20 research outputs found

    Digital watermark technology in security applications

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    With the rising emphasis on security and the number of fraud related crimes around the world, authorities are looking for new technologies to tighten security of identity. Among many modern electronic technologies, digital watermarking has unique advantages to enhance the document authenticity. At the current status of the development, digital watermarking technologies are not as matured as other competing technologies to support identity authentication systems. This work presents improvements in performance of two classes of digital watermarking techniques and investigates the issue of watermark synchronisation. Optimal performance can be obtained if the spreading sequences are designed to be orthogonal to the cover vector. In this thesis, two classes of orthogonalisation methods that generate binary sequences quasi-orthogonal to the cover vector are presented. One method, namely "Sorting and Cancelling" generates sequences that have a high level of orthogonality to the cover vector. The Hadamard Matrix based orthogonalisation method, namely "Hadamard Matrix Search" is able to realise overlapped embedding, thus the watermarking capacity and image fidelity can be improved compared to using short watermark sequences. The results are compared with traditional pseudo-randomly generated binary sequences. The advantages of both classes of orthogonalisation inethods are significant. Another watermarking method that is introduced in the thesis is based on writing-on-dirty-paper theory. The method is presented with biorthogonal codes that have the best robustness. The advantage and trade-offs of using biorthogonal codes with this watermark coding methods are analysed comprehensively. The comparisons between orthogonal and non-orthogonal codes that are used in this watermarking method are also made. It is found that fidelity and robustness are contradictory and it is not possible to optimise them simultaneously. Comparisons are also made between all proposed methods. The comparisons are focused on three major performance criteria, fidelity, capacity and robustness. aom two different viewpoints, conclusions are not the same. For fidelity-centric viewpoint, the dirty-paper coding methods using biorthogonal codes has very strong advantage to preserve image fidelity and the advantage of capacity performance is also significant. However, from the power ratio point of view, the orthogonalisation methods demonstrate significant advantage on capacity and robustness. The conclusions are contradictory but together, they summarise the performance generated by different design considerations. The synchronisation of watermark is firstly provided by high contrast frames around the watermarked image. The edge detection filters are used to detect the high contrast borders of the captured image. By scanning the pixels from the border to the centre, the locations of detected edges are stored. The optimal linear regression algorithm is used to estimate the watermarked image frames. Estimation of the regression function provides rotation angle as the slope of the rotated frames. The scaling is corrected by re-sampling the upright image to the original size. A theoretically studied method that is able to synchronise captured image to sub-pixel level accuracy is also presented. By using invariant transforms and the "symmetric phase only matched filter" the captured image can be corrected accurately to original geometric size. The method uses repeating watermarks to form an array in the spatial domain of the watermarked image and the the array that the locations of its elements can reveal information of rotation, translation and scaling with two filtering processes

    Iterative interference cancellation and channel estimation for mobile OFDM

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    Preserving data integrity of encoded medical images: the LAR compression framework

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    International audienceThrough the development of medical imaging systems and their integration into a complete information system, the need for advanced joint coding and network services becomes predominant. PACS (Picture Archiving and Communication System) aims to acquire, store and compress, retrieve, present and distribute medical images. These systems have to be accessible via the Internet or wireless channels. Thus protection processes against transmission errors have to be added to get a powerful joint source-channel coding tool. Moreover, these sensitive data require confidentiality and privacy for both archiving and transmission purposes, leading to use cryptography and data embedding solutions. This chapter introduces data integrity protection and developed dedicated tools of content protection and secure bitstream transmission for medical encoded image purposes. In particular, the LAR image coding method is defined together with advanced securization services

    An Investigation of Orthogonal Wavelet Division Multiplexing Techniques as an Alternative to Orthogonal Frequency Division Multiplex Transmissions and Comparison of Wavelet Families and Their Children

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    Recently, issues surrounding wireless communications have risen to prominence because of the increase in the popularity of wireless applications. Bandwidth problems, and the difficulty of modulating signals across carriers, represent significant challenges. Every modulation scheme used to date has had limitations, and the use of the Discrete Fourier Transform in OFDM (Orthogonal Frequency Division Multiplex) is no exception. The restriction on further development of OFDM lies primarily within the type of transform it uses in the heart of its system, Fourier transform. OFDM suffers from sensitivity to Peak to Average Power Ratio, carrier frequency offset and wasting some bandwidth to guard successive OFDM symbols. The discovery of the wavelet transform has opened up a number of potential applications from image compression to watermarking and encryption. Very recently, work has been done to investigate the potential of using wavelet transforms within the communication space. This research will further investigate a recently proposed, innovative, modulation technique, Orthogonal Wavelet Division Multiplex, which utilises the wavelet transform opening a new avenue for an alternative modulation scheme with some interesting potential characteristics. Wavelet transform has many families and each of those families has children which each differ in filter length. This research consider comprehensively investigates the new modulation scheme, and proposes multi-level dynamic sub-banding as a tool to adapt variable signal bandwidths. Furthermore, all compactly supported wavelet families and their associated children of those families are investigated and evaluated against each other and compared with OFDM. The linear computational complexity of wavelet transform is less than the logarithmic complexity of Fourier in OFDM. The more important complexity is the operational complexity which is cost effectiveness, such as the time response of the system, the memory consumption and the number of iterative operations required for data processing. Those complexities are investigated for all available compactly supported wavelet families and their children and compared with OFDM. The evaluation reveals which wavelet families perform more effectively than OFDM, and for each wavelet family identifies which family children perform the best. Based on these results, it is concluded that the wavelet modulation scheme has some interesting advantages over OFDM, such as lower complexity and bandwidth conservation of up to 25%, due to the elimination of guard intervals and dynamic bandwidth allocation, which result in better cost effectiveness


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    ABSTRACT Performance Analysis of Different Schemes for Transmission of Watermarked Medical images over Fading Channels Praveen Kumar Korrai In this thesis, we investigate different types of robust schemes for transmission of medical images with concealed patient information as a watermark. In these schemes, spatial domain digital watermarking technique is adapted to embed the patient information as a watermark into the lower order bits of the medical images to reduce the storage and transmission overheads. The watermark, which comprises text data, is encrypted to prevent unauthorized access of data. To enhance the robustness of the embedded information, the encrypted watermark is coded by concatenation of Reed Solomon (RS) and low density parity check (LDPC) codes. A robust scheme for transmission of watermarked images over impulsive noisy wireless channels is first proposed and its performance analyzed. In this scheme, the bursty wireless channel is simulated by adding impulse noise to the watermark embedded image. Furthermore, turbo channel coding is used to correct the transmission errors over impulsive noisy wireless channels. However, single input single output (SISO) channel capacity is not enough to provide modern wireless services such as data and multimedia messaging services. Further, it is not reliable due to multipath fading. To overcome these problems, a multiple-input multiple-output (MIMO) transmission scheme in which multiple antennas are used at both the transmitter and the receiver has emerged as one of the most significant technical breakthroughs in modern wireless communications. MIMO can improve the channel capacity and provide diversity gain. Hence, a scheme with a MIMO channel is proposed for the transmission of watermarked medical images over Rayleigh flat fading channels and its performance analyzed using MIMO maximum likelihood detector at the receiver. We present another scheme, namely, MIMO space frequency block coded OFDM (MIMO SFBC OFDM) in this thesis for transmission of watermarked medical images over Rayleigh fading channels to mitigate the detrimental effects due to frequency selective fading. The performance of this MIMO SFBC OFDM scheme is analyzed and compared with that of SISO-OFDM using minimum mean square error V-BLAST- based detection at the receiver. The efficacy of the different proposed schemes is illustrated through implementation results on watermarked medical images

    Applications of MATLAB in Science and Engineering

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    The book consists of 24 chapters illustrating a wide range of areas where MATLAB tools are applied. These areas include mathematics, physics, chemistry and chemical engineering, mechanical engineering, biological (molecular biology) and medical sciences, communication and control systems, digital signal, image and video processing, system modeling and simulation. Many interesting problems have been included throughout the book, and its contents will be beneficial for students and professionals in wide areas of interest

    The Discrete Linear Chirp Transform and its Applications

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    In many applications in signal processing, the discrete Fourier transform (DFT) plays a significant role in analyzing characteristics of stationary signals in the frequency domain. The DFT can be implemented in a very efficient way using the fast Fourier transform (FFT) algorithm. However, many actual signals by their nature are non--stationary signals which make the choice of the DFT to deal with such signals not appropriate. Alternative tools for analyzing non--stationary signals come with the development of time--frequency distributions (TFD). The Wigner--Ville distribution is a time--frequency distribution that represents linear chirps in an ideal way, but it has the problem of cross--terms which makes the analysis of such tools unacceptable for multi--component signals. In this dissertation, we develop three definitions of linear chirp transforms which are: the continuous linear chirp transform (CLCT), the discrete linear chirp transform (DLCT), and the discrete cosine chirp transform (DCCT). Most of this work focuses on the discrete linear chirp transform (DLCT) which can be considered a generalization of the DFT to analyze non--stationary signals. The DLCT is a joint frequency chirp--rate transformation, capable of locally representing signals in terms of linear chirps. Important properties of this transform are discussed and explored. The efficient implementation of the DLCT is given by taking advantage of the FFT algorithm. Since this novel transform can be implemented in a fast and efficient way, this would make the proposed transform a candidate to be used for many applications, including chirp rate estimation, signal compression, filtering, signal separation, elimination of the cross--terms in the Wigner--Ville distribution, and in communication systems. In this dissertation, we will explore some of these applications

    Kablolu iletişim ağlarında yeni bir şifreleme tabanlı güvenlik uygulaması

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    06.03.2018 tarihli ve 30352 sayılı Resmi Gazetede yayımlanan “Yükseköğretim Kanunu İle Bazı Kanun Ve Kanun Hükmünde Kararnamelerde Değişiklik Yapılması Hakkında Kanun” ile 18.06.2018 tarihli “Lisansüstü Tezlerin Elektronik Ortamda Toplanması, Düzenlenmesi ve Erişime Açılmasına İlişkin Yönerge” gereğince tam metin erişime açılmıştır.Günümüzde haberleĢme teknolojileri hızla geliĢmekte ve güvenli iletiĢim önemli bir kavram olarak ortaya çıkmaktadır. Gerek askeri gerek sivil uygulamalar da yapılan bir görüĢmenin, düĢmanın ya da ticari bir rakibin eline geçmemesi için kullanılan ve geliĢtirilen birçok güvenli haberleĢme sistemi mevcuttur. Bu sistemler üzerindeki çalıĢmalar günümüzde hala güncelliğini korumaktadır. Ġnternet ortamında, uydu haberleĢmesinde, telsiz haberleĢmesinde, kablolu telefon hatları ve mobil telefonlarda bu teknolojiler kullanılmakta ve yeni teknikler geliĢtirilmektedir. Bu çalıĢmada Public Switched Telephone Network (PSTN) üzerinden güvenli haberleĢme için bir sistem tasarlanmıĢ ve gerçekleĢtirilmiĢtir. KonuĢma sinyali dijital sinyale çevrilip Ģifrelendikten sonra bir dial up modem aracılığıyla PSTN üzerinden alıcıya gönderilmektedir. Burada Ģifreleme için düĢük bellek ve iĢlem kapasitesine sahip sistemler için geliĢtirilmiĢ SEA ve XTEA algoritmaları kullanılmıĢtır. GerçekleĢtirilen sistem ile konuĢma sinyali Ģifrelenmeden önce bu sinyalin üzerine bir metin gizlenebilmektedir ve bu sayede sistemin güvenliği arttırılmıĢtır. Metin dosyası ses sinyali üzerine gömüldüğünde ses sinyalindeki bozulmaların kulakla algılanmayacak seviyede olmasına dikkat edilmiĢtir. Hattı dinleyen yetkisiz kiĢiler Ģifrelemeyi çözüp ses sinyalini elde etseler bile ses içindeki gizlenmiĢ veriyi algılayıp steganaliz yöntemleri ile elde etmeleri gerekmektedir. Ayrıca yapılan ikinci bir uygulamada, kısa aralıklarla Ģifreleme algoritmaları ile bu algoritmaların kullandıkları anahtarları değiĢtirilmiĢ ve bu değiĢimlerle ilgili bilgiler alıcı ile eĢ zamanlı çalıĢmanın sağlanması için gizli metin içinde gönderilmiĢtir. Böylece Ģifrenin kırılıp yapılan gizli haberleĢmenin içeriğinin elde edilmesi daha da zorlaĢtırılmıĢ ve sistem güvenliği arttırılmıĢtır.Today, communication technologies are developing rapidly and secure communication appears to be an important concept. There are many secure communication systems developed and used for protecting any conversation from an enemy or a trade rival in both military and civil applications. The works performed for these systems still remain up to date today. In the internet, the satellite communication, the radio communication, the wired telephone lines and the mobile phones, these technologies are being used and new techniques are being developed. In this work, a system for secure communication over Public Switched Telephone Network (PSTN) has been designed and realized. After the speech signal is converted to digital signal, the digital signal is encrypted and it is sent to receiver over PSTN by the dial-up modem. The SEA and XTEA algorithms which have been developed for low memory and process capacity, have been used for the encryption. With the developed system, before the encryption of the speech signal, a text can be hide into the signal. So the security of the system has been increased. When the text is embedded to the speech signal, it has been considered that the distortions in the signal are in unsensiblelevel fort he ears. Even if unauthorized persons listening the line can decrypt the encryption and obtain the speech signal, they have to detect and obtain the hidden data in the signal by using the steganalysis methods. In addition, the encryption algorithms and the keys of them have been changed in short periods and the information related with the changes has been sent in the hidden text for synchronization with the receiver. Thus, it is become harder to decrypt the encryption and to obtain the context of the hidden communication and the security of the system is increased

    Intelligent Circuits and Systems

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    ICICS-2020 is the third conference initiated by the School of Electronics and Electrical Engineering at Lovely Professional University that explored recent innovations of researchers working for the development of smart and green technologies in the fields of Energy, Electronics, Communications, Computers, and Control. ICICS provides innovators to identify new opportunities for the social and economic benefits of society.  This conference bridges the gap between academics and R&D institutions, social visionaries, and experts from all strata of society to present their ongoing research activities and foster research relations between them. It provides opportunities for the exchange of new ideas, applications, and experiences in the field of smart technologies and finding global partners for future collaboration. The ICICS-2020 was conducted in two broad categories, Intelligent Circuits & Intelligent Systems and Emerging Technologies in Electrical Engineering

    Méthodes de codage et d'estimation adaptative appliquées aux communications sans fil

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    Les recherches et les contributions présentées portent sur des techniques de traitement du signal appliquées aux communications sans fil. Elles s’articulent autour des points suivants : (1) l’estimation adaptative de canaux de communication dans différents contextes applicatifs, (2) la correction de bruit impulsionnel et la réduction du niveau de PAPR (Peak to Average Power Ratio) dans un système multi-porteuse, (3) l’optimisation de schémas de transmission pour la diffusion sur des canaux gaussiens avec/sans contrainte de sécurité, (4) l’analyse, l’interprétation et l’amélioration des algorithmes de décodage itératif par le biais de l’optimisation, de la théorie des jeux et des outils statistiques. L’accent est plus particulièrement mis sur le dernier thème