13 research outputs found

    Improved Speech Reconstruction from Silent Video

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    Speechreading is the task of inferring phonetic information from visually observed articulatory facial movements, and is a notoriously difficult task for humans to perform. In this paper we present an end-to-end model based on a convolutional neural network (CNN) for generating an intelligible and natural-sounding acoustic speech signal from silent video frames of a speaking person. We train our model on speakers from the GRID and TCD-TIMIT datasets, and evaluate the quality and intelligibility of reconstructed speech using common objective measurements. We show that speech predictions from the proposed model attain scores which indicate significantly improved quality over existing models. In addition, we show promising results towards reconstructing speech from an unconstrained dictionary.Comment: Accepted to ICCV 2017 Workshop on Computer Vision for Audio-Visual Media. Supplementary video: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Xjbn7h7tpg0. arXiv admin note: text overlap with arXiv:1701.0049

    Wav2Pix: Speech-conditioned Face Generation using Generative Adversarial Networks

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    Speech is a rich biometric signal that contains information about the identity, gender and emotional state of the speaker. In this work, we explore its potential to generate face images of a speaker by conditioning a Generative Adversarial Network (GAN) with raw speech input. We propose a deep neural network that is trained from scratch in an end-to-end fashion, generating a face directly from the raw speech waveform without any additional identity information (e.g reference image or one-hot encoding). Our model is trained in a self-supervised approach by exploiting the audio and visual signals naturally aligned in videos. With the purpose of training from video data, we present a novel dataset collected for this work, with high-quality videos of youtubers with notable expressiveness in both the speech and visual signals.Comment: ICASSP 2019. Projevct website at https://imatge-upc.github.io/wav2pix

    Dynamic Temporal Alignment of Speech to Lips

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    Many speech segments in movies are re-recorded in a studio during postproduction, to compensate for poor sound quality as recorded on location. Manual alignment of the newly-recorded speech with the original lip movements is a tedious task. We present an audio-to-video alignment method for automating speech to lips alignment, stretching and compressing the audio signal to match the lip movements. This alignment is based on deep audio-visual features, mapping the lips video and the speech signal to a shared representation. Using this shared representation we compute the lip-sync error between every short speech period and every video frame, followed by the determination of the optimal corresponding frame for each short sound period over the entire video clip. We demonstrate successful alignment both quantitatively, using a human perception-inspired metric, as well as qualitatively. The strongest advantage of our audio-to-video approach is in cases where the original voice in unclear, and where a constant shift of the sound can not give a perfect alignment. In these cases state-of-the-art methods will fail

    MobiVSR: A Visual Speech Recognition Solution for Mobile Devices

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    Visual speech recognition (VSR) is the task of recognizing spoken language from video input only, without any audio. VSR has many applications as an assistive technology, especially if it could be deployed in mobile devices and embedded systems. The need of intensive computational resources and large memory footprint are two of the major obstacles in developing neural network models for VSR in a resource constrained environment. We propose a novel end-to-end deep neural network architecture for word level VSR called MobiVSR with a design parameter that aids in balancing the model's accuracy and parameter count. We use depthwise-separable 3D convolution for the first time in the domain of VSR and show how it makes our model efficient. MobiVSR achieves an accuracy of 73\% on a challenging Lip Reading in the Wild dataset with 6 times fewer parameters and 20 times lesser memory footprint than the current state of the art. MobiVSR can also be compressed to 6 MB by applying post training quantization

    Looking to Listen at the Cocktail Party: A Speaker-Independent Audio-Visual Model for Speech Separation

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    We present a joint audio-visual model for isolating a single speech signal from a mixture of sounds such as other speakers and background noise. Solving this task using only audio as input is extremely challenging and does not provide an association of the separated speech signals with speakers in the video. In this paper, we present a deep network-based model that incorporates both visual and auditory signals to solve this task. The visual features are used to "focus" the audio on desired speakers in a scene and to improve the speech separation quality. To train our joint audio-visual model, we introduce AVSpeech, a new dataset comprised of thousands of hours of video segments from the Web. We demonstrate the applicability of our method to classic speech separation tasks, as well as real-world scenarios involving heated interviews, noisy bars, and screaming children, only requiring the user to specify the face of the person in the video whose speech they want to isolate. Our method shows clear advantage over state-of-the-art audio-only speech separation in cases of mixed speech. In addition, our model, which is speaker-independent (trained once, applicable to any speaker), produces better results than recent audio-visual speech separation methods that are speaker-dependent (require training a separate model for each speaker of interest).Comment: Accepted to SIGGRAPH 2018. Project webpage: https://looking-to-listen.github.i

    Video-Driven Speech Reconstruction using Generative Adversarial Networks

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    Speech is a means of communication which relies on both audio and visual information. The absence of one modality can often lead to confusion or misinterpretation of information. In this paper we present an end-to-end temporal model capable of directly synthesising audio from silent video, without needing to transform to-and-from intermediate features. Our proposed approach, based on GANs is capable of producing natural sounding, intelligible speech which is synchronised with the video. The performance of our model is evaluated on the GRID dataset for both speaker dependent and speaker independent scenarios. To the best of our knowledge this is the first method that maps video directly to raw audio and the first to produce intelligible speech when tested on previously unseen speakers. We evaluate the synthesised audio not only based on the sound quality but also on the accuracy of the spoken words

    Lip to Speech Synthesis with Visual Context Attentional GAN

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    In this paper, we propose a novel lip-to-speech generative adversarial network, Visual Context Attentional GAN (VCA-GAN), which can jointly model local and global lip movements during speech synthesis. Specifically, the proposed VCA-GAN synthesizes the speech from local lip visual features by finding a mapping function of viseme-to-phoneme, while global visual context is embedded into the intermediate layers of the generator to clarify the ambiguity in the mapping induced by homophene. To achieve this, a visual context attention module is proposed where it encodes global representations from the local visual features, and provides the desired global visual context corresponding to the given coarse speech representation to the generator through audio-visual attention. In addition to the explicit modelling of local and global visual representations, synchronization learning is introduced as a form of contrastive learning that guides the generator to synthesize a speech in sync with the given input lip movements. Extensive experiments demonstrate that the proposed VCA-GAN outperforms existing state-of-the-art and is able to effectively synthesize the speech from multi-speaker that has been barely handled in the previous works.Comment: Published at NeurIPS 202

    Discriminative Multi-modality Speech Recognition

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    Vision is often used as a complementary modality for audio speech recognition (ASR), especially in the noisy environment where performance of solo audio modality significantly deteriorates. After combining visual modality, ASR is upgraded to the multi-modality speech recognition (MSR). In this paper, we propose a two-stage speech recognition model. In the first stage, the target voice is separated from background noises with help from the corresponding visual information of lip movements, making the model 'listen' clearly. At the second stage, the audio modality combines visual modality again to better understand the speech by a MSR sub-network, further improving the recognition rate. There are some other key contributions: we introduce a pseudo-3D residual convolution (P3D)-based visual front-end to extract more discriminative features; we upgrade the temporal convolution block from 1D ResNet with the temporal convolutional network (TCN), which is more suitable for the temporal tasks; the MSR sub-network is built on the top of Element-wise-Attention Gated Recurrent Unit (EleAtt-GRU), which is more effective than Transformer in long sequences. We conducted extensive experiments on the LRS3-TED and the LRW datasets. Our two-stage model (audio enhanced multi-modality speech recognition, AE-MSR) consistently achieves the state-of-the-art performance by a significant margin, which demonstrates the necessity and effectiveness of AE-MSR.Comment: CVPR202

    Latent Variable Algorithms for Multimodal Learning and Sensor Fusion

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    Multimodal learning has been lacking principled ways of combining information from different modalities and learning a low-dimensional manifold of meaningful representations. We study multimodal learning and sensor fusion from a latent variable perspective. We first present a regularized recurrent attention filter for sensor fusion. This algorithm can dynamically combine information from different types of sensors in a sequential decision making task. Each sensor is bonded with a modular neural network to maximize utility of its own information. A gating modular neural network dynamically generates a set of mixing weights for outputs from sensor networks by balancing utility of all sensors' information. We design a co-learning mechanism to encourage co-adaption and independent learning of each sensor at the same time, and propose a regularization based co-learning method. In the second part, we focus on recovering the manifold of latent representation. We propose a co-learning approach using probabilistic graphical model which imposes a structural prior on the generative model: multimodal variational RNN (MVRNN) model, and derive a variational lower bound for its objective functions. In the third part, we extend the siamese structure to sensor fusion for robust acoustic event detection. We perform experiments to investigate the latent representations that are extracted; works will be done in the following months. Our experiments show that the recurrent attention filter can dynamically combine different sensor inputs according to the information carried in the inputs. We consider MVRNN can identify latent representations that are useful for many downstream tasks such as speech synthesis, activity recognition, and control and planning. Both algorithms are general frameworks which can be applied to other tasks where different types of sensors are jointly used for decision making

    Multi-modal Multi-channel Target Speech Separation

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    Target speech separation refers to extracting a target speaker's voice from an overlapped audio of simultaneous talkers. Previously the use of visual modality for target speech separation has demonstrated great potentials. This work proposes a general multi-modal framework for target speech separation by utilizing all the available information of the target speaker, including his/her spatial location, voice characteristics and lip movements. Also, under this framework, we investigate on the fusion methods for multi-modal joint modeling. A factorized attention-based fusion method is proposed to aggregate the high-level semantic information of multi-modalities at embedding level. This method firstly factorizes the mixture audio into a set of acoustic subspaces, then leverages the target's information from other modalities to enhance these subspace acoustic embeddings with a learnable attention scheme. To validate the robustness of proposed multi-modal separation model in practical scenarios, the system was evaluated under the condition that one of the modalities is temporarily missing, invalid or corrupted. Experiments are conducted on a large-scale audio-visual dataset collected from YouTube (to be released) that spatialized by simulated room impulse responses (RIRs). Experiment results illustrate that our proposed multi-modal framework significantly outperforms single-modal and bi-modal speech separation approaches, while can still support real-time processing.Comment: accepted in IEEE Journal of Selcted Topics in Signal Processin