabilities are inputs to two houses of quality, in which the alignment between customer needs and business goals, and the alignment between business goals and capabilities are checked in the first house and the second house, respectively. The alignment between the business capabilities and the architecture components (workflows, events and environment) is checked in a third HoQ using the performance indicators of the value stream architecture components, which may result in infrastructure expansion, software development or process improvement to reach the needed alignment by the enterprise. The value of the model was demonstrated using the Accreditation Board of Engineering and Technology (ABET) process at the Industrial Engineering and Management Systems department at the University of Central Florida. The assessment of ABET criteria involves an evaluation of the extent to which the program outcomes are being achieved and results in decisions and actions to improve the Industrial Engineering program at the University of Central Florida. The proposed framework increases the accuracy of measuring the extent to which the program learning outcomes have been achieved at the department. The process of continuous alignment between the educational objectives and customer needs becomes more vital by the rapid change of customer requirements that are obtained from both internal and external constituents (students, faculty, alumni, and employers in the first place)

    Effects of business excellence drivers on firm performance in manufacturing industry

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    Improvement of firm performance has been an effective tool for firms to increase their competitiveness. Acceleration of technological developments, difficulty of customer satisfaction and very intense global competition have resulted in a hostile environment necessitating a dynamic change process. This process is indeed difficult to manage and Business Excellence has become one of the critical instruments for managers to secure survival. Defining Business Excellence, discovering its determinants, analyzing the status and characteristics of Business Excellence in Turkish manufacturing industry and measuring its effects on firm performance constitute the major objectives of this thesis. After an extensive literature review, technology and innovation tendency, human resources, process management and continuous improvement (CI), manufacturing structure and operations, planning, manufacturing strategy, customer focus, supplier relations and leadership are identified as Business Excellence determinants. The questionnaire is prepared by considering Business Excellence determinants and the questionnaires employed in previous studies. Our final sample size has reached 140 manufacturing firms. In the following step, employing the data gathered, analyses about relationship between Business Excellence determinants and general firm performance and financial indicators are performed. Factor analysis, reliability analysis, correlation analysis, T-tests and structural equation modeling are selected as the appropriate methods for the analysis. Commercial software packages MS Excel, SPSS v13 and AMOS v4 are used