3 research outputs found

    Implementation of a GNU Radio and Python FMCW radar toolkit

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    Abstract: The use of GNU Radio in order to explore FMCW radar is growing rapidly, where it is used for radar signal processing. In this paper we implement FMCW surveillance radar for drone detection on SDR using GNU Radio and the USRP B210. The requirement was to design and implement an FMCW surveillance radar to detect a drone with a radar cross-section of 0.1 m2 and a maximum range of 150 m for the purpose of point detection..

    Sistema de radar SDR de onda continua m煤ltiple implementado mediante GNU Radio

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    Software Defined Radio (SDR) is a technology with recognition in Telecommunication industry because of its capacity of developing reconfigurable communication systems. This paper presents the implementation and field-testing evaluation for a low-cost radar system using the gr-radar toolbox created into the version 3.7.4 of GNU Radio. Tests allowed to measure distances and velocities of one target in movement. Velocity estimation errors were obtained with 1.8聽% and 3.22聽% in a round trip. Range estimation errors were also obtained with 1.56聽% and 2.75聽% in a round trip. Radar system was configured to transmit at 2.4 GHz with Multiple CW technique. The test scenario was the Nueva Granada Military University Campus in Colombia. The results are oriented toward use this tools for deepening on basic Radar principles with low-cost devices.Radio definido por software (SDR) es una tecnolog铆a reconocida en la industria de telecomunicaciones por su capacidad para desarrollar sistemas de comunicaci贸n reconfigurables. Este trabajo presenta el dise帽o, la implementaci贸n y la evaluaci贸n de un radar de bajo costo utilizando la librer铆a gr-radar disponible desde la versi贸n 3.7.4 de GNU Radio. La evaluaci贸n de desempe帽o del radar implementado se realiz贸 mediante pruebas en espacio abierto donde fue posible medir con gran exactitud la distancia y la velocidad de un objeto en movimiento. En la estimaci贸n de la velocidad se obtuvo un error de 1,98聽% en el trayecto de ida y de 3,22聽% en el de regreso. Para la estimaci贸n de posici贸n se obtuvo un error promedio de 1,56聽% para los trayectos de ida y de 2,75聽% en el regreso. El sistema de radar fue configurado para transmitir a 2,4 GHz con la t茅cnica de ondas continuas m煤ltiples. El escenario en el que se desarroll贸 la prueba del sistema fue el campus de la Universidad Militar Nueva Granada, en Cajic谩 (Colombia). Los resultados mostrados en este trabajo se orientan a la profundizaci贸n en las t茅cnicas de radar empleando herramientas de bajo costo

    Software Defined Pulse-Doppler Radar for Over-The-Air Applications: The Joint Radar-Communications Experiment

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    abstract: In this paper, the Software Defined Radio (SDR) platform is considered for building a pseudo-monostatic, 100MHz Pulse-Doppler radar. The SDR platform has many benefits for experimental communications systems as it offers relatively cheap, parametrically dynamic, off-the-shelf access to the Radiofrequency (RF) spectrum. For this application, the Universal Software Radio Peripheral (USRP) X310 hardware package is utilized with GNURadio for interfacing to the device and Matlab for signal post- processing. Pulse doppler radar processing is used to ascertain the range and velocity of a target considered in simulation and in real, over-the-air (OTA) experiments. The USRP platform offers a scalable and dynamic hardware package that can, with relatively low overhead, be incorporated into other experimental systems. This radar system will be considered for implementation into existing over-the-air Joint Radar- Communications (JRC) spectrum sharing experiments. The JRC system considers a co-designed architecture in which a communications user and a radar user share the same spectral allocation. Where the two systems would traditionally consider one another a source of interference, the receiver is able to decode communications information and discern target information via pulse-doppler radar simultaneously.Dissertation/ThesisMasters Thesis Electrical Engineering 201