125 research outputs found

    Spectrum Utilization and Congestion of IEEE 802.11 Networks in the 2.4 GHz ISM Band

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    Wi-Fi technology, plays a major role in society thanks to its widespread availability, ease of use and low cost. To assure its long term viability in terms of capacity and ability to share the spectrum efficiently, it is of paramount to study the spectrum utilization and congestion mechanisms in live environments. In this paper the service level in the 2.4 GHz ISM band is investigated with focus on todays IEEE 802.11 WLAN systems with support for the 802.11e extension. Here service level means the overall Quality of Service (QoS), i.e. can all devices fulfill their communication needs? A crosslayer approach is used, since the service level can be measured at several levels of the protocol stack. The focus is on monitoring at both the Physical (PHY) and the Medium Access Control (MAC) link layer simultaneously by performing respectively power measurements with a spectrum analyzer to assess spectrum utilization and packet sniffing to measure the congestion. Compared to traditional QoS analysis in 802.11 networks, packet sniffing allows to study the occurring congestion mechanisms more thoroughly. The monitoring is applied for the following two cases. First the influence of interference between WLAN networks sharing the same radio channel is investigated in a controlled environment. It turns out that retry rate, Clear-ToSend (CTS), Request-To-Send (RTS) and (Block) Acknowledgment (ACK) frames can be used to identify congestion, whereas the spectrum analyzer is employed to identify the source of interference. Secondly, live measurements are performed at three locations to identify this type of interference in real-live situations. Results show inefficient use of the wireless medium in certain scenarios, due to a large portion of management and control frames compared to data content frames (i.e. only 21% of the frames is identified as data frames)

    A fair access mechanism based on TXOP in IEEE 802.11e wireless networks

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    IEEE 802.11e is an extension of IEEE 802.11 that provides Quality of Service (QoS) for the applications with different service requirements. This standard makes use of several parameters such as contention window; inter frame space time and transmission opportunity to create service differentiation in the network. Transmission opportunity (TXOP), that is the focus point of this paper, is the time interval, during which a station is allowed to transmit packets without any contention. As the fixed amounts of TXOPs are allocated to different stations, unfairness appears in the network. And when users with different data rates exist, IEEE 802.11e WLANs face the lack of fairness in the network. Because the higher data rate stations transfer more data than the lower rate ones. Several mechanisms have been proposed to solve this problem by generating new TXOPs adaptive to the network's traffic condition. In this paper, some proposed mechanisms are evaluated and according to their evaluated strengths and weaknesses, a new mechanism is proposed for TXOP determination in IEEE 802.11e wireless networks. Our new algorithm considers data rate, channel error rate and data packet lengths to calculate adaptive TXOPs for the stations. The simulation results show that the proposed algorithm leads to better fairness and also higher throughput and lower delays in the network.

    An admission control scheme for IEEE 802.11e wireless local area networks

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    Includes bibliographical references (leaves 80-84).Recent times has seen a tremendous increase in the deployment and use of 802.11 Wireless Local Area Networks (WLANs). These networks are easy to deploy and maintain, while providing reasonably high data rates at a low cost. In the paradigm of Next-Generation-Networks (NGNs), WLANs can be seen as an important access network technology to support IP multimedia services. However a traditional WLAN does not provide Quality of Service (QoS) support since it was originally designed for best effort operation. The IEEE 802. 11e standard was introduced to overcome the lack of QoS support for the legacy IEEE 802 .11 WLANs. It enhances the Media Access Control (MAC) layer operations to incorporate service differentiation. However, there is a need to prevent overloading of wireless channels, since the QoS experienced by traffic flows is degraded with heavily loaded channels. An admission control scheme for IEEE 802.11e WLANs would be the best solution to limit the amount of multimedia traffic so that channel overloading can be prevented. Some of the work in the literature proposes admission control solutions to protect the QoS of real-time traffic for IEEE 802.11e Enhanced Distributed Channel Access (EDCA). However, these solutions often under-utilize the resources of the wireless channels. A measurement-aided model-based admission control scheme for IEEE 802.11e EDCA WLANs is proposed to provide reasonable bandwidth guarantees to all existing flows. The admission control scheme makes use of bandwidth estimations that allows the bandwidth guarantees of all the flows that are admitted into the network to be protected. The bandwidth estimations are obtained using a developed analytical model of IEEE 802.11e EDCA channels. The admission control scheme also aims to accept the maximum amount of flows that can be accommodated by the network's resources. Through simulations, the performance of the proposed admission control scheme is evaluated using NS-2. Results show that accurate bandwidth estimations can be obtained when comparing the estimated achievable bandwidth to actual simulated bandwidth. The results also validate that the bandwidth needs of all admitted traffic are always satisfied when the admission control scheme is applied. It was also found that the admission control scheme allows the maximum amount of flows to be admitted into the network, according the network's capacity

    Performance modelling and enhancement of wireless communication protocols

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    In recent years, Wireless Local Area Networks(WLANs) play a key role in the data communications and networking areas, having witnessed significant research and development. WLANs are extremely popular being almost everywhere including business,office and home deployments.In order to deal with the modem Wireless connectivity needs,the Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers(IEEE) has developed the 802.11 standard family utilizing mainly radio transmission techniques, whereas the Infrared Data Association (IrDA) addressed the requirement for multipoint connectivity with the development of the Advanced Infrared(Alr) protocol stack. This work studies the collision avoidance procedures of the IEEE 802.11 Distributed Coordination Function (DCF) protocol and suggests certain protocol enhancements aiming at maximising performance. A new, elegant and accurate analysis based on Markov chain modelling is developed for the idealistic assumption of unlimited packet retransmissions as well as for the case of finite packet retry limits. Simple equations are derived for the through put efficiency, the average packet delay, the probability of a packet being discarded when it reaches the maximum retransmission limit, the average time to drop such a packet and the packet inter-arrival time for both basic access and RTS/CTS medium access schemes.The accuracy of the mathematical model is validated by comparing analytical with OPNET simulation results. An extensive and detailed study is carried out on the influence of performance of physical layer, data rate, packet payload size and several backoff parameters for both medium access mechanisms. The previous mathematical model is extended to take into account transmission errors that can occur either independently with fixed Bit Error Rate(BER) or in bursts. The dependency of the protocol performance on BER and other factors related to independent and burst transmission errors is explored. Furthermore, a simple-implement appropriate tuning of the back off algorithm for maximizing IEEE 802-11 protocol performance is proposed depending on the specific communication requirements. The effectiveness of the RTS/CTS scheme in reducing collision duration at high data rates is studied and an all-purpose expression for the optimal use of the RTS/CTS reservation scheme is derived. Moreover, an easy-to-implement backoff algorithm that significantly enhances performance is introduced and an alternative derivation is developed based on elementary conditional probability arguments rather than bi-dimensional Markov chains. Finally, an additional performance improvement scheme is proposed by employing packet bursting in order to reduce overhead costs such as contention time and RTS/CTSex changes. Fairness is explored in short-time and long-time scales for both the legacy DCF and packet bursting cases. AIr protocol employs the RTS/CTS medium reservation scheme to cope with hidden stations and CSMA/CA techniques with linear contention window (CW) adjustment for medium access. A 1-dimensional Markov chain model is constructed instead of the bi-dimensional model in order to obtain simple mathematical equations of the average packet delay.This new approach greatly simplifies previous analyses and can be applied to any CSMA/CA protocol.The derived mathematical model is validated by comparing analytical with simulation results and an extensive Alr packet delay evaluation is carried out by taking into account all the factors and parameters that affect protocol performance. Finally, suitable values for both backoff and protocol parameters are proposed that reduce average packet delay and, thus, maximize performance

    Efficient real-time video delivery in vehicular networks

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    Tesis por compendio[EN] Vehicular Ad-hoc Networks (VANET) are a special type of networks where the nodes involved in the communication are vehicles. VANETs are created when several vehicles connect among themselves without the use of any infrastructure. In certain situations the absence of infrastructure is an advantage, but it also creates several challenges that should be overcome. One of the main problems related with the absence of infrastructure is the lack of a coordinator that can ensure a certain level of quality in order to enable the correct transmission of video and audio. Video transmission can be extremely useful in this type of networks as it can be used for videoconferencing of by traffic authorities to monitor the scene of an accident. In this thesis we focused on real time video transmission, providing solutions for both unicast and multicast environments. Specifically, we built a real-world testbed scenario and made a comparison with simulation results to validate the behavior of the simulation models. Using that testbed we implemented and improved DACME, an admission control module able to provide Quality of Service (QoS) to unicast video transmissions. DACME proved to be a valid solution to obtain a certain level of QoS in multi-hop environments. Concerning multicast video transmission, we developed and simulated several flooding schemes, focusing specifically on VANET environments. In this scope, the main contribution of this thesis is the Automatic Copies Distance Based (ACDB) flooding scheme. Thanks to the use of the perceived vehicular density, ACDB is a zeroconf scheme able to achieve good video quality in both urban and highway environments, being specially effective in highway environments.[ES] Las redes vehiculares ad-hoc (VANET) son un tipo especial de redes en las que los nodos que participan de la comunicación son vehículos. Las VANETs se crean cuando diversos vehículos se conectan entre ellos sin el uso de ninguna infraestructura. En determinadas situaciones, la ausencia de infraestructura es una ventaja, pero también crea una gran cantidad de desafíos que se deben superar. Uno de los principales problemas relacionados con la ausencia de infraestructura, es la ausencia de un coordinador que pueda asegurar un determinado nivel de calidad, para poder asegurar la correcta transmisión de audio y vídeo. La transmisión de vídeo puede ser de extrema utilidad en este tipo de redes ya que puede ser empleada para videoconferencias o por las autoridades de tráfico para monitorizar el estado de un accidente. En esta tesis nos centramos en la transmisión de vídeo en tiempo real, proveyendo soluciones tanto para entornos unicast como multicast. En particular construimos un banco de pruebas real y comparamos los resultados obtenidos con resultados obtenidos en un entorno simulado para comprobar la fiabilidad de estos modelos. Usando el mismo banco de pruebas, implementamos y mejoramos DACME, un módulo de control de admisión capaz de proveer de calidad de servicio a transmisiones de vídeo unicast. DACME probó ser una solución válida para obtener ciertos niveles de calidad de servicio en entornos multisalto. En lo referente a la transmisión de vídeo multicast, desarrollamos y simulamos diversos esquemas de difusión diseñados específicamente para entornos VANET. En este campo, la principal contribución de esta tesis es el esquema de difusión "Automatic Copies Distance Based" (ACDB). Gracias al uso de la densidad vehicular percibida, ACDB es un esquema, que sin necesidad de configuración, permite alcanzar una buena calidad de vídeo tanto en entornos urbanos como en autopistas, siendo especialmente efectivo en este último entorno.[CA] Les xarxes vehiculars ad-hoc (VANET) son un tipus de xarxes especials a les que els diferents nodes que formen part d'una comunicació son vehicles. Les VANETs es formen quan diversos vehicles es connecten sense fer ús de cap infraestructura. A certes situacions l'absència d'una infraestructura suposa un avantatge, encara que també genera una gran quantitat de desafiaments que s'han de superar. U dels principals problemes relacionats amb l'absència d'infraestructura, és la manca d'un coordinador que puga garantir una correcta transmissió tant de video com d'àudio. La transmissió de video pot ser d'extrema utilitat a aquest tipus de xarxes, ja que es por emprar tant per a videoconferències com per part de les autoritats de trànsit per monitoritzar l'estat d'un accident. A aquesta tesi ens centrem en transmissió de video en temps real, proporcionant solucions tant a entorns unicast como a entorns multicast. Particularment, vam construir un banc de proves i obtinguérem resultats que comparàrem amb resultats obtinguts mitjançant simulació. D'aquesta manera validarem la fiabilitat dels resultats simulats. Fent ús del mateix banc de proves, vàrem implementar i millorar DACME, un mòdul de control d'admissió, capaç de proveir de qualitat de servici a transmissions de video unicast. DACME va provar ser una bona solució per obtindré un bon nivell de qualitat de servici en entorns de xarxes ad-hoc amb diversos salts. Si ens centrem a la transmissió de video multicast, vàrem implementar i simular diferents esquemes de difusió, específicament dissenyats per al seu ús a entorns VANET. La principal contribució d'aquesta tesi es l'esquema de difusió ACDB (Automatic Copies Distance Based). Fent ús de la densitat vehicular, ACDB es capaç d'obtindre una bona qualitat de video tant a ciutats com a vies interurbanes, sent a especialment efectiu a aquestes últimes. A més a més no es necessària cap configuració per part de l'usuari.Torres Cortés, Á. (2016). Efficient real-time video delivery in vehicular networks [Tesis doctoral no publicada]. Universitat Politècnica de València. https://doi.org/10.4995/Thesis/10251/62685TESISCompendi

    Rigorous and Practical Proportional-fair Allocation for Multi-rate Wi-Fi

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    Recent experimental studies confirm the prevalence of the widely known performance anomaly problem in current Wi-Fi networks, and report on the severe network utility degradation caused by this phenomenon. Although a large body of work addressed this issue, we attribute the refusal of prior solutions to their poor implementation feasibility with off-the-shelf hardware and their impre- cise modelling of the 802.11 protocol. Their applicability is further challenged today by very high throughput enhancements (802.11n/ac) whereby link speeds can vary by two orders of magnitude. Unlike earlier approaches, in this paper we introduce the first rigorous analytical model of 802.11 stations’ throughput and airtime in multi-rate settings, without sacrificing accuracy for tractability. We use the proportional-fair allocation criterion to formulate network utility maximisation as a con- vex optimisation problem for which we give a closed-form solution. We present a fully functional light-weight implementation of our scheme on commodity access points and evaluate this extensively via experiments in a real deployment, over a broad range of network conditions. Results demonstrate that our proposal achieves up to 100% utility gains, can double video streaming goodput and reduces TCP download times by 8x