1 research outputs found

    1 Overview Implementing a paper flier metaphor using cloth simulation

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    In designing interfaces for large screen, digital, community bulletin boards, we have moved away from the desktop metaphor and have implemented a paper flier metaphor using a real-time cloth simulation algorithm. We use a real-time 3D approach to preserve the aesthetics of physical bulletin boards and add attractive effects like papers riffling in the wind (Figure 1). Our dynamic effects grab the attention of passers-by who are also able to manipulate the digital fliers with natural gestures. Gestures include folding the corners to see what is underneath, adding and removing virtual pushpins, and rotating the digital fliers. Letting go of a flier causes it to swing under the force of gravity. 2 Implementation: Simulation and manipulation The graphics simulation is a client connected to a server process. Users post new content to the digital bulletin board by sending any URL to the server. Upon receipt, the server opens a new We