11 research outputs found

    Improved Nearly-MDS Expander Codes

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    A construction of expander codes is presented with the following three properties: (i) the codes lie close to the Singleton bound, (ii) they can be encoded in time complexity that is linear in their code length, and (iii) they have a linear-time bounded-distance decoder. By using a version of the decoder that corrects also erasures, the codes can replace MDS outer codes in concatenated constructions, thus resulting in linear-time encodable and decodable codes that approach the Zyablov bound or the capacity of memoryless channels. The presented construction improves on an earlier result by Guruswami and Indyk in that any rate and relative minimum distance that lies below the Singleton bound is attainable for a significantly smaller alphabet size.Comment: Part of this work was presented at the 2004 IEEE Int'l Symposium on Information Theory (ISIT'2004), Chicago, Illinois (June 2004). This work was submitted to IEEE Transactions on Information Theory on January 21, 2005. To appear in IEEE Transactions on Information Theory, August 2006. 12 page

    Correcting a Fraction of Errors in Nonbinary Expander Codes with Linear Programming

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    A linear-programming decoder for \emph{nonbinary} expander codes is presented. It is shown that the proposed decoder has the maximum-likelihood certificate properties. It is also shown that this decoder corrects any pattern of errors of a relative weight up to approximately 1/4 \delta_A \delta_B (where \delta_A and \delta_B are the relative minimum distances of the constituent codes).Comment: Part of this work was presented at the IEEE International Symposium on Information Theory 2009, Seoul, Kore

    The Minimum Distance of Graph Codes

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    We study codes constructed from graphs where the code symbols are associated with the edges and the symbols connected to a given vertex are restricted to be codewords in a component code. In particular we treat such codes from bipartite expander graphs coming from Euclidean planes and other geometries. We give results on the minimum distances of the codes

    Interactive Oracle Proofs with Constant Rate and Query Complexity

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    We study interactive oracle proofs (IOPs) [BCS16,RRR16], which combine aspects of probabilistically checkable proofs (PCPs) and interactive proofs (IPs). We present IOP constructions and techniques that enable us to obtain tradeoffs in proof length versus query complexity that are not known to be achievable via PCPs or IPs alone. Our main results are: 1. Circuit satisfiability has 3-round IOPs with linear proof length (counted in bits) and constant query complexity. 2. Reed-Solomon codes have 2-round IOPs of proximity with linear proof length and constant query complexity. 3. Tensor product codes have 1-round IOPs of proximity with sublinear proof length and constant query complexity. For all the above, known PCP constructions give quasilinear proof length and constant query complexity [BS08,Din07]. Also, for circuit satisfiability, [BKKMS13] obtain PCPs with linear proof length but sublinear (and super-constant) query complexity. As in [BKKMS13], we rely on algebraic-geometry codes to obtain our first result; but, unlike that work, our use of such codes is much "lighter" because we do not rely on any automorphisms of the code. We obtain our results by proving and combining "IOP-analogues" of tools underlying numerous IPs and PCPs: * Interactive proof composition. Proof composition [AS98] is used to reduce the query complexity of PCP verifiers, at the cost of increasing proof length by an additive factor that is exponential in the verifier\u27s randomness complexity. We prove a composition theorem for IOPs where this additive factor is linear. * Sublinear sumcheck. The sumcheck protocol [LFKN92] is an IP that enables the verifier to check the sum of values of a low-degree multi-variate polynomial on an exponentially-large hypercube, but the verifier\u27s running time depends linearly on the bound on individual degrees. We prove a sumcheck protocol for IOPs where this dependence is sublinear (e.g., polylogarithmic). Our work demonstrates that even constant-round IOPs are more efficient than known PCPs and IPs

    An algebraic approach to graph codes

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    Expander Graphs and Coding Theory

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    Expander graphs are highly connected sparse graphs which lie at the interface of many different fields of study. For example, they play important roles in prime sieves, cryptography, compressive sensing, metric embedding, and coding theory to name a few. This thesis focuses on the connections between sparse graphs and coding theory. It is a major challenge to explicitly construct sparse graphs with good expansion properties, for example Ramanujan graphs. Nevertheless, explicit constructions do exist, and in this thesis, we survey many of these constructions up to this point including a new construction which slightly improves on an earlier edge expansion bound. The edge expansion of a graph is crucial in applications, and it is well-known that computing the edge expansion of an arbitrary graph is NP-hard. We present a simple algo-rithm for approximating the edge expansion of a graph using linear programming techniques. While Andersen and Lang (2008) proved similar results, our analysis attacks the problem from a different vantage point and was discovered independently. The main contribution in the thesis is a new result in fast decoding for expander codes. Current algorithms in the literature can decode a constant fraction of errors in linear time but require that the underlying graphs have vertex expansion at least 1/2. We present a fast decoding algorithm that can decode a constant fraction of errors in linear time given any vertex expansion (even if it is much smaller than 1/2) by using a stronger local code, and the fraction of errors corrected almost doubles that of Viderman (2013)

    Contributions to folded reed-solomon codes for burst error correction

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