5 research outputs found

    A dynamic prediction and monitoring framework for distributed applications

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    This research builds on an application performance prediction and characterisation environment (known as PACE), whose aim is to characterise the performance-critical elements of both an application and its target execution environment and deduce from this model a predicted behaviour of the application prior to its execution. Underlying the research presented in this thesis are a number of themes: the tasks involved in the performance characterisation of applications and how this might be semi- automated: the level of abstraction at which these characterisations are performed in order to maintain a sufficient predictive accuracy: the automated refinement of these characterisations from runtime performance data: the extension of both the target programming languages and the class of application at which these techniques are aimed. In this thesis a number of novel extensions to PACE are described. These include: a new transaction-based performance characterisation language that provides a flexible framework for describing broader classes of application; a performance monitoring framework (based on an extension to the OpenGroup’s Application Response Measurement (ARM) standard) for the runtime monitoring of an application's data-dependent components and the automated refinement of performance models: an adaptation of this performance characterisation for the prediction of Java applications. These contributions are demonstrated through their application to a number of scientific kernels. This thesis also documents how these predictive results can be used in a real-time distributed runtime management environment, and also how these techniques can be applied to non-scientific codes, in particular to an IBM request-driven distributed web services demonstrator

    Bridging a Gap Between Research and Production: Contributions to Scheduling and Simulation

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    Large scale distributed computing infrastructures (e.g., data centers, grids, or clouds) are used by scientists from various domains to produce outstanding research results, such as the discovery of the Higgs Boson in High Energy Physics. These infrastructures are also studied by Computer Scientists to produce their own set of scientific results. Ideally, a virtuous circle should exist between Domain and Computer Scientists: the former raising challenges that could be addressed by the latter. Unfortunately, in many occasions, a gap exists that prevents such an ideal and fostering collaboration. This habilitation covers research works conducted in the fields of scheduling and simulation that contribute to the filling of this gap. It discusses the necessary conditions to achieve this goal and details concrete initiatives in this endeavor

    Techniques To Facilitate the Understanding of Inter-process Communication Traces

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    High Performance Computing (HPC) systems play an important role in today’s heavily digitized world, which is in a constant demand for higher speed of calculation and performance. HPC applications are used in multiple domains such as telecommunication, health, scientific research, and more. With the emergence of multi-core and cloud computing platforms, the HPC paradigm is quickly becoming the design of choice of many service providers. HPC systems are also known to be complex to debug and analyze due to the large number of processes they involve and the way these processes communicate with each other to perform specific tasks. As a result, software engineers must spend extensive amount of time understanding the complex interactions among a system’s processes. This is usually done through the analysis of execution traces generated from running the system at hand. Traces, however, are very difficult to work with due to the overwhelming size of typical traces. The objective of this research is to present a set of techniques that facilitates the understanding of the behaviour of HPC applications through the analysis of system traces. The first technique consists of building an exchange format called MTF (MPI Trace Format) for representing and exchanging traces generated from HPC applications based on the MPI (Message Passing Interface) standard, which is a de facto standard for inter-process communication for high performance computing systems. The design of MTF is validated against well-known requirements for a standard exchange format. The second technique aims to facilitate the understanding of large traces of inter-process communication by automatically extracting communication patterns that characterize their main behaviour. Two algorithms are presented. The first one permits the recognition of repeating patterns in traces of MPI (Message Passing Interaction) applications whereas the second algorithm searches if a given communication pattern occurs in a trace. Both algorithms are based on the n-gram extraction technique used in natural language processing. Finally, we developed a technique to abstract MPI traces by detecting the different execution phases in a program based on concepts from information theory. Using this approach, software engineers can examine the trace as a sequence of high-level computational phases instead of a mere flow of low-level events. The techniques presented in this thesis have been tested on traces generated from real HPC programs. The results from several case studies demonstrate the usefulness and effectiveness of our techniques