1,258 research outputs found

    Automatic Modulation Classification of Common Communication and Pulse Compression Radar Waveforms using Cyclic Features

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    This research develops a feature-based MAP classification system and applies it to classify several common pulse compression radar and communication modulations. All signal parameters are treated as unknown to the classifier system except SNR and the signal carrier frequency. The features are derived from estimated duty cycle, cyclic spectral correlation, and cyclic cumulants. The modulations considered in this research are BPSK, QPSK, 16-QAM, 64-QAM, 8-PSK, and 16-PSK communication modulations, as well as Barker coded, Barker coded, Barker coded, Frank coded, Px49 coded, and LFM pulse compression modulations. Simulations show that average correct signal modulation type classification %C 90% is achieved for SNR 9dB, average signal modulation family classification %C 90% is achieved for SNR 1dB, and an average communication versus pulse compression radar modulation classification %C 90% is achieved for SNR -4dB. Also, it is shown that the classification cation performance using selected input features is sensitive to signal bandwidth but not to carrier frequency. Mismatched bandwidth between training and testing signals caused degraded classification cation of %C 10% - 14% over the simulated SNR range

    An M-QAM Signal Modulation Recognition Algorithm in AWGN Channel

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    Computing the distinct features from input data, before the classification, is a part of complexity to the methods of Automatic Modulation Classification (AMC) which deals with modulation classification was a pattern recognition problem. Although the algorithms that focus on MultiLevel Quadrature Amplitude Modulation (M-QAM) which underneath different channel scenarios was well detailed. A search of the literature revealed indicates that few studies were done on the classification of high order M-QAM modulation schemes like128-QAM, 256-QAM, 512-QAM and1024-QAM. This work is focusing on the investigation of the powerful capability of the natural logarithmic properties and the possibility of extracting Higher-Order Cumulant's (HOC) features from input data received raw. The HOC signals were extracted under Additive White Gaussian Noise (AWGN) channel with four effective parameters which were defined to distinguished the types of modulation from the set; 4-QAM~1024-QAM. This approach makes the recognizer more intelligent and improves the success rate of classification. From simulation results, which was achieved under statistical models for noisy channels, manifest that recognized algorithm executes was recognizing in M-QAM, furthermore, most results were promising and showed that the logarithmic classifier works well over both AWGN and different fading channels, as well as it can achieve a reliable recognition rate even at a lower signal-to-noise ratio (less than zero), it can be considered as an Integrated Automatic Modulation Classification (AMC) system in order to identify high order of M-QAM signals that applied a unique logarithmic classifier, to represents higher versatility, hence it has a superior performance via all previous works in automatic modulation identification systemComment: 18 page

    Automatic modulation classification of communication signals

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    The automatic modulation recognition (AMR) plays an important role in various civilian and military applications. Most of the existing AMR algorithms assume that the input signal is only of analog modulation or is only of digital modulation. In blind environments, however, it is impossible to know in advance if the received communication signal is analogue modulated or digitally modulated. Furthermore, it is noted that the applications of the currently existing AMR algorithms designed for handling both analog and digital communication signals are rather restricted in practice. Motivated by this, an AMR algorithm that is able to discriminate between analog communication signals and digital communication signals is developed in this dissertation. The proposed algorithm is able to recognize the concrete modulation type if the input is an analog communication signal and to estimate the number of modulation levels and the frequency deviation if the input is an exponentially modulated digital communication signal. For linearly modulated digital communication signals, the proposed classifier will classify them into one of several nonoverlapping sets of modulation types. In addition, in M-ary FSK (MFSK) signal classification, two classifiers have also been developed. These two classifiers are also capable of providing good estimate of the frequency deviation of a received MFSK signal. For further classification of linearly modulated digital communication signals, it is often necessary to blindly equalize the received signal before performing modulation recognition. This doing generally requires knowing the carrier frequency and symbol rate of the input signal. For this purpose, a blind carrier frequency estimation algorithm and a blind symbol rate estimation algorithm have been developed. The carrier frequency estimator is based on the phases of the autocorrelation functions of the received signal. Unlike the cyclic correlation based estimators, it does not require the transmitted symbols being non-circularly distributed. The symbol rate estimator is based on digital communication signals\u27 cyclostationarity related to the symbol rate. In order to adapt to the unknown symbol rate as well as the unknown excess bandwidth, the received signal is first filtered by using a bank of filters. Symbol rate candidates and their associated confident measurements are extracted from the fourth order cyclic moments of the filtered outputs, and the final estimate of symbol rate is made based on weighted majority voting. A thorough evaluation of some well-known feature based AMR algorithms is also presented in this dissertation

    Deep Neural Network Architectures for Modulation Classification

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    This thesis investigates the value of employing deep learning for the task of wireless signal modulation recognition. Recently in deep learning research on AMC, a framework has been introduced by generating a dataset using GNU radio that mimics the imperfections in a real wireless channel, and uses 10 different modulation types. Further, a CNN architecture was developed and shown to deliver performance that exceeds that of expert-based approaches. Here, we follow the framework of O’shea [1] and find deep neural network architectures that deliver higher accuracy than the state of the art. We tested the architecture of O’shea [1] and found it to achieve an accuracy of approximately 75% of correctly recognizing the modulation type. We first tune the CNN architecture and find a design with four convolutional layers and two dense layers that gives an accuracy of approximately 83.8% at high SNR. We then develop architectures based on the recently introduced ideas of Residual Networks (ResNet) and Densely Connected Network (DenseNet) to achieve high SNR accuracies of approximately 83% and 86.6%, respectively. We also introduce a CLDNN to achieve an accuracy of approximately 88.5% at high SNR. To improve the classification accuracy of QAM, we calculate the high order cumulants of QAM16 and QAM64 as the expert feature and improve the total accuracy to approximately 90%. Finally, by preprocessing the input and send them into a LSTM model, we improve all classification success rates to 100% except the WBFM which is 46%. The average modulation classification accuracy got a improvement of roughly 22% in this thesis

    Multiple Signal Classification for Determining Direction of Arrival of Frequency Hopping Spread Spectrum Signals

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    This research extends a MUSIC algorithm to determine DOA of FHSS signals. All incident FHSS signals have unknown DOA and use PSK. Conventional MUSIC algorithm involves multiple MUSIC estimation for all frequency bins. On the other hand, the extended development is meant to execute a single MUSIC algorithm of observations on multiple frequency bins or hops. The new extension shows better performance compared to the conventional MUSIC execution at different SNR levels. Both have the same power accumulation at the true angles of arrival. However, the new development has lower side lobes and hence helps avoid false detections. In addition, the new development has lower side lobes variance resulting in lower error of false detections compared to the normal execution. Simulation results show that the new extension is sensitive to the SNR values and number of samples taken at each frequency bin. However, it is less sensitive to the possible number of frequency hops or hop set and number of array sensors
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