102,701 research outputs found

    The implementation and validation of improved landsurface hydrology in an atmospheric general circulation model

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    Landsurface hydrological parameterizations are implemented in the NASA Goddard Institute for Space Studies (GISS) General Circulation Model (GCM). These parameterizations are: (1) runoff and evapotranspiration functions that include the effects of subgrid scale spatial variability and use physically based equations of hydrologic flux at the soil surface, and (2) a realistic soil moisture diffusion scheme for the movement of water in the soil column. A one dimensional climate model with a complete hydrologic cycle is used to screen the basic sensitivities of the hydrological parameterizations before implementation into the full three dimensional GCM. Results of the final simulation with the GISS GCM and the new landsurface hydrology indicate that the runoff rate, especially in the tropics is significantly improved. As a result, the remaining components of the heat and moisture balance show comparable improvements when compared to observations. The validation of model results is carried from the large global (ocean and landsurface) scale, to the zonal, continental, and finally the finer river basin scales

    Making space for proactive adaptation of rapidly changing coasts: a windows of opportunity approach

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    Coastlines are very often places where the impacts of global change are felt most keenly, and they are also often sites of high values and intense use for industry, human habitation, nature conservation and recreation. In many countries, coastlines are a key contested territory for planning for climate change, and also locations where development and conservation conflicts play out. As a “test bed” for climate change adaptation, coastal regions provide valuable, but highly diverse experiences and lessons. This paper sets out to explore the lessons of coastal planning and development for the implementation of proactive adaptation, and the possibility to move from adaptation visions to actual adaptation governance and planning. Using qualitative analysis of interviews and workshops, we first examine what the barriers are to proactive adaptation at the coast, and how current policy and practice frames are leading to avoidable lock-ins and other maladaptive decisions that are narrowing our adaptation options. Using examples from UK, we then identify adaptation windows that can be opened, reframed or transformed to set the course for proactive adaptation which links high level top-down legislative requirements with local bottom-up actions. We explore how these windows can be harnessed so that space for proactive adaptation increases and maladaptive decisions are reduced

    Cepheid distances from the SpectroPhoto-Interferometry of Pulsating Stars (SPIPS) - Application to the prototypes delta Cep and eta Aql

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    The parallax of pulsation, and its implementations such as the Baade-Wesselink method and the infrared surface bright- ness technique, is an elegant method to determine distances of pulsating stars in a quasi-geometrical way. However, these classical implementations in general only use a subset of the available observational data. Freedman & Madore (2010) suggested a more physical approach in the implementation of the parallax of pulsation in order to treat all available data. We present a global and model-based parallax-of-pulsation method that enables including any type of observational data in a consistent model fit, the SpectroPhoto-Interferometric modeling of Pulsating Stars (SPIPS). We implemented a simple model consisting of a pulsating sphere with a varying effective temperature and a combina- tion of atmospheric model grids to globally fit radial velocities, spectroscopic data, and interferometric angular diameters. We also parametrized (and adjusted) the reddening and the contribution of the circumstellar envelopes in the near-infrared photometric and interferometric measurements. We show the successful application of the method to two stars: delta Cep and eta Aql. The agreement of all data fitted by a single model confirms the validity of the method. Derived parameters are compatible with publish values, but with a higher level of confidence. The SPIPS algorithm combines all the available observables (radial velocimetry, interferometry, and photometry) to estimate the physical parameters of the star (ratio distance/ p-factor, Teff, presence of infrared excess, color excess, etc). The statistical precision is improved (compared to other methods) thanks to the large number of data taken into account, the accuracy is improved by using consistent physical modeling and the reliability of the derived parameters is strengthened thanks to the redundancy in the data.Comment: 10 pages, 4 figures, A&A in pres

    DRS: Dynamic Resource Scheduling for Real-Time Analytics over Fast Streams

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    In a data stream management system (DSMS), users register continuous queries, and receive result updates as data arrive and expire. We focus on applications with real-time constraints, in which the user must receive each result update within a given period after the update occurs. To handle fast data, the DSMS is commonly placed on top of a cloud infrastructure. Because stream properties such as arrival rates can fluctuate unpredictably, cloud resources must be dynamically provisioned and scheduled accordingly to ensure real-time response. It is quite essential, for the existing systems or future developments, to possess the ability of scheduling resources dynamically according to the current workload, in order to avoid wasting resources, or failing in delivering correct results on time. Motivated by this, we propose DRS, a novel dynamic resource scheduler for cloud-based DSMSs. DRS overcomes three fundamental challenges: (a) how to model the relationship between the provisioned resources and query response time (b) where to best place resources; and (c) how to measure system load with minimal overhead. In particular, DRS includes an accurate performance model based on the theory of \emph{Jackson open queueing networks} and is capable of handling \emph{arbitrary} operator topologies, possibly with loops, splits and joins. Extensive experiments with real data confirm that DRS achieves real-time response with close to optimal resource consumption.Comment: This is the our latest version with certain modificatio
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