3 research outputs found

    Detecting TCP SYN Flood Attack in the Cloud

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    In this paper, an approach to protecting virtual machines (VMs) against TCP SYN flood attack in a cloud environment is proposed. An open source cloud platform Eucalyptus is deployed and experimentation is carried out on this setup. We investigate attacks emanating from one VM to another in a multi-tenancy cloud environment. Various scenarios of the attack are executed on a webserver VM. To detect such attacks from a cloud provider’s perspective, a security mechanism involving a packet sniffer, feature extraction process, a classifier and an alerting component is proposed and implemented. We experiment with k-nearest neighbor and artificial neural network for classification of the attack. The dataset obtained from the attacks on the webserver VM is passed through the classifiers. The artificial neural network produced a F1 score of 1 with the test cases implying a 100% detection accuracy of the malicious attack traffic from legitimate traffic. The proposed security mechanism shows promising results in detecting TCP SYN flood attack behaviors in the cloud

    Elastic Scalable Cloud Computing Using Application-Level Migration

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    middleware framework to support autonomous workload elas-ticity and scalability based on application-level migration as a reconfiguration strategy. While other scalable frameworks (e.g., MapReduce or Google App Engine) force application developers to write programs following specific APIs, COS provides scal-ability in a general-purpose programming framework based on an actor-oriented programming language. When all executing VMs are highly utilized, COS scales a workload up by migrating mobile actors over to newly dynamically created VMs. When VM utilization drops, COS scales the workload down by consolidating actors and terminating idle VMs. Application-level migration is advantageous compared to VM migration especially in hybrid clouds in which migration costs over the Internet are critical to scale out the workloads. We demonstrate the general purpose programming approach using a tightly-coupled computation. We compare the performance of autonomous (i.e., COS-driven) versus ideal reconfiguration, as well as the impact of granularity of reconfiguration, i.e., VM migration versus application-level migration. Our results show promise for future fully automated cloud computing resource management systems that efficiently enable truly elastic and scalable general-purpose workloads. I

    Impact of Virtual Machine Granularity on Cloud Computing Workloads Performance

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    Abstract—This paper studies the impact of VM granularity on workload performance in cloud computing environments. We use HPL as a representative tightly coupled computational workload and a web server providing content to customers as a representative loosely coupled network intensive workload. The performance evaluation demonstrates VM granularity has a significant impact on the performance of the computational workload. On an 8-CPU machine, the performance obtained from utilizing 8VMs is more than 4 times higher than that given by 4 or 16 VMs for HPL of problem size 4096; whereas on two machines with a total of 12 CPUs 24 VMs gives the best performance for HPL of problem sizes from 256 to 1024. Our results also indicate that the effect of VM granularity on the performance of the web system is not critical. The largest standard deviation of the transaction rates obtained from varying VM granularity is merely 2.89 with a mean value of 21.34. These observations suggest that VM malleability strategies where VM granularity is changed dynamically, can be used to improve the performance of tightly coupled computational workloads, whereas VM consolidation for energy savings can be more effectively applied to loosely coupled network intensive workloads