3 research outputs found

    Differences in spatial memory recognition due to cognitive style

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    Field independence refers to the ability to perceive details from the surrounding context as a whole and to represent the environment by relying on an internal reference frame. Conversely, field dependence individuals tend to focus their attention on single environmental features analysing them individually. This cognitive style affects several visuo-spatial abilities including spatial memory. This study assesses both the effect of field independence and field dependence on performance displayed on virtual environments of different complexity. Forty young healthy individuals took part in this study. Participants performed the Embedded Figures Test for field independence or dependence assessment and a new spatial memory recognition test. The spatial memory recognition test demanded to memorize a green box location in a virtual room picture. Thereafter, during ten trials participants had to decide if a green box was located in the same position as in the sample picture. Five of the pictures were correct. The information available in the virtual room was manipulated. Hence, two different experimental conditions were tested: a virtual room containing all landmarks and a virtual room with only two cues. Accuracy and reaction time were registered. Analyses demonstrated that higher field independent individuals were related to better spatial memory performance in two landmarks condition and were faster in all landmark condition. In addition, men and women did not differ in their performance. These results suggested that cognitive style affects spatial memory performance and this phenomenon is modulated by environment complexity. This does not affect accuracy but time spent. Moreover, field dependent individuals are unable to organize the navigational field by relying on internal reference frames when few landmarks are available, and this causes them to commit more errors

    The relationship of learning style and internet-dependent behavior among students of humanities

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    The article examines the features of the relationship between the learning style and Internet-dependent behavior of students of humanities. The purpose of the article was to study the peculiarities of the teaching style of stu-dents with different levels of Internet-dependent behavior. The study used Chen's CMAS technique, D.Kolb's method of "Determining the learning style". The authors analyzed the problem of Internet involvement, identified the features of the development of the learning style and the level of development of Internet-dependent behavior. The relationship between the characteristics of learning styles and Internet-dependent behavior at the student age was investigated. The sample consisted of 97 students of humanities. The authors have shown that there are significant differences between the learning style and the development of Internet-dependent behavior. In particular, it was found that students with different levels of involvement in Internet communication have certain patterns in the structural organization of cognition styles