628 research outputs found

    Quantum Algorithms for Learning and Testing Juntas

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    In this article we develop quantum algorithms for learning and testing juntas, i.e. Boolean functions which depend only on an unknown set of k out of n input variables. Our aim is to develop efficient algorithms: - whose sample complexity has no dependence on n, the dimension of the domain the Boolean functions are defined over; - with no access to any classical or quantum membership ("black-box") queries. Instead, our algorithms use only classical examples generated uniformly at random and fixed quantum superpositions of such classical examples; - which require only a few quantum examples but possibly many classical random examples (which are considered quite "cheap" relative to quantum examples). Our quantum algorithms are based on a subroutine FS which enables sampling according to the Fourier spectrum of f; the FS subroutine was used in earlier work of Bshouty and Jackson on quantum learning. Our results are as follows: - We give an algorithm for testing k-juntas to accuracy ϵ\epsilon that uses O(k/ϵ)O(k/\epsilon) quantum examples. This improves on the number of examples used by the best known classical algorithm. - We establish the following lower bound: any FS-based k-junta testing algorithm requires Ω(k)\Omega(\sqrt{k}) queries. - We give an algorithm for learning kk-juntas to accuracy ϵ\epsilon that uses O(ϵ1klogk)O(\epsilon^{-1} k\log k) quantum examples and O(2klog(1/ϵ))O(2^k \log(1/\epsilon)) random examples. We show that this learning algorithms is close to optimal by giving a related lower bound.Comment: 15 pages, 1 figure. Uses synttree package. To appear in Quantum Information Processin

    On active and passive testing

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    Given a property of Boolean functions, what is the minimum number of queries required to determine with high probability if an input function satisfies this property or is "far" from satisfying it? This is a fundamental question in Property Testing, where traditionally the testing algorithm is allowed to pick its queries among the entire set of inputs. Balcan, Blais, Blum and Yang have recently suggested to restrict the tester to take its queries from a smaller random subset of polynomial size of the inputs. This model is called active testing, and in the extreme case when the size of the set we can query from is exactly the number of queries performed it is known as passive testing. We prove that passive or active testing of k-linear functions (that is, sums of k variables among n over Z_2) requires Theta(k*log n) queries, assuming k is not too large. This extends the case k=1, (that is, dictator functions), analyzed by Balcan et. al. We also consider other classes of functions including low degree polynomials, juntas, and partially symmetric functions. Our methods combine algebraic, combinatorial, and probabilistic techniques, including the Talagrand concentration inequality and the Erdos--Rado theorem on Delta-systems.Comment: 16 page

    Optimal Bounds on Approximation of Submodular and XOS Functions by Juntas

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    We investigate the approximability of several classes of real-valued functions by functions of a small number of variables ({\em juntas}). Our main results are tight bounds on the number of variables required to approximate a function f:{0,1}n[0,1]f:\{0,1\}^n \rightarrow [0,1] within 2\ell_2-error ϵ\epsilon over the uniform distribution: 1. If ff is submodular, then it is ϵ\epsilon-close to a function of O(1ϵ2log1ϵ)O(\frac{1}{\epsilon^2} \log \frac{1}{\epsilon}) variables. This is an exponential improvement over previously known results. We note that Ω(1ϵ2)\Omega(\frac{1}{\epsilon^2}) variables are necessary even for linear functions. 2. If ff is fractionally subadditive (XOS) it is ϵ\epsilon-close to a function of 2O(1/ϵ2)2^{O(1/\epsilon^2)} variables. This result holds for all functions with low total 1\ell_1-influence and is a real-valued analogue of Friedgut's theorem for boolean functions. We show that 2Ω(1/ϵ)2^{\Omega(1/\epsilon)} variables are necessary even for XOS functions. As applications of these results, we provide learning algorithms over the uniform distribution. For XOS functions, we give a PAC learning algorithm that runs in time 2poly(1/ϵ)poly(n)2^{poly(1/\epsilon)} poly(n). For submodular functions we give an algorithm in the more demanding PMAC learning model (Balcan and Harvey, 2011) which requires a multiplicative 1+γ1+\gamma factor approximation with probability at least 1ϵ1-\epsilon over the target distribution. Our uniform distribution algorithm runs in time 2poly(1/(γϵ))poly(n)2^{poly(1/(\gamma\epsilon))} poly(n). This is the first algorithm in the PMAC model that over the uniform distribution can achieve a constant approximation factor arbitrarily close to 1 for all submodular functions. As follows from the lower bounds in (Feldman et al., 2013) both of these algorithms are close to optimal. We also give applications for proper learning, testing and agnostic learning with value queries of these classes.Comment: Extended abstract appears in proceedings of FOCS 201

    Partially Symmetric Functions are Efficiently Isomorphism-Testable

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    Given a function f: {0,1}^n \to {0,1}, the f-isomorphism testing problem requires a randomized algorithm to distinguish functions that are identical to f up to relabeling of the input variables from functions that are far from being so. An important open question in property testing is to determine for which functions f we can test f-isomorphism with a constant number of queries. Despite much recent attention to this question, essentially only two classes of functions were known to be efficiently isomorphism testable: symmetric functions and juntas. We unify and extend these results by showing that all partially symmetric functions---functions invariant to the reordering of all but a constant number of their variables---are efficiently isomorphism-testable. This class of functions, first introduced by Shannon, includes symmetric functions, juntas, and many other functions as well. We conjecture that these functions are essentially the only functions efficiently isomorphism-testable. To prove our main result, we also show that partial symmetry is efficiently testable. In turn, to prove this result we had to revisit the junta testing problem. We provide a new proof of correctness of the nearly-optimal junta tester. Our new proof replaces the Fourier machinery of the original proof with a purely combinatorial argument that exploits the connection between sets of variables with low influence and intersecting families. Another important ingredient in our proofs is a new notion of symmetric influence. We use this measure of influence to prove that partial symmetry is efficiently testable and also to construct an efficient sample extractor for partially symmetric functions. We then combine the sample extractor with the testing-by-implicit-learning approach to complete the proof that partially symmetric functions are efficiently isomorphism-testable.Comment: 22 page