6 research outputs found

    RFID in the Cloud: A Service for High-Speed Data Access in Distributed Value Chains

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    Radio-Frequency Identification (RFID) is emerging as an important technology for exchanging information about physical objects along distributed value chains. The influential standardization organization EPCglobal has released standards for RFID-based data exchange that follow the data-on-network paradigm. Here, the business-relevant object data is provided by network services, whereas RFID tags are only used to carry a reference number for data retrieval via the Internet. However, as we show in this paper, this paradigm can result in long response times for data access. We present experiments that explore what factors impact the response times and identify obstacles in current architectures. Based on these analyses, we designed a cloud-based service that realizes high-speed data access for data-on-network solutions. We further present simulation experiments analyzing the benefits of our cloud-based concept with regards to fast RFID-data access and reduced infrastructure cost through scale effects

    Inter-organizational Integration of Smart Objects: White Spots in the Solution Landscape

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    The vision of the Internet of Things (IoT) has sparked considerable efforts in research and development over the past decade.Much of these efforts were driven by applications of RFID technology for monitoring the flow of goods and prominent earlyadopters such as Wal-Mart and Metro Group. Also, the global standards organization GS1 provided a number of wellrecognized specifications that are tailored to monitor objects across organizations.Development of the IoT has certainly benefited from the strong demand for monitoring goods in business applications.However, the dominance of these application scenarios and corresponding standards comes at the risk of neglectingrequirements from other domains. In this paper, we review the focus of existing works. Our contribution is twofold. (1) Usinga systematic literature review, we analyze existing research contributions and identify underrepresented areas. (2) We discussselected approaches in detail and highlight open issues in the covered functionality. The aim of our work is to raise awarenessfor open potentials in the IoT service domain and to direct future research and developments

    Evaluation of Different Electronic Product Code Discovery Service Models

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    Electronic Product Code Discovery Service (EPCDS) is an important concept in supply chain processes and in Internet of Things (IOT). It allows supply chain participants to search for their partners, communicate with them and share product information using standardized interfaces securely. Many researchers have been proposing different EPCDS models, considering different requirements. In this paper, we describe existing architecture designs of EPCDS systems, namely Directory Service Model, Query Relay Model and Aggregating Discovery Service Model (ADS). We also briefly mention Secure Discovery Service (SecDS) Model, which is an improved version of Directory Service Model with a secure attribute-based access control mechanism. Then, we analyze the strengths and limitations of these models, by comparing based on non-functional features such as data ownership, confidentiality, business relationship independence, availability, reliability, implementation complexity, visibility, and scalability. From the analysis results, we have a better understanding of which model is more suitable in what kinds of situations or scenarios. Moreover, we suggest possible improvements and identify possible future add-on applications to SecDS model in the paper

    A Secure Platform for Information Sharing in EPCglobal Network

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    With the rapid development of RFID technology, the EPCglobal network has drawn considerable attention from both research and industry communities, which enables supply chain partners to automatically share information and improve the visibility of supply chains. As the information shared in the EPCglobal network is usually sensitive and valuable, security mechanisms should be provided. In this paper, we aim at designing and implementing a secure information sharing platform in the EPCglobal network with a focus on authorization mechanism. We also design and implement a track and trace application based on the proposed secure platform so as to demonstrate its feasibility and practicality

    Progettazione e implementazione di un servizio distribuito di look-up delle risorse per l'internet delle cose

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    L’internet delle cose è un nuovo concetto che sta crescendo in questi anni riferito all’estensione di internet al mondo degli oggetti. L’idea è quella di rendere gli oggetti intelligenti, permettendogli di comunicare dati su se stessi o informazioni raccolte ed accedere ad informazioni pubblicate da altri in modo da far acquisire agli oggetti stessi un ruolo attivo grazie al collegamento alla rete. Grazie a questo l’internet del futuro prevede la concezione di nuovi servizi, sensibili al contesto, che avranno la capacità di migliorare la qualità della vita degli utenti. Per realizzare tale visione è di primaria importanza lo sviluppo di meccanismi efficaci per scoprire le risorse e le informazioni rese disponibili dagli oggetti. Il contributo di questo lavoro consiste nella progettazione ed implementazione di un servizio distribuito di look-up delle risorse per l’internet delle cose. La soluzione proposta adotta un approccio peer-to-peer, grazie all’uso di tabelle di hash distribuite (DHT) ed è in grado di gestire query multi-attributo e range query. L’approccio proposto permette alle applicazioni di poter ricercare una risorsa sulla base delle proprietà dell’oggetto che la fornisce senza conoscere a priori l’identificatore dello stesso, come invece avviene nelle normali DHT

    Progetto e sviluppo di un servizio di lookup basato su hash table distribuite per la piattaforma FIWARE

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    FIWARE è una piattaforma middleware per lo sviluppo e la distribuzione su larga scala di applicazioni e servizi per il Future Internet. FIWARE mette a disposizione per il settore dell’IoT, dei Generic Enablers che consentono alle Things di diventare risorse di contesto. L’approccio proposto permette di poter ricercare una Entità attraverso le interfaccie proposte da FIWARE in un contesto distribuito, utilizzando un approccio P2P con l'utilizzo di tabelle hash distribuite DHT