4 research outputs found

    Improved online hypercube packing

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    In this paper, we study online multidimensional bin packing problem when all items are hypercubes. Based on the techniques in one dimensional bin packing algorithm Super Harmonic by Seiden, we give a framework for online hypercube packing problem and obtain new upper bounds of asymptotic competitive ratios. For square packing, we get an upper bound of 2.1439, which is better than 2.24437. For cube packing, we also give a new upper bound 2.6852 which is better than 2.9421 by Epstein and van Stee.Comment: 13 pages, one figure, accepted in WAOA'0

    On Two Dimensional Orthogonal Knapsack Problem

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    In this paper, we study the following knapsack problem: Given a list of squares with profits, we are requested to pack a sublist of them into a rectangular bin (not a unit square bin) to make profits in the bin as large as possible. We first observe there is a Polynomial Time Approximation Scheme (PTAS) for the problem of packing weighted squares into rectangular bins with large resources, then apply the PTAS to the problem of packing squares with profits into a rectangular bin and get a 65+ϵ\frac65+\epsilon approximation algorithm

    A New Upper Bound on 2D Online Bin Packing

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    The 2D Online Bin Packing is a fundamental problem in Computer Science and the determination of its asymptotic competitive ratio has attracted great research attention. In a long series of papers, the lower bound of this ratio has been improved from 1.808, 1.856 to 1.907 and its upper bound reduced from 3.25, 3.0625, 2.8596, 2.7834 to 2.66013. In this paper, we rewrite the upper bound record to 2.5545. Our idea for the improvement is as follows. In SODA 2002 \cite{SS03}, Seiden and van Stee proposed an elegant algorithm called H⊗BH \otimes B, comprised of the {\em Harmonic algorithm} HH and the {\em Improved Harmonic algorithm} BB, for the two-dimensional online bin packing problem and proved that the algorithm has an asymptotic competitive ratio of at most 2.66013. Since the best known online algorithm for one-dimensional bin packing is the {\em Super Harmonic algorithm} \cite{S02}, a natural question to ask is: could a better upper bound be achieved by using the Super Harmonic algorithm instead of the Improved Harmonic algorithm? However, as mentioned in \cite{SS03}, the previous analysis framework does not work. In this paper, we give a positive answer for the above question. A new upper bound of 2.5545 is obtained for 2-dimensional online bin packing. The main idea is to develop new weighting functions for the Super Harmonic algorithm and propose new techniques to bound the total weight in a rectangular bin

    Improved Online Hypercube Packing

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    Abstract. In this paper, we study online multidimensional bin packing problem when all items are hypercubes. Based on the techniques in one dimensional bin packing algorithm Super Harmonic by Seiden, we give a framework for online hypercube packing problem and obtain new upper bounds of asymptotic competitive ratios. For square packing, we get an upper bound of 2.1439, which is better than 2.24437. For cube packing, we also give a new upper bound 2.6852 which is better than 2.9421 by Epstein and van Stee