7 research outputs found

    Improved Trace-Driven Cache-Collision Attacks against Embedded AES Implementations

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    In this paper we present two attacks that exploit cache events, which are visible in some side channel, to derive a secret key used in an implementation of AES. The first is an improvement of an adaptive chosen plaintext attack presented at ACISP 2006. The second is a new known plaintext attack that can recover a 128-bit key with approximately 30 measurements to reduce the number of key hypotheses to 2^30. This is comparable to classical Dierential Power Analysis; however, our attacks are able to overcome certain masking techniques. We also show how to deal with unreliable cache event detection in the real-life measurement scenario and present practical explorations on a 32-bit ARM microprocessor

    Side Channels in the Cloud: Isolation Challenges, Attacks, and Countermeasures

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    Cloud computing is based on the sharing of physical resources among several virtual machines through a virtualization layer providing software isolation. Despite advances in virtualization, data security and isolation guarantees remain important challenges for cloud providers. Some of the most prominent isolation violations come from side-channel attacks that aim at exploiting and using a leaky channel to obtain sensitive data such as encryption keys. Such channels may be created by vulnerable implementations of cryptographic algorithms, exploiting weaknesses of processor architectures or of resource sharing in the virtualization layer. In this paper, we provide a comprehensive survey of side-channel attacks (SCA) and mitigation techniques for virtualized environments, focusing on cache-based attacks. We review isolation challenges, attack classes and techniques. We also provide a layer-based taxonomy of applicable countermeasures , from the hardware to the application level, with an assessment of their effectiveness

    Physical Security of Cryptographic Algorithm Implementations

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    This thesis deals with physical attacks on implementations of cryptographic algorithms and countermeasures against these attacks. Physical attacks exploit properties of an implementation to recover secret cryptographic keys. Particularly vulnerable to physical attacks are embedded devices. In the area of side-channel analysis, this thesis addresses attacks that exploit observations of power consumption or electromagnetic leakage of the device and target symmetric cryptographic algorithms. First, this work proposes a new combination of two well-known attacks that is more efficient than each of the attacks individually. Second, this work studies attacks exploiting leakage induced by microprocessor cache mechanism, suggesting an algorithm that can recover the secret key in the presence of uncertainties in cache event detection from side-channel acquisitions. Third, practical side-channel attacks are discovered against the AES engine of the AVR XMEGA, a recent versatile microcontroller. In the area of fault analysis, this thesis extends existing attacks against the RSA digital signature algorithm implemented with the Chinese remainder theorem to a setting where parts of the signed message are unknown to the attacker. The new attacks are applicable in particular to several widely used standards in modern smart card applications. In the area of countermeasures, this work proposes a new algorithm for random delay generation in embedded software. The new algorithm is more efficient than the previously suggested algorithms since it introduces more uncertainty for the attacker with less performance overhead. The results presented in this thesis are practically validated in experiments with general-purpose 8-bit AVR and 32-bit ARM microcontrollers that are used in many embedded devices