7 research outputs found

    A note on forbidding clique immersions

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    Robertson and Seymour proved that the relation of graph immersion is well-quasi-ordered for finite graphs. Their proof uses the results of graph minors theory. Surprisingly, there is a very short proof of the corresponding rough structure theorem for graphs without KtK_t-immersions; it is based on the Gomory-Hu theorem. The same proof also works to establish a rough structure theorem for Eulerian digraphs without K⃗t\vec{K}_t-immersions, where K⃗t\vec{K}_t denotes the bidirected complete digraph of order tt

    Constructing graphs with no immersion of large complete graphs

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    In 1989, Lescure and Meyniel proved, for d=5,6d=5, 6, that every dd-chromatic graph contains an immersion of KdK_d, and in 2003 Abu-Khzam and Langston conjectured that this holds for all dd. In 2010, DeVos, Kawarabayashi, Mohar, and Okamura proved this conjecture for d=7d = 7. In each proof, the dd-chromatic assumption was not fully utilized, as the proofs only use the fact that a dd-critical graph has minimum degree at least d−1d - 1. DeVos, Dvo\v{r}\'ak, Fox, McDonald, Mohar, and Scheide show the stronger conjecture that a graph with minimum degree d−1d-1 has an immersion of KdK_d fails for d=10d=10 and d≥12d\geq 12 with a finite number of examples for each value of dd, and small chromatic number relative to dd, but it is shown that a minimum degree of 200d200d does guarantee an immersion of KdK_d. In this paper we show that the stronger conjecture is false for d=8,9,11d=8,9,11 and give infinite families of examples with minimum degree d−1d-1 and chromatic number d−3d-3 or d−2d-2 that do not contain an immersion of KdK_d. Our examples can be up to (d−2)(d-2)-edge-connected. We show, using Haj\'os' Construction, that there is an infinite class of non-(d−1)(d-1)-colorable graphs that contain an immersion of KdK_d. We conclude with some open questions, and the conjecture that a graph GG with minimum degree d−1d - 1 and more than ∣V(G)∣1+m(d+1)\frac{|V(G)|}{1+m(d+1)} vertices of degree at least mdmd has an immersion of KdK_d

    Immersion of complete digraphs in Eulerian digraphs

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    A digraph GG \emph{immerses} a digraph HH if there is an injection f:V(H)→V(G)f : V(H) \to V(G) and a collection of pairwise edge-disjoint directed paths PuvP_{uv}, for uv∈E(H)uv \in E(H), such that PuvP_{uv} starts at uu and ends at vv. We prove that every Eulerian digraph with minimum out-degree tt immerses a complete digraph on Ω(t)\Omega(t) vertices, thus answering a question of DeVos, Mcdonald, Mohar, and Scheide.Comment: 17 pages; fixed typo

    Sublinear expanders and their applications

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    In this survey we aim to give a comprehensive overview of results using sublinear expanders. The term sublinear expanders refers to a variety of definitions of expanders, which typically are defined to be graphs GG such that every not-too-small and not-too-large set of vertices UU has neighbourhood of size at least α∣U∣\alpha |U|, where α\alpha is a function of nn and ∣U∣|U|. This is in contrast with linear expanders, where α\alpha is typically a constant. :We will briefly describe proof ideas of some of the results mentioned here, as well as related open problems.Comment: 39 pages, 15 figures. This survey will appear in `Surveys in Combinatorics 2024' (the proceedings of the 30th British Combinatorial Conference