2 research outputs found

    Implementing a Verifier For Real-Time Systems

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    The SARTOR project has as one of its goals the development of an environment for the development of correct real-time systems. Modechart is a specification language for real-time systems developed as part of this project. Verify4 is an implementation of a verifier for certain classes of properties of systems specified using modechart. This paper describes the program verify4 and addresses implementation issues surrounding three of the key algorithms used in the program. 1. Introduction The SARTOR project,[Mok 85], has as its ultimate goal an environment for the development of correct real-time software. There are many research threads under SARTOR. Software has already been developed to do timing analysis of assembly language and c source code. Other projects are covering realtime rule based decision systems, data flow computation, and scheduling. There is also an attempt to provide a framework for the specification and verification of real-time systems. The verification effort has ..

    Formal Methods for Dependable Real-Time Systems

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    g. [36] John A. Stankovic and Krithi Ramamritham. What is predictability for real-time systems? Real-Time Systems, 2(4):247--254, November 1990. (Editorial). [37] Douglas A. Stuart. Implementing a verifier for real-time systems. In Real Time Systems Symposium, pages 62--71, Lake Buena Vista, FL, December 1990. IEEE Computer Society. [14] Farnam Jahanian and Aloysius Ka-Lau Mok. Safety analysis of timing properties in real-time systems. IEEE Transactions on Software Engineering, SE-12(9):890--904, September 1986. [15] Ron Koymans. Specifying real-time properties with metric temporal logic. Real-Time Systems, 2(4):255--299, November 1990. [16] L. Lamport. Sometime is sometimes not never. In 10th ACM Symposium on Principles of Programming Languages, pages 174--185, Austin, TX, January 1983. [17] L. Lamport and P. M. Melliar-Smith. Synchronizing clocks in the presence of faults. Jour