25 research outputs found

    Imperfect Digital Fibre Optic Link Based Cooperative Distributed Antennas with Fractional Frequency Reuse in Multicell Multiuser Networks

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    The achievable throughput of the entire cellular area is investigated, when employing fractional frequency reuse techniques in conjunction with realistically modelled imperfect optical fibre aided distributed antenna systems (DAS) operating in a multicell multiuser scenario. Given a fixed total transmit power, a substantial improvement of the cell-edge area's throughput can be achieved without reducing the cell-centre's throughput. The cell-edge's throughput supported in the worst-case direction is significantly enhanced by the cooperative linear transmit processing technique advocated. Explicitly, a cell-edge throughput of η=5\eta=5 bits/s/Hz may be maintained for an imperfect optical fibre model, regardless of the specific geographic distribution of the users

    Effects of practical impairments on cooperative distributed antennas combined with fractional frequency reuse

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    Cooperative Multiple Point (CoMP) transmission aided Distributed Antenna Systems (DAS) are proposed for increasing the received Signal-to-Interference-plus-Noise-Ratio (SINR) in the cell-edge area of a cellular system employing Fractional Frequency Reuse (FFR) in the presence of realistic imperfect Channel State Information (CSI) as well as synchronisation errors between the transmitters and the receivers. Our simulation results demonstrate that the CoMP aided DAS scenario is capable of increasing the attainable SINR by up to 3dB in the presence of a wide range of realistic imperfections

    Distributed Antenna Systems in Fractional-Frequency-Reuse-Aided Cellular Networks

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    Baseband Radio over Fiber Aided Millimeter-Wave Distributed Antenna for Optical/Wireless Integration

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    A Baseband Radio Over Fiber (BROF) architecture is proposed, where upto four Radio Frequency (RF) carriers can be generated, while using the heterodyne photo-detection of only two optical signals. This proposed BROF architecture has a star-like structure and it is composed of six Radio Access Units (RAUs), where data is transmitted from the Central Unit (CU) to the Base Station (BS) and from the BS to the RAU over a distance of 20 Km and 0.3 Km, respectively, at a rate of 768 Mbps. The performance of the system supporting four carrier frequencies drops by at most 1dB, at a BER of 10-9, compared to conventional heterodyne photo-detection

    Fixed-complexity quantum-assisted multi-user detection for CDMA and SDMA

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    In a system supporting numerous users the complexity of the optimal Maximum Likelihood Multi-User Detector (ML MUD) becomes excessive. Based on the superimposed constellations of K users, the ML MUD outputs the specific multilevel K-user symbol that minimizes the Euclidean distance with respect to the faded and noise-contaminated received multi-level symbol. Explicitly, the Euclidean distance is considered as the Cost Function (CF). In a system supporting K users employing M-ary modulation, the ML MUD uses MK CF evaluations (CFE) per time slot. In this contribution we propose an Early Stopping-aided Durr-Høyer algorithm-based Quantum-assisted MUD (ES-DHA QMUD) based on two techniques for achieving optimal ML detection at a low complexity. Our solution is also capable of flexibly adjusting the QMUD's performance and complexity trade-off, depending on the computing power available at the base station. We conclude by proposing a general design methodology for the ES-DHA QMUD in the context of both CDMA and SDMA systems

    Fixed-Complexity Quantum-Assisted Multi-User Detection for CDMA and SDMA

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