46 research outputs found

    Statistical Tools for Digital Image Forensics

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    A digitally altered image, often leaving no visual clues of having been tampered with, can be indistinguishable from an authentic image. The tampering, however, may disturb some underlying statistical properties of the image. Under this assumption, we propose five techniques that quantify and detect statistical perturbations found in different forms of tampered images: (1) re-sampled images (e.g., scaled or rotated); (2) manipulated color filter array interpolated images; (3) double JPEG compressed images; (4) images with duplicated regions; and (5) images with inconsistent noise patterns. These techniques work in the absence of any embedded watermarks or signatures. For each technique we develop the theoretical foundation, show its effectiveness on credible forgeries, and analyze its sensitivity and robustness to simple counter-attacks

    Image Forgery Localization via Fine-Grained Analysis of CFA Artifacts

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    In this paper, a forensic tool able to discriminate between original and forged regions in an image captured by a digital camera is presented. We make the assumption that the image is acquired using a Color Filter Array, and that tampering removes the artifacts due to the demosaicking algorithm. The proposed method is based on a new feature measuring the presence of demosaicking artifacts at a local level, and on a new statistical model allowing to derive the tampering probability of each 2 Ă— 2 image block without requiring to know a priori the position of the forged region. Experimental results on different cameras equipped with different demosaicking algorithms demonstrate both the validity of the theoretical model and the effectiveness of our schem

    Image Evolution Analysis Through Forensic Techniques

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    Passive Techniques for Detecting and Locating Manipulations in Digital Images

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    Tesis inédita de la Universidad Complutense de Madrid, Facultad de Informática, leída el 19-11-2020El numero de camaras digitales integradas en dispositivos moviles as como su uso en la vida cotidiana esta en continuo crecimiento. Diariamente gran cantidad de imagenes digitales, generadas o no por este tipo de dispositivos, circulan en Internet o son utilizadas como evidencias o pruebas en procesos judiciales. Como consecuencia, el analisis forense de imagenes digitales cobra importancia en multitud de situaciones de la vida real. El analisis forense de imagenes digitales se divide en dos grandes ramas: autenticidad de imagenes digitales e identificacion de la fuente de adquisicion de una imagen. La primera trata de discernir si una imagen ha sufrido algun procesamiento posterior al de su creacion, es decir, que no haya sido manipulada. La segunda pretende identificar el dispositivo que genero la imagen digital. La verificacion de la autenticidad de imagenes digitales se puedellevar a cabo mediante tecnicas activas y tecnicas pasivas de analisis forense. Las tecnicas activas se fundamentan en que las imagenes digitales cuentan con \marcas" presentes desde su creacion, de forma que cualquier tipo de alteracion que se realice con posterioridad a su generacion, modificara las mismas, y, por tanto, permitiran detectar si ha existido un posible post-proceso o manipulacion...The number of digital cameras integrated into mobile devices as well as their use in everyday life is continuously growing. Every day a large number of digital images, whether generated by this type of device or not, circulate on the Internet or are used as evidence in legal proceedings. Consequently, the forensic analysis of digital images becomes important in many real-life situations. Forensic analysis of digital images is divided into two main branches: authenticity of digital images and identi cation of the source of acquisition of an image. The first attempts to discern whether an image has undergone any processing subsequent to its creation, i.e. that it has not been manipulated. The second aims to identify the device that generated the digital image. Verification of the authenticity of digital images can be carried out using both active and passive forensic analysis techniques. The active techniques are based on the fact that the digital images have "marks"present since their creation so that any type of alteration made after their generation will modify them, and therefore will allow detection if there has been any possible post-processing or manipulation. On the other hand, passive techniques perform the analysis of authenticity by extracting characteristics from the image...Fac. de InformáticaTRUEunpu

    Digital forensic techniques for the reverse engineering of image acquisition chains

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    In recent years a number of new methods have been developed to detect image forgery. Most forensic techniques use footprints left on images to predict the history of the images. The images, however, sometimes could have gone through a series of processing and modification through their lifetime. It is therefore difficult to detect image tampering as the footprints could be distorted or removed over a complex chain of operations. In this research we propose digital forensic techniques that allow us to reverse engineer and determine history of images that have gone through chains of image acquisition and reproduction. This thesis presents two different approaches to address the problem. In the first part we propose a novel theoretical framework for the reverse engineering of signal acquisition chains. Based on a simplified chain model, we describe how signals have gone in the chains at different stages using the theory of sampling signals with finite rate of innovation. Under particular conditions, our technique allows to detect whether a given signal has been reacquired through the chain. It also makes possible to predict corresponding important parameters of the chain using acquisition-reconstruction artefacts left on the signal. The second part of the thesis presents our new algorithm for image recapture detection based on edge blurriness. Two overcomplete dictionaries are trained using the K-SVD approach to learn distinctive blurring patterns from sets of single captured and recaptured images. An SVM classifier is then built using dictionary approximation errors and the mean edge spread width from the training images. The algorithm, which requires no user intervention, was tested on a database that included more than 2500 high quality recaptured images. Our results show that our method achieves a performance rate that exceeds 99% for recaptured images and 94% for single captured images.Open Acces

    Resiliency Assessment and Enhancement of Intrinsic Fingerprinting

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    Intrinsic fingerprinting is a class of digital forensic technology that can detect traces left in digital multimedia data in order to reveal data processing history and determine data integrity. Many existing intrinsic fingerprinting schemes have implicitly assumed favorable operating conditions whose validity may become uncertain in reality. In order to establish intrinsic fingerprinting as a credible approach to digital multimedia authentication, it is important to understand and enhance its resiliency under unfavorable scenarios. This dissertation addresses various resiliency aspects that can appear in a broad range of intrinsic fingerprints. The first aspect concerns intrinsic fingerprints that are designed to identify a particular component in the processing chain. Such fingerprints are potentially subject to changes due to input content variations and/or post-processing, and it is desirable to ensure their identifiability in such situations. Taking an image-based intrinsic fingerprinting technique for source camera model identification as a representative example, our investigations reveal that the fingerprints have a substantial dependency on image content. Such dependency limits the achievable identification accuracy, which is penalized by a mismatch between training and testing image content. To mitigate such a mismatch, we propose schemes to incorporate image content into training image selection and significantly improve the identification performance. We also consider the effect of post-processing against intrinsic fingerprinting, and study source camera identification based on imaging noise extracted from low-bit-rate compressed videos. While such compression reduces the fingerprint quality, we exploit different compression levels within the same video to achieve more efficient and accurate identification. The second aspect of resiliency addresses anti-forensics, namely, adversarial actions that intentionally manipulate intrinsic fingerprints. We investigate the cost-effectiveness of anti-forensic operations that counteract color interpolation identification. Our analysis pinpoints the inherent vulnerabilities of color interpolation identification, and motivates countermeasures and refined anti-forensic strategies. We also study the anti-forensics of an emerging space-time localization technique for digital recordings based on electrical network frequency analysis. Detection schemes against anti-forensic operations are devised under a mathematical framework. For both problems, game-theoretic approaches are employed to characterize the interplay between forensic analysts and adversaries and to derive optimal strategies. The third aspect regards the resilient and robust representation of intrinsic fingerprints for multiple forensic identification tasks. We propose to use the empirical frequency response as a generic type of intrinsic fingerprint that can facilitate the identification of various linear and shift-invariant (LSI) and non-LSI operations

    Image Splicing Detection Based on Demosaicking and Wavelet Transformation

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    Image splicing is a form of digital image manipulation by combining two or more image into a new image. The application was developed through a passive approach using demosaicking and wavelet transformation method. This research purposed a method to implement the demosaicking and wavelet transform for digital image forgery detection with a passive approach. This research shows that (1) demosaicking can be used as a comparison image in forgery detection; (2) the application of demosaicking and wavelet transformation can improve the quality of the input image (3) demosaicking and wavelet algorithm are able to estimate whether the input image is real or fake image with a passive approach and estimate the manipulation area from the input image

    Multimedia Forensic Analysis via Intrinsic and Extrinsic Fingerprints

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    Digital imaging has experienced tremendous growth in recent decades, and digital images have been used in a growing number of applications. With such increasing popularity of imaging devices and the availability of low-cost image editing software, the integrity of image content can no longer be taken for granted. A number of forensic and provenance questions often arise, including how an image was generated; from where an image was from; what has been done on the image since its creation, by whom, when and how. This thesis presents two different sets of techniques to address the problem via intrinsic and extrinsic fingerprints. The first part of this thesis introduces a new methodology based on intrinsic fingerprints for forensic analysis of digital images. The proposed method is motivated by the observation that many processing operations, both inside and outside acquisition devices, leave distinct intrinsic traces on the final output data. We present methods to identify these intrinsic fingerprints via component forensic analysis, and demonstrate that these traces can serve as useful features for such forensic applications as to build a robust device identifier and to identify potential technology infringement or licensing. Building upon component forensics, we develop a general authentication and provenance framework to reconstruct the processing history of digital images. We model post-device processing as a manipulation filter and estimate its coefficients using a linear time invariant approximation. Absence of in-device fingerprints, presence of new post-device fingerprints, or any inconsistencies in the estimated fingerprints across different regions of the test image all suggest that the image is not a direct device output and has possibly undergone some kind of processing, such as content tampering or steganographic embedding, after device capture. While component forensics is widely applicable in a number of scenarios, it has performance limitations. To understand the fundamental limits of component forensics, we develop a new theoretical framework based on estimation and pattern classification theories, and define formal notions of forensic identifiability and classifiability of components. We show that the proposed framework provides a solid foundation to study information forensics and helps design optimal input patterns to improve parameter estimation accuracy via semi non-intrusive forensics. The final part of the thesis investigates a complementing extrinsic approach via image hashing that can be used for content-based image authentication and other media security applications. We show that the proposed hashing algorithm is robust to common signal processing operations and present a systematic evaluation of the security of image hash against estimation and forgery attacks