4 research outputs found

    Min-Max Tours for Task Allocation to Heterogeneous Agents

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    We consider a scenario consisting of a set of heterogeneous mobile agents located at a depot, and a set of tasks dispersed over a geographic area. The agents are partitioned into different types. The tasks are partitioned into specialized tasks that can only be done by agents of a certain type, and generic tasks that can be done by any agent. The distances between each pair of tasks are specified, and satisfy the triangle inequality. Given this scenario, we address the problem of allocating these tasks among the available agents (subject to type compatibility constraints) while minimizing the maximum cost to tour the allocation by any agent and return to the depot. This problem is NP-hard, and we give a three phase algorithm to solve this problem that provides 5-factor approximation, regardless of the total number of agents and the number of agents of each type. We also show that in the special case where there is only one agent of each type, the algorithm has an approximation factor of 4

    Vehicle Routing with Subtours

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    When delivering items to a set of destinations, one can save time and cost by passing a subset to a sub-contractor at any point en route. We consider a model where a set of items are initially loaded in one vehicle and should be distributed before a given deadline {\Delta}. In addition to travel time and time for deliveries, we assume that there is a fixed delay for handing over an item from one vehicle to another. We will show that it is easy to decide whether an instance is feasible, i.e., whether it is possible to deliver all items before the deadline {\Delta}. We then consider computing a feasible tour of minimum cost, where we incur a cost per unit distance traveled by the vehicles, and a setup cost for every used vehicle. Our problem arises in practical applications and generalizes classical problems such as shallow-light trees and the bounded-latency problem. Our main result is a polynomial-time algorithm that, for any given {\epsilon} > 0 and any feasible instance, computes a solution that delivers all items before time (1+ {\epsilon}){\Delta} and has cost O(1 + 1 / {\epsilon}) OPT, where OPT is the minimum cost of any feasible solution. We show that our result is best possible in the sense that any improvement would lead to progress on 25-year-old questions on shallow-light trees

    Improved Approximation Algorithms for the Min-max Tree Cover and Bounded Tree Cover Problems

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    In this paper we provide improved approximation algorithms for the Min-Max Tree Cover and Bounded Tree Cover problems. Given a graph G = (V, E) with weights w: E → Z +, a set T1, T2,..., Tk of subtrees of G is called a tree cover of G if V = ⋃k i=1 V (Ti). In the Min-Max k-tree Cover problem we are given graph G and a positive integer k and the goal is to find a tree cover with k trees, such that the weight of the largest tree in the cover is minimized. We present a 3-approximation algorithm for this improving the two different approximation algorithms presented in [1, 5] with ratio 4. The problem is known to have an APX-hardness lower bound of 3 2 [12]. In the Bounded Tree Cover problem we are given graph G and a bound λ and the goal is to find a tree cover with minimum number of trees such that each tree has weight at most λ. We present a 2.5-approximation algorithm for this, improving the 3-approximation bound in [1].

    Approximation algorithms for min-max tree cover and bounded tree cover problems

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    In this paper we provide improved approximation algorithms for the Min-Max Tree Cover and Bounded Tree Cover problems. Given a graph G = (V, E) with weights w: E → Z +, a set T1, T2,..., Tk of subtrees of G is called a tree cover of G if V = ⋃k i=1 V (Ti). In the Min-Max k-tree Cover problem we are given graph G and a positive integer k and the goal is to find a tree cover with k trees, such that the weight of the largest tree in the cover is minimized. We present a 3-approximation algorithm for this improving the two different approximation algorithms presented in [1, 5] with ratio 4. The problem is known to have an APX-hardness lower bound of 3 2 [13]. In the Bounded Tree Cover problem we are given graph G and a bound λ and the goal is to find a tree cover with minimum number of trees such that each tree has weight at most λ. We present a 2.5-approximation algorithm for this, improving the 3-approximation bound in [1].