1,552 research outputs found

    Impact of Encryption on Qos in Voip

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    This paper studies the impact of different encryption algorithms on the quality of Voice over Internet Protocol (VoIP). Assuring Quality of Service (QoS) is one of the primary issues in any IP based application that examines the voice quality of VoIP. This paper examines QoS in terms of lost packet ratio, latency and jitter using different encryption algorithms along with firewalling at the IP layer. The results of laboratory tests indicate that the impact on the overall performance of VoIP depends upon the bandwidth available and encryption used. Findings include the need for the provision of bandwidth for encryption, and even when adequate bandwidth is provided encryption algorithms can increase lost packet ratios and packet latency, and reduce.Overall, the results indicate the implementation of encryption algorithms may degrade the voice quality even if bandwidth is adequate

    VoIP: Making Secure Calls and Maintaining High Call Quality

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    Modern multimedia communication tools must have high security, high availability and high quality of service (QoS). Any security implementation will directly impact on QoS. This paper will investigate how end-to-end security impacts on QoS in Voice over Internet Protocol (VoIP). The QoS is measured in terms of lost packet ratio, latency and jitter using different encryption algorithms, no security and just the use of IP firewalls in Local and Wide Area Networks (LAN and WAN). The results of laboratory tests indicate that the impact on the overall performance of VoIP depends upon the bandwidth availability and encryption algorithm used. The implementation of any encryption algorithm in low bandwidth environments degrades the voice quality due to increased loss packets and packet latency, but as bandwidth increases encrypted VoIP calls provided better service compared to an unsecured environment.Les eines modernes de comunicació multimèdia han de tenir alta seguretat, alta disponibilitat i alta qualitat de servei (QoS). Cap tipus d¿implementació de seguretat tindrà un impacte directe en la qualitat de servei. En aquest article s¿investiga com la seguretat d'extrem a extrem impacta en la qualitat de servei de veu sobre el Protocol d'Internet (VoIP). La qualitat de servei es mesura en termes de pèrdua de proporció de paquets, latència i jitter utilitzant diferents algoritmes d¿encriptació, sense seguretat i només amb l'ús de tallafocs IP en local i en xarxes d'àrea àmplia (LAN i WAN). Els resultats de les proves de laboratori indiquen que l'impacte general sobre el rendiment de VoIP depèn de la disponibilitat d'ample de banda i l'algorisme de xifrat que s'utilitza. La implementació de qualsevol algorisme de xifrat en entorns de baix ample de banda degrada la veu a causa de l'augment de la pèrdua de paquets i latència dels paquets de qualitat, però quan l'ample de banda augmenta les trucades de VoIP xifrades proporcionen un millor servei en comparació amb un entorn sense seguretat.Las herramientas modernas de comunicación multimedia deben tener alta seguridad, alta disponibilidad y alta calidad de servicio (QoS). Ningún tipo de implementación de seguridad tendrá un impacto directo en la calidad de servicio. En este artículo se investiga como la seguridad de extremo a extremo impacta en la calidad de servicio de voz sobre el Protocolo de Internet (VoIP). La calidad de servicio se mide en términos de pérdida de proporción de paquetes, latencia y jitter utilizando diferentes algoritmos de encriptación, sin seguridad y sólo con el uso de cortafuegos IP en local y en redes de área amplia (LAN y WAN). Los resultados de las pruebas de laboratorio indican que el impacto general sobre el rendimiento de VoIP depende de la disponibilidad de ancho de banda y el algoritmo de cifrado que se utiliza. La implementación de cualquier algoritmo de cifrado en entornos de bajo ancho de banda degrada la voz debido al aumento de la pérdida de paquetes y latencia de los paquetes de calidad, pero cuando el ancho de banda aumenta las llamadas de VoIP cifradas proporcionan un mejor servicio en comparación con un entorno sin seguridad

    Quality of Service challenges for Voice over Internet Protocol (VoIP) within the wireless environment

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    Designing and optimization of VOIP PBX infrastructure

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    In the recent decade, communication has stirred from the old wired medium such as public switched telephone network (PSTN) to the Internet. Present, Voice over Internet Protocol (VoIP) Technology used for communication on internet by means of packet switching technique. Several years ago, an internet protocol (IP) based organism was launched, which is known as Private Branch Exchange "PBX", as a substitute of common PSTN systems. For free communication, probably you must have to be pleased with starting of domestic calls. Although, fairly in few cases, VoIP services can considerably condense our periodical phone bills. For instance, if someone makes frequent global phone calls, VoIP talk service is the actual savings treat which cannot achieve by using regular switched phone. VoIP talk services strength help to trim down your phone bills if you deal with a lot of long-distance (international) and as well as domestic phone calls. However, with the VoIP success, threats and challenges also stay behind. In this dissertation, by penetration testing one will know that how to find network vulnerabilities how to attack them to exploit the network for unhealthy activities and also will know about some security techniques to secure a network. And the results will be achieved by penetration testing will indicate of proven of artefact and would be helpful to enhance the level of network security to build a more secure network in future

    Securing VoIP: A Framework to Mitigate or Manage Risks

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    In Australia, the past few years have seen Voice over IP (VoIP) move from a niche communications medium used by organisations with the appropriate infrastructure and capabilities to a technology that is available to any one with a good broadband connection. Driven by low cost and no cost phone calls, easy to use VoIP clients and increasingly reliable connections, VoIP is replacing the Public Switch Telephone Network (PSTN) in a growing number of households. VoIP adoption appears to be following a similar path to early Internet adoption, namely little awareness by users of the security implications. Lack of concern about security by VoIP users is probably due to the relatively risk free service provided by the PSTN. However, VoIP applications use the Internet as their communications medium and therefore the risk profile is significantly different to the PSTN. This paper reviews the risks for two VoIP implementation models now being increasingly used in Australian homes; the PC softphone and the Analogue Telephony Adaptor (ATA). An overview of each of the VoIP implementation models is given together with a description of the respective technologies and protocols utilised. The VoIP security threats, applicable to the two VoIP implementation models considered, are enumerated and vulnerabilities that could be exploited are considered. Available security mechanisms that address the identified vulnerabilities are discussed. A practical and pragmatic VoIP security framework is proposed that will enable a user to mitigate or manage the risks associated with using the VoIP implementation models considered. By applying the VoIP security framework a user will be able to deploy a secure VoIP solution appropriate for residential use


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    Voice over Internet Protocol (VoIP) has been in existence for a number of years but only quite recently has it developed into mass adoption. As VoIP technology penetrates worldwide telecommunications markets, the advancements achieved in performance, cost reduction, and feature supportmake VoIP a convincingproposition for service providers, equipment manufacturers, and end users. Since the introduction of mass-market VoIP services over broadband Internet in 2004, security and safeguarding are becoming a more important obligation in VoIP solutions. The purpose of this final year project is to study and analyze VoIP and implement the security aspect using Secure Real-time Transport Protocol (SRTP) end-to-end media encryption in the Universiti Teknologi PETRONAS (UTP) laboratory. Extensive research, evaluation of case studies, literature reviews, network analysis, as well as testing and experimentation are the methods employed in achieving a secure and reliable VoIP network. With the given time frame and adequate resources, the study and analysis of VoIP and implementation of SRTP should prove to be very successful