1 research outputs found

    Improved Strength Four Covering Arrays with Three Symbols

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    A covering array tt-CA(n,k,g)CA(n,k,g), of size nn, strength tt, degree kk, and order gg, is a k×nk\times n array on gg symbols such that every t×nt\times n sub-array contains every t×1t\times 1 column on gg symbols at least once. Covering arrays have been studied for their applications to software testing, hardware testing, drug screening, and in areas where interactions of multiple parameters are to be tested. In this paper, we present an algebraic construction that improves many of the best known upper bounds on nn for covering arrays 4-CA(n,k,g)CA(n,k,g) with g=3g=3. The coveragecoverage measuremeasure μt(A)\mu_t(A) of a testing array AA is defined by the ratio between the number of distinct tt-tuples contained in the column vectors of AA and the total number of tt-tuples. A covering array is a testing array with full coverage. The coveringcovering arraysarrays withwith budgetbudget constraintsconstraints problemproblem is the problem of constructing a testing array of size at most nn having largest possible coverage measure, given values of k,gk,g and nn. This paper presents several strength four testing arrays with high coverage. The construction here is a generalisation of the construction methods used by Chateauneuf, Colbourn and Kreher, and Meagher and Stevens