2,342 research outputs found

    Plant image retrieval using color, shape and texture features

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    We present a content-based image retrieval system for plant image retrieval, intended especially for the house plant identification problem. A plant image consists of a collection of overlapping leaves and possibly flowers, which makes the problem challenging.We studied the suitability of various well-known color, shape and texture features for this problem, as well as introducing some new texture matching techniques and shape features. Feature extraction is applied after segmenting the plant region from the background using the max-flow min-cut technique. Results on a database of 380 plant images belonging to 78 different types of plants show promise of the proposed new techniques and the overall system: in 55% of the queries, the correct plant image is retrieved among the top-15 results. Furthermore, the accuracy goes up to 73% when a 132-image subset of well-segmented plant images are considered

    MIRACLE at ImageCLEFannot 2008: Classification of Image Features for Medical Image Annotation

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    This paper describes the participation of MIRACLE research consortium at the ImageCLEF Medical Image Annotation task of ImageCLEF 2008. A lot of effort was invested this year to develop our own image analysis system, based on MATLAB, to be used in our experiments. This system extracts a variety of global and local features including histogram, image statistics, Gabor features, fractal dimension, DCT and DWT coefficients, Tamura features and coocurrency matrix statistics. Then a k-Nearest Neighbour algorithm analyzes the extracted image feature vectors to determine the IRMA code associated to a given image. The focus of our experiments is mainly to test and evaluate this system in-depth and to make a comparison among diverse configuration parameters such as number of images for the relevance feedback to use in the classification module

    Sabanci-Okan system at ImageClef 2011: plant identication task

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    We describe our participation in the plant identication task of ImageClef 2011. Our approach employs a variety of texture, shape as well as color descriptors. Due to the morphometric properties of plants, mathematical morphology has been advocated as the main methodology for texture characterization, supported by a multitude of contour-based shape and color features. We submitted a single run, where the focus has been almost exclusively on scan and scan-like images, due primarily to lack of time. Moreover, special care has been taken to obtain a fully automatic system, operating only on image data. While our photo results are low, we consider our submission successful, since besides being our rst attempt, our accuracy is the highest when considering the average of the scan and scan-like results, upon which we had concentrated our eorts

    Giving eyes to ICT!, or How does a computer recognize a cow?

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    Het door Schouten en andere onderzoekers op het CWI ontwikkelde systeem berust op het beschrijven van beelden met behulp van fractale meetkunde. De menselijke waarneming blijkt mede daardoor zo efficiënt omdat zij sterk werkt met gelijkenissen. Het ligt dus voor de hand het te zoeken in wiskundige methoden die dat ook doen. Schouten heeft daarom beeldcodering met behulp van 'fractals' onderzocht. Fractals zijn zelfgelijkende meetkundige figuren, opgebouwd door herhaalde transformatie (iteratie) van een eenvoudig basispatroon, dat zich daardoor op steeds kleinere schalen vertakt. Op elk niveau van detaillering lijkt een fractal op zichzelf (Droste-effect). Met fractals kan men vrij eenvoudig bedrieglijk echte natuurvoorstellingen maken. Fractale beeldcodering gaat ervan uit dat het omgekeerde ook geldt: een beeld effectief opslaan in de vorm van de basispatronen van een klein aantal fractals, samen met het voorschrift hoe het oorspronkelijke beeld daaruit te reconstrueren. Het op het CWI in samenwerking met onderzoekers uit Leuven ontwikkelde systeem is mede gebaseerd op deze methode. ISBN 906196502