2,185 research outputs found

    Semantic bottleneck for computer vision tasks

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    This paper introduces a novel method for the representation of images that is semantic by nature, addressing the question of computation intelligibility in computer vision tasks. More specifically, our proposition is to introduce what we call a semantic bottleneck in the processing pipeline, which is a crossing point in which the representation of the image is entirely expressed with natural language , while retaining the efficiency of numerical representations. We show that our approach is able to generate semantic representations that give state-of-the-art results on semantic content-based image retrieval and also perform very well on image classification tasks. Intelligibility is evaluated through user centered experiments for failure detection

    ABC-CNN: An Attention Based Convolutional Neural Network for Visual Question Answering

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    We propose a novel attention based deep learning architecture for visual question answering task (VQA). Given an image and an image related natural language question, VQA generates the natural language answer for the question. Generating the correct answers requires the model's attention to focus on the regions corresponding to the question, because different questions inquire about the attributes of different image regions. We introduce an attention based configurable convolutional neural network (ABC-CNN) to learn such question-guided attention. ABC-CNN determines an attention map for an image-question pair by convolving the image feature map with configurable convolutional kernels derived from the question's semantics. We evaluate the ABC-CNN architecture on three benchmark VQA datasets: Toronto COCO-QA, DAQUAR, and VQA dataset. ABC-CNN model achieves significant improvements over state-of-the-art methods on these datasets. The question-guided attention generated by ABC-CNN is also shown to reflect the regions that are highly relevant to the questions

    Video Storytelling: Textual Summaries for Events

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    Bridging vision and natural language is a longstanding goal in computer vision and multimedia research. While earlier works focus on generating a single-sentence description for visual content, recent works have studied paragraph generation. In this work, we introduce the problem of video storytelling, which aims at generating coherent and succinct stories for long videos. Video storytelling introduces new challenges, mainly due to the diversity of the story and the length and complexity of the video. We propose novel methods to address the challenges. First, we propose a context-aware framework for multimodal embedding learning, where we design a Residual Bidirectional Recurrent Neural Network to leverage contextual information from past and future. Second, we propose a Narrator model to discover the underlying storyline. The Narrator is formulated as a reinforcement learning agent which is trained by directly optimizing the textual metric of the generated story. We evaluate our method on the Video Story dataset, a new dataset that we have collected to enable the study. We compare our method with multiple state-of-the-art baselines, and show that our method achieves better performance, in terms of quantitative measures and user study.Comment: Published in IEEE Transactions on Multimedi

    Tensor Product Generation Networks for Deep NLP Modeling

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    We present a new approach to the design of deep networks for natural language processing (NLP), based on the general technique of Tensor Product Representations (TPRs) for encoding and processing symbol structures in distributed neural networks. A network architecture --- the Tensor Product Generation Network (TPGN) --- is proposed which is capable in principle of carrying out TPR computation, but which uses unconstrained deep learning to design its internal representations. Instantiated in a model for image-caption generation, TPGN outperforms LSTM baselines when evaluated on the COCO dataset. The TPR-capable structure enables interpretation of internal representations and operations, which prove to contain considerable grammatical content. Our caption-generation model can be interpreted as generating sequences of grammatical categories and retrieving words by their categories from a plan encoded as a distributed representation

    Generating Video Descriptions with Topic Guidance

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    Generating video descriptions in natural language (a.k.a. video captioning) is a more challenging task than image captioning as the videos are intrinsically more complicated than images in two aspects. First, videos cover a broader range of topics, such as news, music, sports and so on. Second, multiple topics could coexist in the same video. In this paper, we propose a novel caption model, topic-guided model (TGM), to generate topic-oriented descriptions for videos in the wild via exploiting topic information. In addition to predefined topics, i.e., category tags crawled from the web, we also mine topics in a data-driven way based on training captions by an unsupervised topic mining model. We show that data-driven topics reflect a better topic schema than the predefined topics. As for testing video topic prediction, we treat the topic mining model as teacher to train the student, the topic prediction model, by utilizing the full multi-modalities in the video especially the speech modality. We propose a series of caption models to exploit topic guidance, including implicitly using the topics as input features to generate words related to the topic and explicitly modifying the weights in the decoder with topics to function as an ensemble of topic-aware language decoders. Our comprehensive experimental results on the current largest video caption dataset MSR-VTT prove the effectiveness of our topic-guided model, which significantly surpasses the winning performance in the 2016 MSR video to language challenge.Comment: Appeared at ICMR 201