3 research outputs found

    FPGA/DNN Co-Design: An Efficient Design Methodology for IoT Intelligence on the Edge

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    While embedded FPGAs are attractive platforms for DNN acceleration on edge-devices due to their low latency and high energy efficiency, the scarcity of resources of edge-scale FPGA devices also makes it challenging for DNN deployment. In this paper, we propose a simultaneous FPGA/DNN co-design methodology with both bottom-up and top-down approaches: a bottom-up hardware-oriented DNN model search for high accuracy, and a top-down FPGA accelerator design considering DNN-specific characteristics. We also build an automatic co-design flow, including an Auto-DNN engine to perform hardware-oriented DNN model search, as well as an Auto-HLS engine to generate synthesizable C code of the FPGA accelerator for explored DNNs. We demonstrate our co-design approach on an object detection task using PYNQ-Z1 FPGA. Results show that our proposed DNN model and accelerator outperform the state-of-the-art FPGA designs in all aspects including Intersection-over-Union (IoU) (6.2% higher), frames per second (FPS) (2.48X higher), power consumption (40% lower), and energy efficiency (2.5X higher). Compared to GPU-based solutions, our designs deliver similar accuracy but consume far less energy.Comment: Accepted by Design Automation Conference (DAC'2019

    ATCN: Agile Temporal Convolutional Networks for Processing of Time Series on Edge

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    This paper presents a scalable deep learning model called Agile Temporal Convolutional Network (ATCN) for high-accurate fast classification and time series prediction in resource-constrained embedded systems. ATCN is primarily designed for mobile embedded systems with performance and memory constraints such as wearable biomedical devices and real-time reliability monitoring systems. It makes fundamental improvements over the mainstream temporal convolutional neural networks, including the incorporation of separable depth-wise convolution to reduce the computational complexity of the model and residual connections as time attention machines, increase the network depth and accuracy. The result of this configurability makes the ATCN a family of compact networks with formalized hyper-parameters that allow the model architecture to be configurable and adjusted based on the application requirements. We demonstrate the capabilities of our proposed ATCN on accuracy and performance trade-off on three embedded applications, including transistor reliability monitoring, heartbeat classification of ECG signals, and digit classification. Our comparison results against state-of-the-art approaches demonstrate much lower computation and memory demand for faster processing with better prediction and classification accuracy. The source code of the ATCN model is publicly available at https://github.com/TeCSAR-UNCC/ATCN

    DNNExplorer: A Framework for Modeling and Exploring a Novel Paradigm of FPGA-based DNN Accelerator

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    Existing FPGA-based DNN accelerators typically fall into two design paradigms. Either they adopt a generic reusable architecture to support different DNN networks but leave some performance and efficiency on the table because of the sacrifice of design specificity. Or they apply a layer-wise tailor-made architecture to optimize layer-specific demands for computation and resources but loose the scalability of adaptation to a wide range of DNN networks. To overcome these drawbacks, this paper proposes a novel FPGA-based DNN accelerator design paradigm and its automation tool, called DNNExplorer, to enable fast exploration of various accelerator designs under the proposed paradigm and deliver optimized accelerator architectures for existing and emerging DNN networks. Three key techniques are essential for DNNExplorer's improved performance, better specificity, and scalability, including (1) a unique accelerator design paradigm with both high-dimensional design space support and fine-grained adjustability, (2) a dynamic design space to accommodate different combinations of DNN workloads and targeted FPGAs, and (3) a design space exploration (DSE) engine to generate optimized accelerator architectures following the proposed paradigm by simultaneously considering both FPGAs' computation and memory resources and DNN networks' layer-wise characteristics and overall complexity. Experimental results show that, for the same FPGAs, accelerators generated by DNNExplorer can deliver up to 4.2x higher performances (GOP/s) than the state-of-the-art layer-wise pipelined solutions generated by DNNBuilder for VGG-like DNN with 38 CONV layers. Compared to accelerators with generic reusable computation units, DNNExplorer achieves up to 2.0x and 4.4x DSP efficiency improvement than a recently published accelerator design from academia (HybridDNN) and a commercial DNN accelerator IP (Xilinx DPU), respectively.Comment: Published as a conference paper at International Conference on Computer Aided Design 2020 (ICCAD'20