1 research outputs found

    Improved Region-Growing and Combinatorial Algorithms for kk-Route Cut Problems

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    We study the {\em kk-route} generalizations of various cut problems, the most general of which is \emph{kk-route multicut} (kk-MC) problem, wherein we have rr source-sink pairs and the goal is to delete a minimum-cost set of edges to reduce the edge-connectivity of every source-sink pair to below kk. The kk-route extensions of multiway cut (kk-MWC), and the minimum ss-tt cut problem (kk-(s,t)(s,t)-cut), are similarly defined. We present various approximation and hardness results for these kk-route cut problems that improve the state-of-the-art for these problems in several cases. (i) For {\em kk-route multiway cut}, we devise simple, but surprisingly effective, combinatorial algorithms that yield bicriteria approximation guarantees that markedly improve upon the previous-best guarantees. (ii) For {\em kk-route multicut}, we design algorithms that improve upon the previous-best approximation factors by roughly an O(logr)O(\sqrt{\log r})-factor, when k=2k=2, and for general kk and unit costs and any fixed violation of the connectivity threshold kk. The main technical innovation is the definition of a new, powerful \emph{region growing} lemma that allows us to perform region-growing in a recursive fashion even though the LP solution yields a {\em different metric} for each source-sink pair. (iii) We complement these results by showing that the {\em kk-route ss-tt cut} problem is at least as hard to approximate as the {\em densest-kk-subgraph} (DkS) problem on uniform hypergraphs