464 research outputs found

    Improved Deterministic Network Decomposition

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    Network decomposition is a central tool in distributed graph algorithms. We present two improvements on the state of the art for network decomposition, which thus lead to improvements in the (deterministic and randomized) complexity of several well-studied graph problems. - We provide a deterministic distributed network decomposition algorithm with O(log5n)O(\log^5 n) round complexity, using O(logn)O(\log n)-bit messages. This improves on the O(log7n)O(\log^7 n)-round algorithm of Rozho\v{n} and Ghaffari [STOC'20], which used large messages, and their O(log8n)O(\log^8 n)-round algorithm with O(logn)O(\log n)-bit messages. This directly leads to similar improvements for a wide range of deterministic and randomized distributed algorithms, whose solution relies on network decomposition, including the general distributed derandomization of Ghaffari, Kuhn, and Harris [FOCS'18]. - One drawback of the algorithm of Rozho\v{n} and Ghaffari, in the CONGEST\mathsf{CONGEST} model, was its dependence on the length of the identifiers. Because of this, for instance, the algorithm could not be used in the shattering framework in the CONGEST\mathsf{CONGEST} model. Thus, the state of the art randomized complexity of several problems in this model remained with an additive 2O(loglogn)2^{O(\sqrt{\log\log n})} term, which was a clear leftover of the older network decomposition complexity [Panconesi and Srinivasan STOC'92]. We present a modified version that remedies this, constructing a decomposition whose quality does not depend on the identifiers, and thus improves the randomized round complexity for various problems

    The Complexity of Distributed Approximation of Packing and Covering Integer Linear Programs

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    In this paper, we present a low-diameter decomposition algorithm in the LOCAL model of distributed computing that succeeds with probability 11/poly(n)1 - 1/poly(n). Specifically, we show how to compute an (ϵ,O(lognϵ))\left(\epsilon, O\left(\frac{\log n}{\epsilon}\right)\right) low-diameter decomposition in O(log3(1/ϵ)lognϵ)O\left(\frac{\log^3(1/\epsilon)\log n}{\epsilon}\right) round Further developing our techniques, we show new distributed algorithms for approximating general packing and covering integer linear programs in the LOCAL model. For packing problems, our algorithm finds an (1ϵ)(1-\epsilon)-approximate solution in O(log3(1/ϵ)lognϵ)O\left(\frac{\log^3 (1/\epsilon) \log n}{\epsilon}\right) rounds with probability 11/poly(n)1 - 1/poly(n). For covering problems, our algorithm finds an (1+ϵ)(1+\epsilon)-approximate solution in O((loglogn+log(1/ϵ))3lognϵ)O\left(\frac{\left(\log \log n + \log (1/\epsilon)\right)^3 \log n}{\epsilon}\right) rounds with probability 11/poly(n)1 - 1/poly(n). These results improve upon the previous O(log3nϵ)O\left(\frac{\log^3 n}{\epsilon}\right)-round algorithm by Ghaffari, Kuhn, and Maus [STOC 2017] which is based on network decompositions. Our algorithms are near-optimal for many fundamental combinatorial graph optimization problems in the LOCAL model, such as minimum vertex cover and minimum dominating set, as their (1±ϵ)(1\pm \epsilon)-approximate solutions require Ω(lognϵ)\Omega\left(\frac{\log n}{\epsilon}\right) rounds to compute.Comment: To appear in PODC 202

    Faster Deterministic Distributed MIS and Approximate Matching

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    \renewcommand{\tilde}{\widetilde} We present an O~(log2n)\tilde{O}(\log^2 n) round deterministic distributed algorithm for the maximal independent set problem. By known reductions, this round complexity extends also to maximal matching, Δ+1\Delta+1 vertex coloring, and 2Δ12\Delta-1 edge coloring. These four problems are among the most central problems in distributed graph algorithms and have been studied extensively for the past four decades. This improved round complexity comes closer to the Ω~(logn)\tilde{\Omega}(\log n) lower bound of maximal independent set and maximal matching [Balliu et al. FOCS '19]. The previous best known deterministic complexity for all of these problems was Θ(log3n)\Theta(\log^3 n). Via the shattering technique, the improvement permeates also to the corresponding randomized complexities, e.g., the new randomized complexity of Δ+1\Delta+1 vertex coloring is now O~(log2logn)\tilde{O}(\log^2\log n) rounds. Our approach is a novel combination of the previously known two methods for developing deterministic algorithms for these problems, namely global derandomization via network decomposition (see e.g., [Rozhon, Ghaffari STOC'20; Ghaffari, Grunau, Rozhon SODA'21; Ghaffari et al. SODA'23]) and local rounding of fractional solutions (see e.g., [Fischer DISC'17; Harris FOCS'19; Fischer, Ghaffari, Kuhn FOCS'17; Ghaffari, Kuhn FOCS'21; Faour et al. SODA'23]). We consider a relaxation of the classic network decomposition concept, where instead of requiring the clusters in the same block to be non-adjacent, we allow each node to have a small number of neighboring clusters. We also show a deterministic algorithm that computes this relaxed decomposition faster than standard decompositions. We then use this relaxed decomposition to significantly improve the integrality of certain fractional solutions, before handing them to the local rounding procedure that now has to do fewer rounding steps

    Undirected (1+ε)(1+\varepsilon)-Shortest Paths via Minor-Aggregates: Near-Optimal Deterministic Parallel & Distributed Algorithms

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    This paper presents near-optimal deterministic parallel and distributed algorithms for computing (1+ε)(1+\varepsilon)-approximate single-source shortest paths in any undirected weighted graph. On a high level, we deterministically reduce this and other shortest-path problems to O~(1)\tilde{O}(1) Minor-Aggregations. A Minor-Aggregation computes an aggregate (e.g., max or sum) of node-values for every connected component of some subgraph. Our reduction immediately implies: Optimal deterministic parallel (PRAM) algorithms with O~(1)\tilde{O}(1) depth and near-linear work. Universally-optimal deterministic distributed (CONGEST) algorithms, whenever deterministic Minor-Aggregate algorithms exist. For example, an optimal O~(HopDiameter(G))\tilde{O}(HopDiameter(G))-round deterministic CONGEST algorithm for excluded-minor networks. Several novel tools developed for the above results are interesting in their own right: A local iterative approach for reducing shortest path computations "up to distance DD" to computing low-diameter decompositions "up to distance D2\frac{D}{2}". Compared to the recursive vertex-reduction approach of [Li20], our approach is simpler, suitable for distributed algorithms, and eliminates many derandomization barriers. A simple graph-based O~(1)\tilde{O}(1)-competitive 1\ell_1-oblivious routing based on low-diameter decompositions that can be evaluated in near-linear work. The previous such routing [ZGY+20] was no(1)n^{o(1)}-competitive and required no(1)n^{o(1)} more work. A deterministic algorithm to round any fractional single-source transshipment flow into an integral tree solution. The first distributed algorithms for computing Eulerian orientations

    Fast Coloring Despite Congested Relays

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    We provide a O(log6logn)O(\log^6 \log n)-round randomized algorithm for distance-2 coloring in CONGEST with Δ2+1\Delta^2+1 colors. For Δpolylogn\Delta\gg\operatorname{poly}\log n, this improves exponentially on the O(logΔ+polyloglogn)O(\log\Delta+\operatorname{poly}\log\log n) algorithm of [Halld\'orsson, Kuhn, Maus, Nolin, DISC'20]. Our study is motivated by the ubiquity and hardness of local reductions in CONGEST. For instance, algorithms for the Local Lov\'asz Lemma [Moser, Tardos, JACM'10; Fischer, Ghaffari, DISC'17; Davies, SODA'23] usually assume communication on the conflict graph, which can be simulated in LOCAL with only constant overhead, while this may be prohibitively expensive in CONGEST. We hope our techniques help tackle in CONGEST other coloring problems defined by local relations.Comment: 37 pages. To appear in proceedings of DISC 202

    Robust network computation

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    Thesis (M. Eng.)--Massachusetts Institute of Technology, Dept. of Electrical Engineering and Computer Science, 2005.Includes bibliographical references (p. 91-98).In this thesis, we present various models of distributed computation and algorithms for these models. The underlying theme is to come up with fast algorithms that can tolerate faults in the underlying network. We begin with the classical message-passing model of computation, surveying many known results. We give a new, universally optimal, edge-biconnectivity algorithm for the classical model. We also give a near-optimal sub-linear algorithm for identifying bridges, when all nodes are activated simultaneously. After discussing some ways in which the classical model is unrealistic, we survey known techniques for adapting the classical model to the real world. We describe a new balancing model of computation. The intent is that algorithms in this model should be automatically fault-tolerant. Existing algorithms that can be expressed in this model are discussed, including ones for clustering, maximum flow, and synchronization. We discuss the use of agents in our model, and give new agent-based algorithms for census and biconnectivity. Inspired by the balancing model, we look at two problems in more depth.(cont.) First, we give matching upper and lower bounds on the time complexity of the census algorithm, and we show how the census algorithm can be used to name nodes uniquely in a faulty network. Second, we consider using discrete harmonic functions as a computational tool. These functions are a natural exemplar of the balancing model. We prove new results concerning the stability and convergence of discrete harmonic functions, and describe a method which we call Eulerization for speeding up convergence.by David Pritchard.M.Eng