1 research outputs found

    Implementation And Comparison Of Three Architectures For Gesture Recognition

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    Several systems for automatic gesture recognition have been developed using different strategies and approaches. In these systems the recognition engine is mainly based on three algorithms: dynamic pattern matching, statistical classification, and neural networks (NN). In that paper three architectures for the recognition of dynamic gestures using the above mentioned techniques or a hybrid combination of them are presented and compared. For all architectures a common preprocessor receives as input a sequence of color images, and produces as output a sequence of feature vectors of continuous parameters. The first two systems are hybrid architectures consisting of a combination of neural networks and hidden Markov models (HMM). NNs are used for the classification of single feature vectors while HMMs for the modeling of sequences of them with the aim to exploit the properties of both these tools. More precisely, in the rst system a Kohonen feature map (SOM) clusters the input space. Furt..