526 research outputs found

    SPLODE: Semi-Probabilistic Point and Line Odometry with Depth Estimation from RGB-D Camera Motion

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    Active depth cameras suffer from several limitations, which cause incomplete and noisy depth maps, and may consequently affect the performance of RGB-D Odometry. To address this issue, this paper presents a visual odometry method based on point and line features that leverages both measurements from a depth sensor and depth estimates from camera motion. Depth estimates are generated continuously by a probabilistic depth estimation framework for both types of features to compensate for the lack of depth measurements and inaccurate feature depth associations. The framework models explicitly the uncertainty of triangulating depth from both point and line observations to validate and obtain precise estimates. Furthermore, depth measurements are exploited by propagating them through a depth map registration module and using a frame-to-frame motion estimation method that considers 3D-to-2D and 2D-to-3D reprojection errors, independently. Results on RGB-D sequences captured on large indoor and outdoor scenes, where depth sensor limitations are critical, show that the combination of depth measurements and estimates through our approach is able to overcome the absence and inaccuracy of depth measurements.Comment: IROS 201

    Low Power Depth Estimation of Rigid Objects for Time-of-Flight Imaging

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    Depth sensing is useful in a variety of applications that range from augmented reality to robotics. Time-of-flight (TOF) cameras are appealing because they obtain dense depth measurements with minimal latency. However, for many battery-powered devices, the illumination source of a TOF camera is power hungry and can limit the battery life of the device. To address this issue, we present an algorithm that lowers the power for depth sensing by reducing the usage of the TOF camera and estimating depth maps using concurrently collected images. Our technique also adaptively controls the TOF camera and enables it when an accurate depth map cannot be estimated. To ensure that the overall system power for depth sensing is reduced, we design our algorithm to run on a low power embedded platform, where it outputs 640x480 depth maps at 30 frames per second. We evaluate our approach on several RGB-D datasets, where it produces depth maps with an overall mean relative error of 0.96% and reduces the usage of the TOF camera by 85%. When used with commercial TOF cameras, we estimate that our algorithm can lower the total power for depth sensing by up to 73%

    ExWarp: Extrapolation and Warping-based Temporal Supersampling for High-frequency Displays

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    High-frequency displays are gaining immense popularity because of their increasing use in video games and virtual reality applications. However, the issue is that the underlying GPUs cannot continuously generate frames at this high rate -- this results in a less smooth and responsive experience. Furthermore, if the frame rate is not synchronized with the refresh rate, the user may experience screen tearing and stuttering. Previous works propose increasing the frame rate to provide a smooth experience on modern displays by predicting new frames based on past or future frames. Interpolation and extrapolation are two widely used algorithms that predict new frames. Interpolation requires waiting for the future frame to make a prediction, which adds additional latency. On the other hand, extrapolation provides a better quality of experience because it relies solely on past frames -- it does not incur any additional latency. The simplest method to extrapolate a frame is to warp the previous frame using motion vectors; however, the warped frame may contain improperly rendered visual artifacts due to dynamic objects -- this makes it very challenging to design such a scheme. Past work has used DNNs to get good accuracy, however, these approaches are slow. This paper proposes Exwarp -- an approach based on reinforcement learning (RL) to intelligently choose between the slower DNN-based extrapolation and faster warping-based methods to increase the frame rate by 4x with an almost negligible reduction in the perceived image quality

    LightGlue: Local Feature Matching at Light Speed

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    We introduce LightGlue, a deep neural network that learns to match local features across images. We revisit multiple design decisions of SuperGlue, the state of the art in sparse matching, and derive simple but effective improvements. Cumulatively, they make LightGlue more efficient - in terms of both memory and computation, more accurate, and much easier to train. One key property is that LightGlue is adaptive to the difficulty of the problem: the inference is much faster on image pairs that are intuitively easy to match, for example because of a larger visual overlap or limited appearance change. This opens up exciting prospects for deploying deep matchers in latency-sensitive applications like 3D reconstruction. The code and trained models are publicly available at https://github.com/cvg/LightGlue
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