2 research outputs found

    A complex systems approach to connectivity to international markets

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    PhD ThesisImproving connectivity is increasingly a topic at the centre of the international trade and transport policy agendas. An examination on available documents and studies in both the policy-making and the academic fields shows that the concept of connectivity has often been defined in different ways, and thus has taken a variety of meanings. This poses the questions: what is freight connectivity?; what are its determinants in the context of international trade? The researcher is not aware of any study that has analysed, in a comprehensive and systematic way, the different perspectives, determinants and measures of connectivity to international markets. Using a mixed-methods approach that includes a systematic literature review encompassing literature in the fields of Transport Engineering and Economics, International Economics, Supply Chain Management, Physics and Transport Geography; a survey and in-depth interviews in three countries; comparative analysis of connectivity metrics in a variety of fields; and network analysis of over 100 networks, this Dissertation contributes to fill this gap by providing: (i) a complex systems approach to connectivity to international markets; (ii) a comprehensive definition of connectivity to international markets which encompasses the different factors that influence it; and (iii) a novel method to assess connectivity to international markets using network analysis. Further contributions of this research include insights on the multi-layered characteristics of both international trade flows and its support system; the perspective of emerging economies; and the study of a region – the Americas – mostly overlooked by the literature on complex systems applied to trade and transport networks. It is expected that a multi-disciplinary, comprehensive and more precise understanding and assessment of the determinants of connectivity will contribute to identify and design more effective policies to address barriers impeding the fast, smooth access to international markets, as well as guide future multi-disciplinary research and analysis in academia and policy-making

    Incertidumbre en las condiciones previstas del mercado cómo el enfoque en la fase de producción ramp-up en cadenas de suministro puede ayudar a una empresa en Ecuador

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    The following study seeks to collect information relevant to new product development and its relationship with supply chain management. Its focus is to determine the necessary capabilities for an organization to stay competitive in current conditions of globalization and high market volatility. In addition, the thesis ties the study with existing literature on the production ramp-up stage. To do so, there are two main phases to the study. (1) First, a categorical analysis of companies in Ecuador is done, in terms of their level of new product development and supply chain management. To accomplish it, a tool for qualitative data gathering is designed and carried out. The information gathered is analyzed at a general level and, later, at a specific level per industry. In doing so, relevant aspects that describe the actual state of Ecuadorian companies in terms of new product development and supply chain management are determined. (2) Second, relevant supply chain capabilities are defined; these are later evaluated in terms of a supply chain analysis of a company in Quito, Ecuador. For that, the processes of the supply chain of a specific company are analyzed in terms of the capacities determined, so as to link them with ramp-up concepts. Visibility and traceability, integration, innovation and technology, organizational culture that supports growth, outsourcing and responsiveness. At this point, supply chain processes of a specific company are analyzed, pointing out the link that was found between ramp-up and the capabilities mentioned before. Opportunities of improvement for the company are detected in terms of each supply chain capability. In order to achieve strategic fit, the company should increase its responsiveness level. Throughout the thesis, an exhaustive literature review introduces ramp-up concepts and supports the relevant capabilities defined for supply chains.El estudio busca principalmente levantar información relevante en temática de desarrollo de nuevos productos y su relación con la gestión de cadenas de suministro. Su enfoque es determinar capacidades necesarias para mantener a una organización competitiva, en condiciones actuales de globalización y alto nivel de volatilidad en el mercado. Además, se busca empatarlo con estudios enfocados en la etapa de producción ramp-up. Para ello, se ha dividido el estudio en dos etapas. (1) En la primera etapa, se lleva a cabo una categorización de empresas de Ecuador en relación a su nivel de desarrollo de nuevos productos y gestión de cadenas de suministro. Para ello, se realiza un proceso de diseño e implementación de una herramienta cualitativa que permita levantar información significativa. Se analiza entonces la información a nivel general y, posteriormente, por industria. De esta manera, se determinan aspectos importantes que describen el estado actual de empresas ecuatorianas en cuanto a desarrollo de nuevos productos y gestión de cadenas de suministro. (2) Durante la segunda etapa, se definen capacidades relevantes de la cadena de suministro que permitan atender adecuadamente las necesidades que busca satisfacer con el lanzamiento de un nuevo producto; estas se evalúan en términos de un análisis de la cadena de suministro de una empresa específica. Las capacidades detectadas incluyen trazabilidad y visibilidad, integración, tecnología e innovación, cultura organizacional que apoye al crecimiento, externalizar procesos no críticos y capacidad de respuesta. En este punto, se analizan los procesos de la cadena de suministro de una empresa específica, observando el vínculo encontrado del enfoque en la etapa de producción ramp-up con las capacidades detectadas. A partir de esto, se concluye que la empresa tiene oportunidades de mejora en cuanto a cada una de las capacidades detectadas, y requiere incrementar la capacidad de respuesta de su cadena de suministro para alcanzar un ajuste estratégico. Para lograrlo, se realiza además una profunda revisión literaria que permita introducir en materia de ramp-up y estudios previos del tema; así como la determinación de capacidades relevantes de las cadenas de suministro