7 research outputs found

    Impossibility of dimension reduction in the nuclear norm

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    Let S1\mathsf{S}_1 (the Schatten--von Neumann trace class) denote the Banach space of all compact linear operators T:22T:\ell_2\to \ell_2 whose nuclear norm TS1=j=1σj(T)\|T\|_{\mathsf{S}_1}=\sum_{j=1}^\infty\sigma_j(T) is finite, where {σj(T)}j=1\{\sigma_j(T)\}_{j=1}^\infty are the singular values of TT. We prove that for arbitrarily large nNn\in \mathbb{N} there exists a subset CS1\mathcal{C}\subseteq \mathsf{S}_1 with C=n|\mathcal{C}|=n that cannot be embedded with bi-Lipschitz distortion O(1)O(1) into any no(1)n^{o(1)}-dimensional linear subspace of S1\mathsf{S}_1. C\mathcal{C} is not even a O(1)O(1)-Lipschitz quotient of any subset of any no(1)n^{o(1)}-dimensional linear subspace of S1\mathsf{S}_1. Thus, S1\mathsf{S}_1 does not admit a dimension reduction result \'a la Johnson and Lindenstrauss (1984), which complements the work of Harrow, Montanaro and Short (2011) on the limitations of quantum dimension reduction under the assumption that the embedding into low dimensions is a quantum channel. Such a statement was previously known with S1\mathsf{S}_1 replaced by the Banach space 1\ell_1 of absolutely summable sequences via the work of Brinkman and Charikar (2003). In fact, the above set C\mathcal{C} can be taken to be the same set as the one that Brinkman and Charikar considered, viewed as a collection of diagonal matrices in S1\mathsf{S}_1. The challenge is to demonstrate that C\mathcal{C} cannot be faithfully realized in an arbitrary low-dimensional subspace of S1\mathsf{S}_1, while Brinkman and Charikar obtained such an assertion only for subspaces of S1\mathsf{S}_1 that consist of diagonal operators (i.e., subspaces of 1\ell_1). We establish this by proving that the Markov 2-convexity constant of any finite dimensional linear subspace XX of S1\mathsf{S}_1 is at most a universal constant multiple of logdim(X)\sqrt{\log \mathrm{dim}(X)}

    Bounds on Dimension Reduction in the Nuclear Norm

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    \newcommand{\schs}{\scriptstyle{\mathsf{S}}_1} For all n1n \ge 1, we give an explicit construction of m×mm \times m matrices A1,,AnA_1,\ldots,A_n with m=2n/2m = 2^{\lfloor n/2 \rfloor} such that for any dd and d×dd \times d matrices A1,,AnA'_1,\ldots,A'_n that satisfy \|A'_i-A'_j\|_{\schs} \,\leq\, \|A_i-A_j\|_{\schs}\,\leq\, (1+\delta) \|A'_i-A'_j\|_{\schs} for all i,j{1,,n}i,j\in\{1,\ldots,n\} and small enough δ=O(nc)\delta = O(n^{-c}), where c>0c> 0 is a universal constant, it must be the case that d2n/21d \ge 2^{\lfloor n/2\rfloor -1}. This stands in contrast to the metric theory of commutative p\ell_p spaces, as it is known that for any p1p\geq 1, any nn points in p\ell_p embed exactly in pd\ell_p^d for d=n(n1)/2d=n(n-1)/2. Our proof is based on matrices derived from a representation of the Clifford algebra generated by nn anti-commuting Hermitian matrices that square to identity, and borrows ideas from the analysis of nonlocal games in quantum information theory.Comment: 16 page

    Bounds on Dimension Reduction in the Nuclear Norm

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    For all n ≥ 1, we give an explicit construction of m × m matrices A_1,…,A_n with m = 2^([n/2]) such that for any d and d × d matrices A′_1,…,A′_n that satisfy ∥A_′i−A′_j∥S_1 ≤ ∥A_i−A_j∥S_1 ≤ (1+δ)∥A′_i−A′_j∥S_1 for all i,j∈{1,…,n} and small enough δ = O(n^(−c)), where c > 0 is a universal constant, it must be the case that d ≥ 2^([n/2]−1). This stands in contrast to the metric theory of commutative ℓ_p spaces, as it is known that for any p ≥ 1, any n points in ℓ_p embed exactly in ℓ^d_p for d = n(n−1)/2. Our proof is based on matrices derived from a representation of the Clifford algebra generated by n anti-commuting Hermitian matrices that square to identity, and borrows ideas from the analysis of nonlocal games in quantum information theory

    Bounds on Dimension Reduction in the Nuclear Norm

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    For all n ≥ 1, we give an explicit construction of m × m matrices A_1,…,A_n with m = 2^([n/2]) such that for any d and d × d matrices A′_1,…,A′_n that satisfy ∥A_′i−A′_j∥S_1 ≤ ∥A_i−A_j∥S_1 ≤ (1+δ)∥A′_i−A′_j∥S_1 for all i,j∈{1,…,n} and small enough δ = O(n^(−c)), where c > 0 is a universal constant, it must be the case that d ≥ 2^([n/2]−1). This stands in contrast to the metric theory of commutative ℓ_p spaces, as it is known that for any p ≥ 1, any n points in ℓ_p embed exactly in ℓ^d_p for d = n(n−1)/2. Our proof is based on matrices derived from a representation of the Clifford algebra generated by n anti-commuting Hermitian matrices that square to identity, and borrows ideas from the analysis of nonlocal games in quantum information theory