271 research outputs found

    AdaWCT: Adaptive Whitening and Coloring Style Injection

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    Adaptive instance normalization (AdaIN) has become the standard method for style injection: by re-normalizing features through scale-and-shift operations, it has found widespread use in style transfer, image generation, and image-to-image translation. In this work, we present a generalization of AdaIN which relies on the whitening and coloring transformation (WCT) which we dub AdaWCT, that we apply for style injection in large GANs. We show, through experiments on the StarGANv2 architecture, that this generalization, albeit conceptually simple, results in significant improvements in the quality of the generated images.Comment: 4 pages + ref

    Instance-Aware Domain Generalization for Face Anti-Spoofing

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    Face anti-spoofing (FAS) based on domain generalization (DG) has been recently studied to improve the generalization on unseen scenarios. Previous methods typically rely on domain labels to align the distribution of each domain for learning domain-invariant representations. However, artificial domain labels are coarse-grained and subjective, which cannot reflect real domain distributions accurately. Besides, such domain-aware methods focus on domain-level alignment, which is not fine-grained enough to ensure that learned representations are insensitive to domain styles. To address these issues, we propose a novel perspective for DG FAS that aligns features on the instance level without the need for domain labels. Specifically, Instance-Aware Domain Generalization framework is proposed to learn the generalizable feature by weakening the features' sensitivity to instance-specific styles. Concretely, we propose Asymmetric Instance Adaptive Whitening to adaptively eliminate the style-sensitive feature correlation, boosting the generalization. Moreover, Dynamic Kernel Generator and Categorical Style Assembly are proposed to first extract the instance-specific features and then generate the style-diversified features with large style shifts, respectively, further facilitating the learning of style-insensitive features. Extensive experiments and analysis demonstrate the superiority of our method over state-of-the-art competitors. Code will be publicly available at https://github.com/qianyuzqy/IADG.Comment: Accepted to IEEE/CVF Conference on Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition (CVPR), 202

    Deepfake Style Transfer Mixture: a First Forensic Ballistics Study on Synthetic Images

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    Most recent style-transfer techniques based on generative architectures are able to obtain synthetic multimedia contents, or commonly called deepfakes, with almost no artifacts. Researchers already demonstrated that synthetic images contain patterns that can determine not only if it is a deepfake but also the generative architecture employed to create the image data itself. These traces can be exploited to study problems that have never been addressed in the context of deepfakes. To this aim, in this paper a first approach to investigate the image ballistics on deepfake images subject to style-transfer manipulations is proposed. Specifically, this paper describes a study on detecting how many times a digital image has been processed by a generative architecture for style transfer. Moreover, in order to address and study accurately forensic ballistics on deepfake images, some mathematical properties of style-transfer operations were investigated
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