837 research outputs found

    The Design of A High Capacity and Energy Efficient Phase Change Main Memory

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    Higher energy-efficiency has become essential in servers for a variety of reasons that range from heavy power and thermal constraints, environmental issues and financial savings. With main memory responsible for at least 30% of the energy consumed by a server, a low power main memory is fundamental to achieving this energy efficiency DRAM has been the technology of choice for main memory for the last three decades primarily because it traditionally combined relatively low power, high performance, low cost and high density. However, with DRAM nearing its density limit, alternative low-power memory technologies, such as Phase-change memory (PCM), have become a feasible replacement. PCM limitations, such as limited endurance and low write performance, preclude simple drop-in replacement and require new architectures and algorithms to be developed. A PCM main memory architecture (PMMA) is introduced in this dissertation, utilizing both DRAM and PCM, to create an energy-efficient main memory that is able to replace a DRAM-only memory. PMMA utilizes a number of techniques and architectural changes to achieve a level of performance that is par with DRAM. PMMA achieves gains in energy-delay of up to 65%, with less than 5% of performance loss and extremely high energy gains. To address the other major shortcoming of PCM, namely limited endurance, a novel, low- overhead wear-leveling algorithm that builds on PMMA is proposed that increases the lifetime of PMMA to match the expected server lifetime so that both server and memory subsystems become obsolete at about the same time. We also study how to better use the excess capacity, traditionally available on PCM devices, to obtain the highest lifetime possible. We show that under specific endurance distributions, the naive choice does not achieve the highest lifetime. We devise rules that empower the designer to select algorithms and parameters to achieve higher lifetime or simplify the design knowing the impact on the lifetime. The techniques presented also apply to other storage class memories (SCM) memories that suffer from limited endurance

    CEPRAM: Compression for Endurance in PCM RAM

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    We deal with the endurance problem of Phase Change Memories (PCM) by proposing Compression for Endurance in PCM RAM (CEPRAM), a technique to elongate the lifespan of PCM-based main memory through compression. We introduce a total of three compression schemes based on already existent schemes, but targeting compression for PCM-based systems. We do a two-level evaluation. First, we quantify the performance of the compression, in terms of compressed size, bit-flips and how they are affected by errors. Next, we simulate these parameters in a statistical simulator to study how they affect the endurance of the system. Our simulation results reveal that our technique, which is built on top of Error Correcting Pointers (ECP) but using a high-performance cache-oriented compression algorithm modified to better suit our purpose, manages to further extend the lifetime of the memory system. In particular, it guarantees that at least half of the physical pages are in usable condition for 25% longer than ECP, which is slightly more than 5% more than a scheme that can correct 16 failures per block


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    Enclosed in this thesis work it can be found the results of a three years long research activity performed during the XXIV-th cycle of the Ph.D. school in Engineering Science of the Università degli Studi di Ferrara. The topic of this work is concerned about the electrical characterization, physics, modeling and reliability of innovative non-volatile memories, addressing most of the proposed alternative to the floating-gate based memories which currently are facing a technology dead end. Throughout the chapters of this thesis it will be provided a detailed characterization of the envisioned replacements for the common NOR and NAND Flash technologies into the near future embedded and MPSoCs (Multi Processing System on Chip) systems. In Chapter 1 it will be introduced the non-volatile memory technology with direct reference on nowadays Flash mainstream, providing indications and comments on why the system designers should be forced to change the approach to new memory concepts. In Chapter 2 it will be presented one of the most studied post-floating gate memory technology for MPSoCs: the Phase Change Memory. The results of an extensive electrical characterization performed on these devices led to important discoveries such as the kinematics of the erase operation and potential reliability threats in memory operations. A modeling framework has been developed to support the experimental results and to validate them on projected scaled technology. In Chapter 3 an embedded memory for automotive environment will be shown: the SimpleEE p-channel memory. The characterization of this memory proven the technology robustness providing at the same time new insights on the erratic bits phenomenon largely studied on NOR and NAND counterparts. Chapter 4 will show the research studies performed on a memory device based on the Nano-MEMS concept. This particular memory generation proves to be integrated in very harsh environment such as military applications, geothermal and space avionics. A detailed study on the physical principles underlying this memory will be presented. In Chapter 5 a successor of the standard NAND Flash will be analyzed: the Charge Trapping NAND. This kind of memory shares the same principles of the traditional floating gate technology except for the storage medium which now has been substituted by a discrete nature storage (i.e. silicon nitride traps). The conclusions and the results summary for each memory technology will be provided in Chapter 6. Finally, on Appendix A it will be shown the results of a recently started research activity on the high level reliability memory management exploiting the results of the studies for Phase Change Memories

    Performance Analysis of NAND Flash Memory Solid-State Disks

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    As their prices decline, their storage capacities increase, and their endurance improves, NAND Flash Solid-State Disks (SSD) provide an increasingly attractive alternative to Hard Disk Drives (HDD) for portable computing systems and PCs. HDDs have been an integral component of computing systems for several decades as long-term, non-volatile storage in memory hierarchy. Today's typical hard disk drive is a highly complex electro-mechanical system which is a result of decades of research, development, and fine-tuned engineering. Compared to HDD, flash memory provides a simpler interface, one without the complexities of mechanical parts. On the other hand, today's typical solid-state disk drive is still a complex storage system with its own peculiarities and system problems. Due to lack of publicly available SSD models, we have developed our NAND flash SSD models and integrated them into DiskSim, which is extensively used in academe in studying storage system architectures. With our flash memory simulator, we model various solid-state disk architectures for a typical portable computing environment, quantify their performance under real user PC workloads and explore potential for further improvements. We find the following: * The real limitation to NAND flash memory performance is not its low per-device bandwidth but its internal core interface. * NAND flash memory media transfer rates do not need to scale up to those of HDDs for good performance. * SSD organizations that exploit concurrency at both the system and device level improve performance significantly. * These system- and device-level concurrency mechanisms are, to a significant degree, orthogonal: that is, the performance increase due to one does not come at the expense of the other, as each exploits a different facet of concurrency exhibited within the PC workload. * SSD performance can be further improved by implementing flash-oriented queuing algorithms, access reordering, and bus ordering algorithms which exploit the flash memory interface and its timing differences between read and write requests